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Light is a villian

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    Baked Potato

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This is from the anime version, but mangas and animes are usually pretty close at first.


He tries to kill L for no other reason then publicly standing up to him.

He kills that FBI agent for no other reason then he was following him around as per his job. If he had just left it alone nothing would have happened to him anyway (and he didn't have any reason to think the FBI guy was on to him)

Then he goes and kills all 19 or 20 of the guys comrades for no apparent reason other then as a way to strike fear into the hearts of people on the side of justice. Or maybe to hide the murder of the one FBI agent that wasn't necessary anyway. 

Then he kills the FBIs guys fiance/widow. And he didn't even regret it in the smallest, in fact, he seemed to take pleasure in rubbing it in her face that he was the one that killed the love of her life, and she was going to be dead too soon. 

What really bugs me about death note besides the protagonist being a villain is, it didn't follow its own rules. First of all the fiance should have been too smart to fall for his tricks. But more importantly, he established that he can't make someone do something that isn't in the realm of what they might do themselves. Yet that isn't true. The fiance was dedicated to catching her loves killer, no way she would even consider suicide till the task was complete. Yet he was able to force her to do just that. And the fact that it was forcing her against her character etc, was very evident. She turned into a zombie on autopilot as the mysterious death note forces took over her mind, or whatever. (I stopped watching after this episode) 

Anyway, light kills lots of people already behind bars on the criminal side. But more importantly he kills lots of good people on the side of justice for purely arrogant selfish reasons, like he thinks he's a god. I wonder how many criminals escaped thanks to the officers of the law he killed. And there is no way he could take over for their jobs, criminals tend to hide in the metaphorical dark and or use fake names, you know.

Edited by truepurple, 01 May 2013 - 04:56 AM.