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Batoto Family - A New Beginning


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    Mashed Potato

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Maybe I should get married to Pervy and put an end to all this!


Talk about an unholy union.....


Be afraid.....be very afraidd....


The Epic Of X:




    Russet Potato

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That's one hell of a proposal..



    The Head Maid

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*smuggleskhrazy*  Khrazyyy-nee, I see I see~~ welcome back and back again ^O^//


well, about divorcing it wont be too hard if there is still connection between the family and also if they dont keep that an secret from their kids! >O<

I understand that it is hard to tell it but it is better than them finding it out one day by surprise.... especially the divorce has been done for a long time ...


I think in this generations, nothing can be surprising anymore once you seen too much of it...  It is true that once an vow is place it can't be broken but now the vow has an different meaning to it , wont be the 

same as before. But there is ofc will and determination to how far the vow will stay as it was before. Hatred, wealth...~ all of factors and emotions will stretch the vow to its thin line ~-~;;....

ןן Tea Party~ ןן "THE BAR" ןן

ןןGuide to Uploading/deltin/sortin ןן


Follow the comment sections' rules or else, you will be hanging at the edge of an cliff ^^
It maybe one step closer to death's door or an extension of your life's time.

The Illuminati

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See, I don't see divorce as an option after marriage. When the knot is tied, it cannot be untied. Yes, you can separate yourselves with documents and put some distance between the 2 of you . But the vows that were made with each other cannot be taken back.
It's also going to be really hard on the kids[if any] if that was to happen.

See, I don't believe in that. I don't believe that you can't fall out of love. That a choice you made at one point in your life, should haunt you in another. Life, is about change. Life is about chances. You need to give yourself that chance to either fall deeper in love with a person, or to realize that you made a mistake and need to move one.

I would hate to wake up one day, 35-40 yrs., and still be bound by something I promised to do when I was 10 yrs. The samething applies no matter how old you are.

You make a decision with the knowledge readily available to you, that doesn't make it the right decision, or mean that you shouldn't try to keep your promises. It just means that as life goes one, things change. People change. And what mattered to you in your 20s, won't be the samething in your 30s, and 40s. Give yourself the chance to make mistakes, and to learn from them. And above all, to be happy.

I don't want you as my dad. D:

~gently places Neppe over my knee, and prepares to spank her soft cushion~
Don't worry, Love, I'll be wearing the dress in the family! :D

“It's all about Power."
"Grabbing it. Keeping it. Using It."
"Power is our currency, our DNA... Our God.”
"We control the World."
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    Baked Potato

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*slaps Naifu and jumps away*


Impudent boor!

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    Russet Potato

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*smuggleskhrazy*  Khrazyyy-nee Khrazyyy-nii, I see I see~~ welcome back and back again ^O^//


well, about divorcing it wont be too hard if there is still connection between the family and also if they dont keep that an secret from their kids! >O<

I understand that it is hard to tell it but it is better than them finding it out one day by surprise.... especially the divorce has been done for a long time ...


I think in this generations, nothing can be surprising anymore once you seen too much of it...  It is true that once an vow is place it can't be broken but now the vow has an different meaning to it , wont be the 

same as before. But there is ofc will and determination to how far the vow will stay as it was before. Hatred, wealth...~ all of factors and emotions will stretch the vow to its thin line ~-~;;....


See, I don't believe in that. I don't believe that you can't fall out of love. That a choice you made at one point in your life, should haunt you in another. Life, is about change. Life is about chances. You need to give yourself that chance to either fall deeper in love with a person, or to realize that you made a mistake and need to move one.

I would hate to wake up one day, 35-40 yrs., and still be bound by something I promised to do when I was 10 yrs. The samething applies no matter how old you are.

You make a decision with the knowledge readily available to you, that doesn't make it the right decision, or mean that you shouldn't try to keep your promises. It just means that as life goes one, things change. People change. And what mattered to you in your 20s, won't be the samething in your 30s, and 40s. Give yourself the chance to make mistakes, and to learn from them. And above all, to be happy.
~gently places Neppe over my knee, and prepares to spank her soft cushion~
Don't worry, Love, I'll be wearing the dress in the family! :D

You don't have to believe it. Those are my values. I'm sure you have your own. I come from a family where I never even met or seen my father. I simply don't want any of my kids[if I ever get any] to experience the same things that I had to go through, growing up.

If you believe that marriage can be taken for granted just like normal lexationship, then that's up to you. I will not try to implement my own beliefs on your own.

The Illuminati

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*slaps Naifu and jumps away* Impudent boor!

I can't believe that boor is an actual word! I'm even more surprised that it's descended from the Dutch word for farmer!!

I apologize, that was presumptuous of me. I should really wait until after the marriage to begin abusing my new step-family. >:}

“It's all about Power."
"Grabbing it. Keeping it. Using It."
"Power is our currency, our DNA... Our God.”
"We control the World."
"We provide the blueprint. And we give the Instructions."



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Imp > Joffrey. o/



    Baked Potato

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I can't believe that boor is an actual word! I'm even more surprised that it's descended from the Dutch word for farmer!!

I apologize, that was presumptuous of me. I should really wait until after the marriage to begin abusing my new step-family. >:}

I shall never allow such a union. >:|

Avatar by Molnar Eszter

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    Mashed Potato

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I shall never allow such a union. >:|


You'll have no choice if Pervy pops the question and Naifu says yes!


Run in fear Neppy


Edited by I-Am-X, 29 December 2013 - 09:18 PM.


The Epic Of X:




    Baked Potato

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Pervy is not allowed in my mansion. If he gets married, his spouse will not be, either. >:

Avatar by Molnar Eszter

Previous Avatars • Music for February 21...not picked out yet.

Good Emperor Late

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I liek pie dammit

faak u, git a lif u basdtres


wtf happened here

who is going to be married with who

if it's still relevent Black LilithxPervy OTP(eventhough he doesn't even know about this)

Edited by Late, 29 December 2013 - 09:28 PM.

Posted Image



    Mashed Potato

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Pervy is not allowed in my mansion. If he gets married, his spouse will not be, either. >:


Not unless he takes you to court and fights for it!


faak u, git a lif u basdtres


wtf happened here

who is going to be married with who

if it's still relevent Black LilithxPervy OTP(eventhough he doesn't even know about this)


What Pervy doesn't know won't hurt him, possibly.



The Epic Of X:


The Illuminati

The Illuminati

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You don't have to believe it. Those are my values. I'm sure you have your own. I come from a family where I never even met or seen my father. I simply don't want any of my kids[if I ever get any] to experience the same things that I had to go through, growing up.
If you believe that marriage can be taken for granted just like normal lexationship, then that's up to you. I will not try to implement my own beliefs on your own.

I'm the opposite. I know who the guy is, and quite frankly, don't consider him much of a man or father. As far back as I can remember, my parents have only ever fought with each other. Now I'm passed wishing that they would just get a divorce, and am patiently waiting for them to kill each other.

I wasn't saying that I was right, or that you were wrong. I was saying that there shouldn't only be one option when it comes to marriage. Because I know from personal experience what it's like growing up in a home where both parents hate each other, but refuse to get a divorce 'for the sake of the kids'.

For the record, I'm sure that if my father wasn't in my life, I'd probably wonder what it would be like if he were. As it is, my greatest fear is to become him one day.

Pervy is not allowed in my mansion. If he gets married, his spouse will not be, either. >:

Nuu! But I can love you like a father, and a mother, and a perverted uncle!

“It's all about Power."
"Grabbing it. Keeping it. Using It."
"Power is our currency, our DNA... Our God.”
"We control the World."
"We provide the blueprint. And we give the Instructions."



    Baked Potato

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it's easy to have different opinions about marriage, but it really should be considered on a case-by-case basis. some marriages are damaging to the children, and a divorce would be the right choice if the children were to be considered. a divorce doesn't automatically mean that the children will never get to see the other parent, but some times it is better for the children to never see one or both of their parents.


one thing is to firmly believe in the sanctity of the family, and the eternalness of the marriage vows, but it is something quite different when imperfect humans manage to mess up their own and each other's lives so bad that the marriage becomes damaging rather than a pillar of support.


there are many people who should never have gotten married, but realize just a little too late. love makes blind and all that... i spend my childhood taking care of my younger siblings while my mother and stepfather were too busy fighting over things so ridiculous it's hard to imagine how anyone can manage to fight over it. that behavior has only taught me self destructive habits, and a great deal of disrespect.


if you care enough to stay married "for the sake of the children", you should at least have the wits to never let anyone get the slightest idea that the marriage isn't doing too well. or you'll just end up giving the children the blame for the whole family's misery (because that's what that kind of reasoning really does).


i've never known any particularly good parents, btw. so i can't really say i understand what it feels like to miss one parent. must be much better than wishing them dead nearly every day for... most of my life. if they were dead, at least they wouldn't be able to drive my sister near suicide, my brother too close to bad drugs, the other one into seclusion.


my sister has found a good boyfriend, but refuses to get married. probably because she never has gotten a chance to see this institution as something "good". to me and my siblings, it's just an evil that keeps people together when they should long since have gone their separate ways, and hurts their children so bad it takes more than just an average therapist to fix it.


There a game ? I want to see the game,

you've been playing it ever since we first met.


I've heard about that in school, but forgot what it was called. Something about signing a contract that says; "if ever we decide to get divorced, wifey gets only this much from hubby." Something like that.?

marriage is a contract. there's a standard contract, and changes that can be made to it. in case of divorce or death.

but what is valid in which states or countries can vary a lot, so it's always wise to read the standard contract and all other laws to do with marriage, divorce, and inheritance before making a final decision, or moving to a different state or country. would be awful if you moved somewhere your marriage or divorce suddenly isn't valid... like, married in morocco and divorced in sweden, means still married if ever returning to morocco.


For the record, I'm sure that if my father wasn't in my life, I'd probably wonder what it would be like if he were. As it is, my greatest fear is to become him one day.

i have a feeling that it's more common to become like your grandparent. my father once told me that i remind him of my grandfather. best compliment i ever got from anyone, i think. in contrast, if i'd been told i was like my father, i'd consider offing myself...

あっ ちょっと死んじまった



    Russet Potato

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I'm the opposite. I know who the guy is, and quite frankly, don't consider him much of a man or father. As far back as I can remember, my parents have only ever fought with each other. Now I'm passed wishing that they would just get a divorce, and am patiently waiting for them to kill each other.

I wasn't saying that I was right, or that you were wrong. I was saying that there shouldn't only be one option when it comes to marriage. Because I know from personal experience what it's like growing up in a home where both parents hate each other, but refuse to get a divorce 'for the sake of the kids'.

For the record, I'm sure that if my father wasn't in my life, I'd probably wonder what it would be like if he were. As it is, my greatest fear is to become him one day.

Looks like we both have it tough, Naifu. *internet hug* NEW5.gif

Here I am wanting a father and yet there you are wishing for the opposite.

God is such a troll.



    Baked Potato

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Here I am wanting a father and yet there you are wishing for the opposite.

God is such a troll.

just never wish for a father if you ever get in a situation where you can get a wish fulfilled. you risk getting one of the bad ones.

like a child rapist.


actually, there are mothers that do that too. i know one who even sold her children to the devil. almost literally.

あっ ちょっと死んじまった



    Russet Potato

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just never wish for a father if you ever get in a situation where you can get a wish fulfilled. you risk getting one of the bad ones.

like a child rapist.


actually, there are mothers that do that too. i know one who even sold her children to the devil. almost literally.

Oh so you're talking about "that" kind of 'father'. The ones the rape innocent little boys. [pun intended]


Luckily my mom isn't like that. .___.



    Baked Potato

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Oh so you're talking about "that" kind of 'father'. The ones the rape innocent little boys. [pun intended]


Luckily my mom isn't like that. .___.

those kinds of fathers too...


you're lucky to have a good mom at least.

i have a mother and a father and a stepfather, and neither has acted much like a parent to me. luckily their type of abuse wasn't anything physical, or maybe that's the unlucky part of it. i could have gotten us away from them if there were that much reason to show others. actually i seem to remember there were many times when i wish they'd just beat me up and get it over with, for their words were even more unbearable than any physical pain could be.

あっ ちょっと死んじまった



    Russet Potato

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those kinds of fathers too...


you're lucky to have a good mom at least.

i have a mother and a father and a stepfather, and neither has acted much like a parent to me. luckily their type of abuse wasn't anything physical, or maybe that's the unlucky part of it. i could have gotten us away from them if there were that much reason to show others. actually i seem to remember there were many times when i wish they'd just beat me up and get it over with, for their words were even more unbearable than any physical pain could be.



Mental pain... Those are even more dangerous than physical ones.