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Who is that character?

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    Potato Sprout

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You know that group pic at the end of the chapters?


Anyone know who the character on the far right is?

I feel like I've never seen them before (or maybe I just forgot them OTL)


and also the person in the background of the title pic...





    Sweet Potato

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You're talking about at the end of the most recent chapter (102)? Wow, good question, I'm not sure either. There's been a lot of side characters pass through during the course of the story, but given the group in that pic you'd think the character was a little more than that..........besides, I just don't recognize them at all.


Maybe a future character (?), there's still quite a bit left to go in the story as a whole, like 70 more chapters or so, so there's no way things will just meander along like they have been since the Jooha / Mool Byung arc ended. It seems like since then we've really only had minor story lines for the last dozen or so chapters, so maybe that's a new, more "major" type character that's going to be introduced. 


Unless somebody else recognizes them that is. 




    Potato Spud

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Wondering too.  Then re-reading ch 38 at the bottom, and thinking maybe Wanan is the person who could take Hom's sunglasses off