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Axe Of Khorne

Axe Of Khorne

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Glad to see you alive

heretic scum


The feeling is mutual

loyalist whelp

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    Fingerling Potato

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Holy fuck!!!

Did y'all read this latest chapter of one piece?!?!?!!!

Führer Itulhu

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Her name is Athena Charlotte, everyone. Naturally no last name will be given, but she's so magnificent.

You're not losers. Psh. Most of you. (Let's not talk about Itano, he's meandering about our midst again).

Here i am trying to be nice and change my ways but you just gotta hit me.

Anyway thats a nice name~


I encountered you.....

This world has chosen the reality and future that shouldn't have been chosen

That's Why I'm here

Shmuser Name

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I'm always reminded of the d-bag things Athena did in Greek mythology.



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Greek Mythology came from a time where the world had different standards of what it meant to be an asshole. I'm sure people thought the goddess Athena was a pleasant woman.


Congratulations on the baby, Mischief! 

Diabolical Rhapsody

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I'm always reminded of the d-bag things Athena did in Greek mythology.

Well depends on the narrative and perspective but mostly Athena was the most lovable and upright of all the Greek pantheon. Perhaps, Artemis and maybe, Persephone would have a cleaner image but otherwise she outshone all others in acceptable behaviour.



If you have the time: 





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Well depends on the narrative and perspective but mostly Athena was the most lovable and upright of all the Greek pantheon. Perhaps, Artemis and maybe, Persephone would have a cleaner image but otherwise she outshone all others in acceptable behaviour.


This is far from true, Athena was one of the worst. She did have a pretty name though.

Edited by Mors, 04 March 2016 - 03:05 AM.


"The sun is new each day."



    Fingerling Potato

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I have no idea which Greek myths the lot of you have read. Ares was the jackass god of war in the ones I know of.

Edited by Hero of Ishval, 04 March 2016 - 03:32 AM.



Myself, as told by a Hawk;


Officer Judy Hopps

Officer Judy Hopps

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Here i am trying to be nice and change my ways but you just gotta hit me.
Anyway thats a nice name~

It's out of love, dear.

Greek Mythology came from a time where the world had different standards of what it meant to be an asshole. I'm sure people thought the goddess Athena was a pleasant woman.
Congratulations on the baby, Mischief!

Thank you! She's got strawberry blonde hair and stormy blue eyes. Just like her mum. :3

Here is hoping it sticks, her poor father will have some nightmarish years coming when she hits teenage years.

Well depends on the narrative and perspective but mostly Athena was the most lovable and upright of all the Greek pantheon. Perhaps, Artemis and maybe, Persephone would have a cleaner image but otherwise she outshone all others in acceptable behaviour.

We were actually stuck between Artemis and Athena. XD

So we stuck with the one known most for her wisdom. Artemis would still have been a wonderful choice. And Charlotte is her grandmother's name. So it's very pretty, imo.


Me, according to a Hero:




    Fingerling Potato

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It's always a great celebration when new life is introduced into this world!!!

Cool name, you gonna make her to be one tough cookie. She has to be, she is Athena!!



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Slightly late but it doesn't matter, it's never too late for celebration!

Edited by ANIMA, 04 March 2016 - 09:25 AM.



Johnny Paradise

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Poor Arachne got arachnified just for being a good seamstress :C

here's to a long life and dead friends


Axe Of Khorne

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So I was thinking, since the other RP's are full / in the middle of their own arcs, I thought I should maybe make a RP.


I have a couple of basic ideas, and wanna see if / which of you guys are interested.


  • Spartacus themed Coliseum RP - survival-like where you must fight / cheat to survive. Maybe you want to escape, or earn your freedom, or perhaps just to enjoy the ride...
  • Space Hulk / Deathwatch-like RP - outlaws are forced to group up as a "suicide squad" ( Marketing are working on a less intimidating term ) on a mission that could save many lives...and make you filthy rich.
  • The Contracted RP - Mortals wielding the powers of the devil, capable of doing whatever they please...for a price. (Anima do you want to collab for this?)


Edited by Axe Of Khorne, 04 March 2016 - 10:10 AM.

If you want to sum up this creature in a paragraph...




    Potato Spud

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  • The Contracted RP - Mortals wielding the powers of the devil, capable of doing whatever they please...for a price. (Anima do you want to collab for this?)


If you mean like the last time where we both were writing for different groups, then no. You write so much better I felt seriously under pressure to keep up.


I can discuss ideas with you, help you develop a system and review CSs if you want. 

Edited by ANIMA, 04 March 2016 - 11:19 AM.



Axe Of Khorne

Axe Of Khorne

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If you mean like the last time where we both were writing for different groups, then no. You write so much better I felt seriously under pressure to write long and elaborate posts. 


I can discuss ideas with you, help you develop a system and review CSs if you want. 


That's fine. I am currently polling for interest. I've got ideas for each of the RP's, but it really is a matter of what people would rather pursue.


EDIT: Also, you were the original creator, so I thought asking first would be appropriate

Edited by Axe Of Khorne, 04 March 2016 - 11:22 AM.

If you want to sum up this creature in a paragraph...




    Potato Spud

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That's fine. I am currently polling for interest. I've got ideas for each of the RP's, but it really is a matter of what people would rather pursue.


EDIT: Also, you were the original creator, so I thought asking first would be appropriate


Eh, go for it. 


The idea itself is pretty generic. If you just used another name I wouldn't even notice kek



Axe Of Khorne

Axe Of Khorne

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Eh, go for it. 


The idea itself is pretty generic. If you just used another name I wouldn't even notice kek


It shall be known as...THE OUTSOURCED :o


Which do you prefer of the 3 Ani?

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Space Hulk/Deathwatch, at least the way you described it here, because from what I know of the two it's not really like that. 



Axe Of Khorne

Axe Of Khorne

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Space Hulk/Deathwatch, at least the way you described it here, because from what I know of the two it's not really like that. 


It was the first thing that came to my head.


But no, it isn't 40k based. 

If you want to sum up this creature in a paragraph...




    Fingerling Potato

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It was the first thing that came to my head.


But no, it isn't 40k based. 


You described something more like Blackguards really, which is cool in its own right.


P.S. Good morning Axe. Good morning Anima. Welcome back.

Edited by Inumori, 04 March 2016 - 11:48 AM.

The Dog's Woods


An Adventure by Mischief