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I'm about to dich this manga in two chapters [Spoilers]

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    Potato Spud

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Given how this was supposed to be prologue, was it cut to short? Maybe, just maybe, we wasn't the only ones fed up with this manga.

think it was just an "comercial" for the novel



    Potato Sprout

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How absolutely depressing. I put this thing on hold and just happened to check it's status only to find out that it's cancelled/over... God Dammit. I ad such high hopes for this one and each and every month it managed to stomp on them only to end 3 chapters after the prologue. Manga can be so cruel.



    Potato Spud

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All I got to say is that I hate that yandere bitch Sugamo. Only character I like is Togake because he actually tries to do something.


Edit: BTW, I can't believe this guy is the same guy who wrote Denpa Onna to Seishun Otoko.

Edited by NamelessMapler, 26 August 2013 - 11:53 PM.

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Evan Dark

Evan Dark

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I've only read into a few Japanese light novel so far, and I always found the manga adaptation better, without exception. Don't take me wrong, I love reading, and I love visual novels too, so you can't say, that I just don't like books. Japanese light novels tend to be good stories, but with poor quality. Adopting to manga fixes this issue, by replacing the poorly described environment with vivid pictures.


In this case, even the manga version was horrible, so I dare not to touch the light novel. Some books are just bad. It's that simple.




Really? You liked Tokage? Well, he annoyed me to death, with his hypocrisy...


Sadly you're wrong. Every character tries to do something. Almost all of them tries to do something totally retarded/unnecessary/out-of-place/cliché/moronic thing. Tokage is no exeption. The only character, whose actions almost make sense are Slug. She hides, cause she's scared, and then she falls into a trap. Not the best acrtions, but simple and fits her character. Tokage, on the other hand manages to get into a meaningless fight between two groups of assassins, without any potential gain, lose one eye, and most of his right hand, when he could have get away at ANY TIME. Nothing was at stake, not even innocent civilians, that needed to be saved. For about half of the characters, the best possible actions would have been, just to GO HOME. And no one even thought of that.

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    Potato Spud

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I've only read into a few Japanese light novel so far, and I always found the manga adaptation better, without exception. Don't take me wrong, I love reading, and I love visual novels too, so you can't say, that I just don't like books. Japanese light novels tend to be good stories, but with poor quality. Adopting to manga fixes this issue, by replacing the poorly described environment with vivid pictures.


In this case, even the manga version was horrible, so I dare not to touch the light novel. Some books are just bad. It's that simple.




Really? You liked Tokage? Well, he annoyed me to death, with his hypocrisy...


Sadly you're wrong. Every character tries to do something. Almost all of them tries to do something totally retarded/unnecessary/out-of-place/cliché/moronic thing. Tokage is no exeption. The only character, whose actions almost make sense are Slug. She hides, cause she's scared, and then she falls into a trap. Not the best acrtions, but simple and fits her character. Tokage, on the other hand manages to get into a meaningless fight between two groups of assassins, without any potential gain, lose one eye, and most of his right hand, when he could have get away at ANY TIME. Nothing was at stake, not even innocent civilians, that needed to be saved. For about half of the characters, the best possible actions would have been, just to GO HOME. And no one even thought of that.

some times, some people like to get in meaningless fights just for revenge, he didn't lose his eyes because he was trying to fight without reason, that was the scheme of that crazy yandere and because of that he wanted revenge agaisn't that guy

Edited by JokerxHisoka, 06 October 2013 - 05:32 PM.