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General Series Discussion

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    Fingerling Potato

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im not sure if you understood me right :)

was that scene i mentioned flashbacks? so there are a lot of flashbacks in the story?

They want answers imagine how perplexed we would be if something as explainable as titans had a place in our world.

potential spoilers below

i was referring to the group annie belongs to (thats spoiler from ch. 42) judging by annie's skill while/with titan transforming i think they had known about (and used) this power since at least some time ago. in terms of power, i dont think they (annie's group) are weaker than eren (annie even overwhelmed him. i just dont see any reason why they are so bent on kidnapping him alive. he doesnt know anything and hes weak. maybe they want to get rid of people who can transform and arent on their side, but killing him would do the job too

Edited by dark.chii, 13 February 2013 - 07:50 PM.



    Baked Potato

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i was referring to the group annie belongs to (thats spoiler from ch. 42) judging by annie's skill while/with titan transforming i think they had known about (and used) this power since at least some time ago. in terms of power, i dont think they (annie's group) are weaker than eren (annie even overwhelmed him. i just dont see any reason why they are so bent on kidnapping him alive. he doesnt know anything and hes weak. maybe they want to get rid of people who can transform and arent on their side, but killing him would do the job too

it probably has something to do wth his dad, remember his dad injected him with something before leaving, but thats just speculation.



    Potato Sprout

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What chapter is the picture of the armored titan from?

Also, it's kind of interesting to note that his appearance resembles that of Reiner Braun. The hairstyle is kind of similar to Jean as well but I'm more leaning towards Reiner.

Heh...looks like my little theory from a year ago happened to be correct. Ryner's pretty damn badass though.



    Fingerling Potato

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latest chapter was intense but seriously two titans?? one of them even being 60m tall (4 times eren's size) how the fuck will they manage to beat him when hes even taller than the wall?? ymir is still coma-tose and eren could maybe take one of them on, but i dont think he can fight two at once.. yeah the others could help him, but i dont think they (eren and friends together) can take on two intelligent titans (and one even freakishly tall)

i reread it again and it seems to me as if bertholt didnt transform fully (only the upper part?) im not sure but i hope it wont turn into an one sided battle



    Potato Spud

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I kind of hope that Eren does get kidnapped, but manages to stop them from taking Ymir. Then the story can split into one section with Hanji, Ymir, and Christa dealing Pastor Nick (since obviously Christa is the one who he can tell stuff too about the wall) And then there can be a second section with Eren trying to get away from Ryner and Bertholdt, and probably Mikasa following all three of them because seriously, what else would she ever do? If these things happened just think of all the ACTUAL EXPLANATIONS that could possibly occur!!

Also who knows: maybe Eren and the other two would have to team up and fight the Hairy Titan since he's also hanging around somewhere on that side of the wall as well.



    Potato Sprout

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I'm guessing in sometime in distant past mankind discovered how to turn into titan but most could not control the power. And then they were divided to 2 factions which is continue to develop the power (or perhaps already drunk on power) which slowly turns them to mindless titans; and another which think that it is too dangerous and somehow forbids or sealed them.

The people who turned into titans were then treated as outcast or alienated by the "humans" which then leads to the war, causing the demi-titans (or maybe sane titans) to hate the "humans" which made their motive to only kill them and on the other hand, the building of the wall.

However, as time passes most demi-titans have already lost their sanity and only remaining few who still possess the sanity but they still believe the grudge of their ancestors should be paid and hence still wanted to destroy humanity.

Perhaps everyone in the world possess the ability to turn into titan by nature, but they need certain talent or trigger to do so. In Eren's case it should be his father's medicine; In Annie's case it might be her father's training; Reiner&Bertholdt might be also by Annie's village/tribe training or from the impact/fear from the assault of Ymir; most of the titans in the current attack should be villagers that are somehow awakened or triggered by certain titan's ability.

nijugonichi no yoru

nijugonichi no yoru

    Potato Sprout

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Hey guys if you look closely, Berthold ate 2 human with him. One is Ymir but the other one is unknown....

Who do you guys think he/she is? I'm guessing he's Hannes after watching the anime he seems kinda suspicious...