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Rant (spoiler)!

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    Potato Sprout

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SPOILER ALERT (up to chapter 40)!


God damn, this pisses me off so much! Lost her memories, got herself a new boyfriend, and fucked him while her ex who practically made her is looking for her for two years? What happened to those promises about getting older, having sex, and getting married when they parted each other at the airport!? Sure, the whole lovey-dovey thing gets old and could use a twist sometimes, but this was a little too much for me. I know it's not her fault, but it just doesn't sit right with me. It just downright boils my blood! GRRRRR!




I hardly ever get so riled up reading manga, but just the thought of the whole thing happening to someone (fictional or not) just tugs at my heart. Author got me on this one :(.

Edited by noct, 20 May 2013 - 12:36 PM.



    Potato Sprout

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    Potato Sprout

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I thought that was the most enjoyable part about the series though



    Potato Spud

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Really? I almost flipped my desk when this twist came up. I mean, it's so cliche! I'd been thinking "don't let it be a lame amnesia twist" since that chapter or two about how she didn't get in contact. If I can predict what'll happen accurately for more than a few chapters ahead, it's reliance on cliches and thus lazy writing. I am okay with predicting a chapter ahead, for example I have a pretty good respond how "Corn" will explain looking like Ren in Skip Beat. But that is gonna take up a few pages at most. The rest of the chapter I'm clueless, although I have theories. That's what makes a manga exciting - not knowing what's gonna happen.


I almost dropped this manga, but decided to push through and it has gotten better. Personally I don't want her to remember herself, I want someone to tell her first and have at least a chapter of her new self coming to grips with her old self and realising the pain she unwittingly caused Hikaru. If she remembers herself, that part will be swept away in the reunion. 




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It was bound to happen, the alternative would be her turning into kind of a stuck up bitch because of the fame.

They meet again and she looks down on him, forgetting the promises on purpose. But he will make her fall for him again

blabla jsut another cliche route :)


Well I hope it gets better at some point and we all can see how she will return to him.