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Officer Judy Hopps

Officer Judy Hopps

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Because Itano's skinny little shota arms can't handle an HBG.

Funny as it is, I only trust three companies. ._.


HK, Colt, Beretta. I still haven't bought a weapon from HK, but I've shot a few of them. And they've been little other than a pleasure to do so.


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Diabolical Rhapsody

Diabolical Rhapsody

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You don't need a license to go to a range and have some fun.


Ah! didn't know that. In Russia, they gave me a temporary license that allowed me to fire some as a part of the training in my school. They even added it to my fees structure to reimburse the costs of bullets fired. Pretty nifty, I say.

Yeah DR.


Just go to a range, rent a weapon of your choosing and go wild. (Not literally, please don't go wild)

You both are forgetting an important thing, I'm not from the States. Plus, I would like to shoot live rounds but only in a completely controlled environments with no live targets.


Say Missy, What's the longest you have shot?



If you have the time: 


Officer Judy Hopps

Officer Judy Hopps

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Longest shot? Accurately?


Depends. With what kind of sight? And what kind of equipment? Bipod or no, etc.


Additionally, you're not from the states? Where are you from originally, where are you now? o.o

Edited by The Hawk's Eye, 18 February 2015 - 03:33 AM.


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Führer Itulhu

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There are like a billion AR manufacturers, though.


Nothing wrong with Colt, I just think it's funny.

No, go wild. Have a blast.

Why not HBG?



Because Itano's skinny little shota arms can't handle an HBG.

Missy knows too much...



though in seriousness i use heavy sometimes but i like to master a weapon i will be using the most in multiplayer.

though some monsters force me to change weapons solo


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    Potato Spud

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In the states, the only thing they do is give you a 5-10 minute tutorial on the does and don'ts of gun handling. And then the only thing stopping you is your wallet. And state law. You need to be in a good state for some good fun.


Crimson Century: Bratumił

Edge of Destiny: Geraint

Diabolical Rhapsody

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Longest shot? Accurately?


Depends. With what kind of sight? And what kind of equipment? Bipod or no, etc.


Additionally, you're not from the states? Where are you from originally, where are you now? o.o

I have only tried a 4x so let's say that. Bipod. Or even just Iron Sights.


Originally from Italy (The quintessential quitters)xD and Currently, India.

In the states, the only thing they do is give you a 5-10 minute tutorial on the does and don'ts of gun handling. And then the only thing stopping you is your wallet. And state law. You need to be in a good state for some good fun.

I have a cousin in Texas and another in Arizona. Are they good states to have fun?



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Officer Judy Hopps

Officer Judy Hopps

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Okay. Just Iron Sights with a Bipod?


I can put a grouping about the size of a quarter in a target ranged at ~450 meters. Without a Bipod, I can do the same without a Bipod at about ~300 meters.


Longest shot I've ever made was taking the hat off a target at ~1150 meters with my father's .308. That was with a hard magnification scope and a toolthat measures windspeed/direction/humidity. (So it's kinda cheating, really) That was about a six-inch grouping.


Because of my papa, I've been handling firearms since I was little. ^^;

I also have 20/12 vision, so that helps.

Edited by The Hawk's Eye, 18 February 2015 - 03:43 AM.


Me, according to a Hero:


Diabolical Rhapsody

Diabolical Rhapsody

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Okay. Just Iron Sights with a Bipod?


I can put a grouping about the size of a quarter in a target ranged at ~450 meters. Without a Bipod, I can do the same without a Bipod at about ~300 meters.


Longest shot I've ever made was taking the hat off a target at ~1150 meters with my father's .308. That was with a hard magnification scope and a toolthat measures windspeed/direction/humidity. (So it's kinda cheating, really) That was about a six-inch grouping.


Because of my papa, I've been handling firearms since I was little. ^^;

Wow. Remind me to never mess with you. :|



If you have the time: 


Officer Judy Hopps

Officer Judy Hopps

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I have lots of practice. ^^;


There was a reason I liked Riza Hawkeye. ;3


Anyone can shoot well, it's just a matter of determining eye-dominance, understanding breathing mechanics, as well as the forces of gravity/range shooting/etc. And of course, practice. Lots of it.


That aside...can we change the topic. ._.; I don't like being seen as one of those "gun-toting nut" peoples. :(

Edited by The Hawk's Eye, 18 February 2015 - 03:47 AM.


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That aside...can we change the topic. ._.; I don't like being seen as one of those "gun-toting nut" peoples. :(


Too late. You're already basically Hitler. 


"The sun is new each day."

Diabolical Rhapsody

Diabolical Rhapsody

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Okay. x(

The longest i have shot is about 1300 meters with 8 inch grouping. I had the instructor give me concerned looks when I fired a 3" group at 450 with Iron sights.

My training was cut ahort by a week then xP



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Officer Judy Hopps

Officer Judy Hopps

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But 3 inch is really good! I've seen far worse. ._.


I was shooting next to a gentleman one day-...I'm shushing. Not talking about it. Nope. Nope nope nope.


How about...ummm....how Mors is a troll. In the dungeon.


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Führer Itulhu

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everybody on about guns and the only weapons i ever touched was swords for different styles....


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    Fingerling Potato

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Darkest Dungeon discussion begins now.

The Dog's Woods


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Did they makes the stress less stressful?


As fun as it is to ruin an entire party halfway through a dungeon, it gets old fast.


Crimson Century: Bratumił

Edge of Destiny: Geraint

Officer Judy Hopps

Officer Judy Hopps

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The heck is "Darkest Dungeon"?


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The heck is "Darkest Dungeon"?


A game and a new topic.


Did they makes the stress less stressful?


As fun as it is to ruin an entire party halfway through a dungeon, it gets old fast.


No clue. Go see if you got an update, then educate Missy on the theme. Please.

The Dog's Woods


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The heck is "Darkest Dungeon"?

Its a hardcore dungeon crawler with "stress" as one of it's premier mechanics. You lead a party of four into a handful of different dungeons to face the horrors within. There are like 12 different classes to recruit party members from. Another mechanic is the trait system. There are negative and positive traits, that be anything from dealing 15% extra damage to unholy monsters or knowing a particular dungeon well enough that you get an increased chance to scout ahead when you finish a portion of said dungeon, to being a kleptomaniac who steals loot from the party or having Syphilis. traits are picked up as you play, depending on what happens in the dungeons. On the stress system, when someone is max stressed, they either gain a Virtue(overcoming their stress and fear) or gain an Affliction, which is some form of mental trauma, like your highwayman muttering to himself and scaring your other party members, or your Vestal(Cleric) becoming abusive and constantly telling everyone they suck no matter how well they perform. Both of which cause stress build up. Virtues make your character perform way better than before in a specific way depend on the virtue.

I'm considering making an RP based on it, by the way. If I do, I'll try to fit the "Song of Swords" system into it.


Crimson Century: Bratumił

Edge of Destiny: Geraint

Officer Judy Hopps

Officer Judy Hopps

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Song of Swords system?


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All these RP's so little time T.T


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