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Some Time Machine Story

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So this was a second story written for the contest I talked about in the "Give an Ending!" thread. I was initially going to use this for a second thread GMaE, but turns out I trolled myself and left a huge gap of spaces right before an existing ending. Anyways, excuse the weird choice of style here, I'm not exactly sure why I had been writing like that.






    Potato Spud

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Thanks for your work , and really keep posting more of those ... ^_^

At first , this may be just me , but I think for a short story to switch tones so fast is a bit anti-climatic of sorts ...

but never mind ....

maybe this is just my opinion , and there's a chance I misunderstood the story . so please correct me if I was mistaken ....

-inhale ....-


-and exhale .....-

yep that's it for me ....

and pardon me if my English sounded a bit broken ...





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Yeah, it was fairly rushed because in the end, I still tried to keep to the word limit as much as possible. I can't quite remember if I was going for an anticlimatic ending or not, but I do remember having a little more planned on Archie's side. It really was Felix's story, but from the perspective of Archie.


As for your interpretation, it's definitely a sound idea and could fit easily with this story. The reason I didn't focus on Felix so much was because I was planning on emphasizing that difference in time relativity; on one hand, it's only a couple of days for Archie between his and Felix's trips. On the other hand, it's miserably long or happily short for Felix depending on what's going on in his life. I was hoping to convey more of this contrast, but again, I ended up cutting to compensate (which, now that I think about it, might be why there were huge gaps in between the story).




    Potato Spud

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well , now I've put my mind into it , how about you use the ending as the actual body of the story , skip the introduction about the time machine and the characters and start from when Felix met Archie the second time .....
from here you can fork the plot into the start and the the other events . and rather than focusing on the characters themselves try focusing on the situation at hand ( Felix's life nearing its end .... )
you can use small notes to describe almost all events , recollections and small speeches would suffice _ I think _ , and rather than elaborating on them you can emphasize on the current emotions of both Felix and Archie ....
and put more effort into describing the pain and the agony the death scene , rather physically or via speeches and world build-up.....
all I'm saying is for you to write in the same style you wrote your former story ( the one with the hospitalized girl and the boy )
and the story would fit perfectly into a much smaller frame( or at least I think so ) .....
I hope my idea came through because for some reason I dont think I explained it well . And I hope I didn't sound too snotty . I'm an amature in the end...

Edited by A.B., 15 November 2013 - 01:01 PM.