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[OOC] Blades of Fealty

Medieval Fantasy Blades of Fealty Roleplay OOC

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    Russet Potato

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I was tempted to make him a complete bastard whose sole affection is given only to his sister. I think that could have been interesting too.



    Fried Potato

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I was tempted to make him a complete bastard whose sole affection is given only to his sister. I think that could have been interesting too.


This could be very interesting indeed :P

And on that note, it seems that everybody really loves Aera XD



    Russet Potato

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Aera is a fun and interesting character. If this was an anime, I would have no doubt she would have been the main female heroine.



    Russet Potato

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oh, so you could be an honorary emissary/ambassador of some sort?

Well this is based that in some parts of history ago honor & reputation played a huge part in allegiances in many parts of asia, particularly china to note....  xD

Edited by Kōtei, 05 August 2013 - 04:19 PM.






~" Batoto Family|War of Batoto|Random Thoughts|"~

Crouching Bacon

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Well, i guess i missed my calling as a s mahou shoujo manga writer -_-

Though i'm really playing against type here :P
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    Fried Potato

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Aera is a fun and interesting character. If this was an anime, I would have no doubt she would have been the main female heroine.


I agree. This could easily turn into a reverse harem for Aera XD



    Russet Potato

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Wincest? xD






~" Batoto Family|War of Batoto|Random Thoughts|"~



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Aera has many suitors, and her brother is named the Prince of Dawn by those that love him, and the Prince of Dusk for those that loathe him. I wonder if Aera will ever marry...

Crouching Bacon

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Twist: Who ever said she was straight though~
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Diabolical Rhapsody

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I am curious as to how will be the call to arms like.. I mean both my and Geo's characters are driven to restore the honor of their mother..but the question remains as to what can we offer to Lysander..and why would he believe us when he has a bad precedent..or ar3 we granted an audience with her majesty who brings to light the hqppenings of that fateful day..followed by a test of allegiance for both of us..I am really curious and excited about this one.. :D



If you have the time: 


Crouching Bacon

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I am curious as to how will be the call to arms like.. I mean both my and Geo's characters are driven to restore the honor of their mother..but the question remains as to what can we offer to Lysander..and why would he believe us when he has a bad precedent..or ar3 we granted an audience with her majesty who brings to light the hqppenings of that fateful day..followed by a test of allegiance for both of us..I am really curious and excited about this one.. :D

In a way, i guess his notion of darkness is tested as well~
i wonder if he has biases in spite of his supposed intellect.
Also, i'm assuming the people rarely come across weilders of the dark magic.
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The Prologue Arc will have the Arcanum Library and the Undead City.

Diabolical Rhapsody

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That could be the case..if necromancy is a very select magic type..his notions would be tested..as how Gale's character is nuetral and mine is a negative leaning neutral..because it is needless to say that life wouldn't have been easy for the offsprings of the warlocks, even if the royal family is not directly responsible for their plight..no one understands a deserter unless they put themselves in their shoes.



If you have the time: 




    Russet Potato

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Nyahahaha my starting point would be at fay's house xD






~" Batoto Family|War of Batoto|Random Thoughts|"~



    Russet Potato

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Well, the thing is that everyone will pretty much be somewhere in the same area.



    Fried Potato

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Nyahahaha my starting point would be at fay's house xD


I guess I will follow you and get the chance to explore the world then.

Finally, a chance to prove my worth XD



    Russet Potato

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I guess I will follow you and get the chance to explore the world then.

Finally, a chance to prove my worth XD

Yup yup who said minor characters don't have it good xD


EDIT: I can also learn education from you particularly empyrean language perhaps....

Edited by Kōtei, 05 August 2013 - 04:49 PM.






~" Batoto Family|War of Batoto|Random Thoughts|"~



    Russet Potato

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Also, everyone, please post your characters in the character thread. I actually need them if I want to make nifty introductions for everyone here.




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I was busy for a while, and Nep just made me lost in the notion of magic. 

Gnothi Seauton - Know Thyself.

Memento Mori - Remember to Die.




    Baked Potato

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Haha, okay.

Looks like I gotta whip this bio out. >.<


Anyways, one more small note on magic. In order to balance out its potential to be completely overpowered in this world, truly powerful mages are very rare. Less than ten people in the kingdom have the power to be able to cast large spells, such as hurling enormous fireballs at things. xP  But you get the idea. Most magic is pretty mundane. When a mage runs low on their power (out of mana, so to speak) they become weak physically. So someone who exhausts themselves casting spells at an enemy are very vulnerable. And, if they continue to cast while they are out of magic/mana, it draws on their vitality instead. So, in this world, there is a saying along the lines of "Reckless mages live short lives."

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