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Wandering Rogue

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Dropping the ball in what specific manner? Graphics wise the Wii U isn't as powerful, granted, but then again I'm part of the minority that thinks graphics and physics engines don't make games good.

What do you mean in what manner?  It is on them to get the developers to come to their system.  The fact that they aren't is their failing.  The fact that their specs and system are behind the others make it a lot harder to do cross platforms which are what the big third parties are all about.  The Wii U is also hard to work with according to developers.  They never got to see it while it was being made or give it any feedback on what they want out of a system.  They went ahead and said this is our system make games.  Third Party said no thanks.  There is no incentive for them in taking the gamble to make a Wii U exclusive.  They take all the risk.  Nintendo needs to do something to bring them to the table.


Officer Judy Hopps

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Don't worry though.


I hate to say it, but Nintendo will release another Legend of Zelda game, and will get accused of being misogynists.
 "Have to save the Princess again? THAT'S SEXIST!"


People are just...ugh. I wish I could stab some certain men/women.

Edited by Feisty-Pants, 04 February 2015 - 09:45 AM.


Me, according to a Hero:


Johnny Paradise

Johnny Paradise


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omg did u guys see the preview for new zelda game? it was like just some esoteric trailer that shows nothing concrete and no actual gameplay and I don't even think there was a date


but it was so hype omgggggg

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What do you mean in what manner?  It is on them to get the developers to come to their system.  The fact that they aren't is their failing.  The fact that their specs and system are behind the others make it a lot harder to do cross platforms which are what the big third parties are all about.  The Wii U is also hard to work with according to developers.  They never got to see it while it was being made or give it any feedback on what they want out of a system.  They went ahead and said this is our system make games.  Third Party said no thanks.  There is no incentive for them in taking the gamble to make a Wii U exclusive.  They take all the risk.  Nintendo needs to do something to bring them to the table.


Just wanted your take on it. And that's unfortunately what I thought the answer would be. Friggin frat boy era only gives a damn about how pretty everything looks.


"OMG look at this game the graphics are so awesome woo!"

Me: *plays for 1 hour* "The story is cliche, the gameplay is clunky, the characters are strawmen, there's not so much a theme as there is a single line of dialogue that gets repeated ad nauseum, and the music is repetitive and annoying."

"But look at teh graphics!"


Hyperbole aside, that whole ideology annoys me. Especially since they're trying to compete with PCs as a gaming platform, and the battlefield they've chosen is the one PCs wrote and revise the book for every 3-4 months.



Myself, as told by a Hawk;


Officer Judy Hopps

Officer Judy Hopps

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PC Gaming is clearly superior.


Faster, more powerful, cheaper. Ah, Steam is my best friend. ^.~


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Johnny Paradise

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My best friend is a human being.


jk it's my cat

here's to a long life and dead friends


Führer Itulhu

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steam is evil, it knows the Aus dollar is going down but it just keeps giving me specials to games i want


I encountered you.....

This world has chosen the reality and future that shouldn't have been chosen

That's Why I'm here



    Fingerling Potato

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Eh, there's pros and cons, and the "Master Race" thing is garbage. But yeah, PCs are going to keep winning out as long as consoles keep playing by PC's rules.



Myself, as told by a Hawk;


Officer Judy Hopps

Officer Judy Hopps

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Pretty much that right there Slice.


Consoles need to be consoles, let them be consoles. Stop trying to be a PC.

Additional note:


Reading youtube comments give me cancer. @_@


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Führer Itulhu

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that's your own fault for reading them


I encountered you.....

This world has chosen the reality and future that shouldn't have been chosen

That's Why I'm here

Officer Judy Hopps

Officer Judy Hopps

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I just didn't think that they would be THAT bad.


Just. Wow. I was floored.


Me, according to a Hero:


Johnny Paradise

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Never assume there is good in the world.

here's to a long life and dead friends


Wandering Rogue

Wandering Rogue

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Just wanted your take on it. And that's unfortunately what I thought the answer would be. Friggin frat boy era only gives a damn about how pretty everything looks.


"OMG look at this game the graphics are so awesome woo!"

Me: *plays for 1 hour* "The story is cliche, the gameplay is clunky, the characters are strawmen, there's not so much a theme as there is a single line of dialogue that gets repeated ad nauseum, and the music is repetitive and annoying."

"But look at teh graphics!"


Hyperbole aside, that whole ideology annoys me. Especially since they're trying to compete with PCs as a gaming platform, and the battlefield they've chosen is the one PCs wrote and revise the book for every 3-4 months.

Huh?  I have no idea where you are coming from.  Are you saying that is my ideology?  Graphics have very little to do with the Wii U's troubles.  The Wii had the worse specs of the last gen by a good margin but that didn't matter.  It brought innovation and was cheap.  While it was different enough that it saw less cross platforms it wasn't as hard.  Wii U didn't bring innovation and it wasn't as cheap. Still cheaper than the competition but not enough so to make it an easier buy.  Less people buying it and the fact that its harder to make games for it much less cross platform means that most third parties can't afford the risk.  The numbers just aren't there for them.  They can go under from a bad selling game and just can't take chances like that.


Why are you insulting their  games for being terrible anyway?  If they made games for the Wii U those would be the same games.  If they are trash in your eyes on one console that wouldn't magically change if they were on a Nintendo system.  You think they just care about graphics?  C'mon.  


Also competing against pcs?  Well, they aren't?  I mean they brought the graphics up and made as many of the new toys as they could for their developers simply because why would you not?  Consoles are just computers that you can't alter. Customization is the real strength of the PC.  Honestly, consoles are making it worse for PC gamers because console development a lot of times takes priority which means games aren't as polished for pc because it can take a lot of testing and extra work due to the variety of specs.  If anything its pcs that are being forced to play within constrictions of consoles.  The idea that consoles are playing to pc is just dumb.  Developers make the game and try to make it run for as many things as possible.  The only ones who don't are first parties or small developers who usually just will stick to pc because its cheapest.  They just get more money and time with the system because their games have to shine and be polished.  I don't know.  I'm just not really getting where your frustration is coming from and why its being directed to where it is.  If you need someone to blame it is Nintendo.




    Potato Spud

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Eh, there's pros and cons, and the "Master Race" thing is garbage. But yeah, PCs are going to keep winning out as long as consoles keep playing by PC's rules.


But if consoles are playing by PC's rules than that makes PC the gamemaster. Clearly, PC is the master race. 


Checkmate, consolefags. 






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Pft, console casuals. 1v1 brood war pls.


"The sun is new each day."

Officer Judy Hopps

Officer Judy Hopps

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But...but...sometimes I like being a casual. :(


Me, according to a Hero:





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Filthy casual. I bet you have never even played gunZ - the duel!


"The sun is new each day."

Johnny Paradise

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where's my console version of gunbound?



here's to a long life and dead friends


Officer Judy Hopps

Officer Judy Hopps

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But...what's wrong with just playing games to have fun?


I'm usually quite terribad at them, remember Smash Bros. Mors? I was terribad. XD

Edited by Feisty-Pants, 04 February 2015 - 10:59 AM.


Me, according to a Hero:




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Huh?  I have no idea where you are coming from.  Are you saying that is my ideology?  Graphics have very little to do with the Wii U's troubles.  The Wii had the worse specs of the last gen by a good margin but that didn't matter.  It brought innovation and was cheap.  While it was different enough that it saw less cross platforms it wasn't as hard.  Wii U didn't bring innovation and it wasn't as cheap. Still cheaper than the competition but not enough so to make it an easier buy.  Less people buying it and the fact that its harder to make games for it much less cross platform means that most third parties can't afford the risk.  The numbers just aren't there for them.  They can go under from a bad selling game and just can't take chances like that.


Why are you insulting their  games for being terrible anyway?  If they made games for the Wii U those would be the same games.  If they are trash in your eyes on one console that wouldn't magically change if they were on a Nintendo system.  You think they just care about graphics?  C'mon.  


Also competing against pcs?  Well, they aren't?  I mean they brought the graphics up and made as many of the new toys as they could for their developers simply because why would you not?  Consoles are just computers that you can't alter. Customization is the real strength of the PC.  Honestly, consoles are making it worse for PC gamers because console development a lot of times takes priority which means games aren't as polished for pc because it can take a lot of testing and extra work due to the variety of specs.  If anything its pcs that are being forced to play within constrictions of consoles.  The idea that consoles are playing to pc is just dumb.  Developers make the game and try to make it run for as many things as possible.  The only ones who don't are first parties or small developers who usually just will stick to pc because its cheapest.  They just get more money and time with the system because their games have to shine and be polished.  I don't know.  I'm just not really getting where your frustration is coming from and why its being directed to where it is.  If you need someone to blame it is Nintendo.


No, no no no. I wasn't pinning anything on you, I was venting in general. I see a lot of games nowadays where the primary draw that devs tout is the graphics and the physics engines, which is motivated by the fact that those kinds of games are being eaten up by the consumer base. A lot of gamers nowadays seem, to me, to care more about how the game looks rather than the gameplay or the story behind it, which I think is a travesty. But that's only my opinion based on how I'll happily play a game with worse than average graphics if the story is engaging or the gameplay is fun. 


There are, of course, plenty of games that do both. Bioshock Infinite was a game that looked great AND had an engaging storyline, and it's one of several. I wasn't insulting any games in particular or saying they would be better on the Wii U. I just hold the opinion that if developers were less intent on making their game look hyper realistic or visually stunning and focused more on pushing the envelope for new ways to play games or tell stories, the industry would be a better place with significantly more games at the caliber of, say, Bioshock Infinite and Last of Us. I mean, look at Borderlands- before that game, nobody had ever really been successful at combining RPGs with FPSs. Fallout could be considered a candidate, but I personally consider Fallout to be closer to an RPG with FPS elements than a true hybrid. So 2K and Gearbox tried their hands at it, and whatever they did differently obviously worked, twice (and possibly a 3rd time, but the jury's still out on the Pre Sequel). The thing that stops it, in my opinion, is that everybody wants the easy dollar. It's hard to make a game like Last of Us that takes the industry by storm, but it's easy to rehash and recycle the same game with only minor tweaks and adjustments a la the Modern Warfare series. It's a money printer on account of the development costs being lower than going from scratch with profits still being projected as roughly the same. Part of the problem is that the players keep buying the same old junk, which is the impetus for companies to keep making it, but it's also because nobody wants to take a chance on something new and exciting. With small companies, that's understandable- like you said, one bad gamble could sink them. But some of these big developers don't have that worry, so I would personally like to see them using that to try and break the mold more often than they seem to.


I guess that's the source of my frustration, the fact that there's a console dedicated to trying something new with games... and nobody's taking advantage of it. And then, because nobody is using the potential opportunity, Nintendo has to fall back on their old guard, which has the unfortunate side effect of forcing them into that same recycling of old games. Maybe its because they're not extending the hand, but I have issues believing that it's 100% on them. Particularly when devs have been willing to bend over backwards for Microsoft and Sony. For instance, Rayman Legends- originally, it was supposed to be a Wii U exclusive. Then, all of a week or so before the intended release date, Ubisoft Montreal announced a delay... so they could release the game on PS4 and Xbox One at the same time. I mean, the Wii U version got some consolation in the challenge mode and the preview version, but that's all it really was; something to say "Hey, sorry for pulling that. Hope this makes up." I don't know the full view of the matter though, so this is all basically a rant on my part.

I apologize for the misunderstandings, I should have been clearer.



Myself, as told by a Hawk;
