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Kubera quick translators - alerts and discussions (especially Mizura)

Kubera SpeedyTranslations

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    Fried Potato

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Ah **** it... after reading this I so want to learn Korean.... but I don't have the time before like in 4-5 weeks meh... ok, speed race anyone ? http://learnkorean.com/home/index.asp


you don't really need to read the rest, I would prefer if you didn't in fact


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    Fried Potato

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Ah **** it... after reading this I so want to learn Korean.... but I don't have the time before like in 4-5 weeks meh... ok, speed race anyone ? http://learnkorean.com/home/index.asp


you don't really need to read the rest, I would prefer if you didn't in fact



 omg yessssss!!!! this is what i need! :D i have summer now so i might be able to at least know some characters and meanings!! but dont get your hope up that i can summerise a part :(  i seriously suck at memorizing things :/ (thats why if i dont study for like 3 days straight, i'll most likely get an F on a test D":) also i may have to babysit a soon to be 3 year old girl ( :wub:
so i'll at least know some characters by heart during these 2 months!! :D 
yesssss i agree! lets build a temple for goddess mizura :P 

i won't be able to type korean though so at that department im useless :unsure: oh but i will most definitely translate it and try to make sense of it if you guys can kindly provide the text :wub:  :wub:  :wub:

oh and guys!!!! do not use google translate anymore! this site is sooooooo much more accurate. dreamingflower showed me and goobera this wonderful site---->http://webtranslation.paralink.com/Korean-English-Translation/#





    Couch Potato

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I'll try it next time, but it looks more inconvenient. :\ The thing I like about Google Translate is its real-time translation updates. I tend to break longer sentences into shorter ones to figure out what's going on, and Google Translate saves me the extra "push the button" step.


Also, Google translate doesn't scrunch up all the output into a single line. xP This means that with that other translator, instead of just pressing "enter" to separate the sentences into smaller parts (with, as I said, automatic translation updates), I have to paste smaller bits of sentences one by one.


Kubera stuff: Character charts , Races and Cities , The finite (official side novel) ,
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    Fried Potato

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I'll try it next time, but it looks more inconvenient. :\ The thing I like about Google Translate is its real-time translation updates. I tend to break longer sentences into shorter ones to figure out what's going on, and Google Translate saves me the extra "push the button" step. Also, Google translate doesn't scrunch up all the output into a single line. xP This means that with that other translator, instead of just pressing "enter" to separate the sentences into smaller parts (with, as I said, automatic translation updates), I have to paste smaller bits of sentences one by one.

Ohhh i see. I know guays the one thing i dont like about it. Always not leaving the original space :\ eh it World for me thoufh :)





    Couch Potato

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Ah yes, and that aside, I am So going to read through the lessons here:



I like how they're organized so far. It's kind of funny, at first I was like "meh" for learning the vocabulary (since I can just use google translate for the non-grammar parts), but then I recognized the word 도시 (city) in the latest raws. So, vocabulary it is. Just a bit. xD


Kubera stuff: Character charts , Races and Cities , The finite (official side novel) ,
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    Fried Potato

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I wonder if we should just share sites here for learning korean?


First if anyone needs to learn to type korean on a western keyboard, and already know the western keyboard enough to not need the signs (for each letter). You can just use these websites in order. You should learn how to type korean without stickers in the same time it would take to buy them. :) (I'm sorry. I seemingly can't find the one I initially used, to learn which letters were at each place quickly... But these should still help)


For how to actually make it so you can type korean on a western keyboard



This game seems boring in comparison to the other. I used this, cause well I didn't know of the other one. But I rather liked it.




Seemingly more fun




Also many are talking about ''Talk to me in korean'' on the web TTMIK. (I'm not using them atm, but whatever xD still thought I would mention them)

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    Fried Potato

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You can use Google Translate to type Korean. You need to choose input language as Korean and click the keyboard image at the left down corner. You can type Korean from your keyboard and also see Korean keyboard on the screen. And if you are not familiar with using Korean keyboard, you can click on keyboard letters on the screen to write. I use it to write Korean text.


Maybe google translate is not a bad thing as we thought to be xD


I wonder if we should just share sites here for learning korean?


Btw, nice idea^^




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Here's a (/another) tip for typing Korean on a computer that might not have the Korean language installed:


1. Go to  


(My guess is "SE" stands for something along the lines of "Simple Edition", but I don't see them explaining the acronym anywhere..)


2. The green button to the right side of the search bar in the center is the "Search" button.  See the few Korean words to the right of that green button? Click on the little arrow (or that text).


3. Success! Now, you can type in Korean into the search bar.


Obviously, this is inconvenient compared to actually having Korean on your computer. But if you need something really quick on a public computer, it's relatively straight forward. :D


(Also, when the keyboard layover appears, there are 2 options at the top: "type by keyboard (default)" and "type by mouse". )

Edited by Readingfish, 06 June 2013 - 10:53 PM.

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    Fried Potato

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okay this is going to be very irrelevant but.....OMFG HAHAHAHA!!!! X"D readingfish, i freaking love your pic and your name now  :batoto_025: its just so damn funny to me and cute! XD 

Edited by ~your~cute~im~cute~, 07 June 2013 - 02:22 AM.






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Haha thanks! aww, I changed it a little bit before I saw your comment >_<; Perhaps I should change it back later, haha;;






    Fried Potato

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Haha thanks! aww, I changed it a little bit before I saw your comment >_<; Perhaps I should change it back later, haha;;

ahahhaha nahhhhh nahhh its cute :batoto_021: just keep it if you like it better  :lol: but man i was surprise to  see the other pic and with your name and all xD hehe  cuteeeee man you find the cutest pictures  ^_^



Chris Rosenkreutz

Chris Rosenkreutz

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If you are still learning Hangul and want to type in Korean on Windows, I found it best to be able to type the romanised equivalents, rather than use the keyboard a Korean wold use.


You can do this using the Nalgaeset IME (currently found at http://moogi.new21.org/prg4.html) but it takes a little setting up as it defaults to the same Korean keyboard as everything else.



    Couch Potato

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I am a Korean who speaks both Korean/English, I might be able to help you guys. - Though doing quick translation for Kubera might be not possible since I am already oversleeping at mondays for Tower of God quick translation..



    Couch Potato

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Thank you very much! :D By any chance, could you point out whenever you notice I've made mistakes when trying to figure out either the webtoon or something else? You don't have to specifically check out anything, just point out something if you happen to notice that I've said something wrong. :D For example, if I say "Currygom just said on me2day that he's a guy", you could say "lol no, she said the contrary" (if you happen to be reading the me2day too). Small things like that, only if you happen to come across them.


Kubera stuff: Character charts , Races and Cities , The finite (official side novel) ,
Official English Webtoons: https://www.webtoons.com



    Couch Potato

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Thank you very much! :D By any chance, could you point out whenever you notice I've made mistakes when trying to figure out either the webtoon or something else? You don't have to specifically check out anything, just point out something if you happen to notice that I've said something wrong. :D For example, if I say "Currygom just said on me2day that he's a guy", you could say "lol no, she said the contrary" (if you happen to be reading the me2day too). Small things like that, only if you happen to come across them.

Ok, then. That should be easy, since your translations are very good. ^^



    Couch Potato

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Yay! Thank you so much for the help! :D <3 <3 <3


Kubera stuff: Character charts , Races and Cities , The finite (official side novel) ,
Official English Webtoons: https://www.webtoons.com



    Couch Potato

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I won't be able to do the summary on Monday 28th of October because I'll be on a work trip. :(


I'll be back the week after that. Take care! :)


Kubera stuff: Character charts , Races and Cities , The finite (official side novel) ,
Official English Webtoons: https://www.webtoons.com