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Do NOT watch the anime! - I warned you....

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Lolipop Candy

Lolipop Candy

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Before following your warning, FakeHero, there is something i want to know. And that only be confirmed later when the BD/DVD is out.


*Just my random assumption*

Just like some ecchi anime which get consored even though it's aired in premium channel but decensored in BD/DVD. If the artwork goes to normal when the BD/DVD comes out, it means that they trying to be a greedy company to make more cash by degradating the quality of artwork for TV version, and putting normal quality into BD/DVD version. (I hope they get bankrupt in the short time)


In other words,  they want to lift-up the BD/DVD sales using dirty trick to the fans, and force us to buy them for the art quality. Well, the true fact is that most of us watching anime for the artwork more rather than the story itself.


If they successfully trying that strategy, what i fear the most later are :

  1. This company (Zexcs) using this strategy again to make money by "raping" the art quality and give the true quality for BD/DVD release.
  2. More anime production company try to folowing this method to get more money from title which has a lot of fans. Well..... not all of them, but it still disturb me.


I smell a loli here.....





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Pictures are enough...........:





This is real, not a joke nor fanart.




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The Anime is GOOD! It absolutely is NOT NORMAL. Haven't you been reading the manga? Do you not know what DEVIANT MEANS?




By Ep.04 of the anime I'm completely used to the "style" and amazed at how GOOD it is! The subtle ways emotions are conveyed is terrific! The voice acting is absolutely great! Every aspect of the anime (except that it's "roto-scoped") is good!


So I'm sorry the girl's eyes don't occupy 60% of their faces!

I'm sorry they're not "cute"...

That's the WHOLE POINT. And those who fail to "get it" are beyond what little help I can offer over the internets.

I take it that every "whiner" about what the anime "looks like" has never experienced S&M... babes in the woods I tells ya...

"Looks" mean nothing... nothing at all...


Both the manga and the anime are fantastic! Each in their own "special" way...



    Sweet Potato

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yup, very good........episode four continues to closely follow the manga. a great anime series so far, I don't expect it to change from that. 




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This looks different because it was traced off of live actors (rotoscoping), and while I'm sure some digital technology was used to speed up the process, it's still an artistic, frame by frame thing. Or in this case, every 3 frames,  with motion blur added from ep. 2 on. It does a lot of things very well, particularly Nakamura's actor / VA. Her smile conveys the batshit crazy so well.Anyways, it's differentand I think it's only bad if you were really stuck on Nakamura being Ayanami Rei with red hair.



    Sweet Potato

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This looks different because it was traced off of live actors (rotoscoping), and while I'm sure some digital technology was used to speed up the process, it's still an artistic, frame by frame thing. Or in this case, every 3 frames,  with motion blur added from ep. 2 on. It does a lot of things very well, particularly Nakamura's actor / VA. Her smile conveys the batshit crazy so well.Anyways, it's differentand I think it's only bad if you were really stuck on Nakamura being Ayanami Rei with red hair.

ahhh..........is that how the process works? I wondered, I thought "computer generated" just because it looked more like that than traditional "hand drawn" but I wasn't sure. Very interesting, thanks for the info. 




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I'd just like to say that I started this anime and then went on to read the manga. All this anime can do is increase sales and publicity and popularity for the manga and mangaka. It won't destroy the story or anything like that. The problem we are faced with is loads of people raging and being hysterical because of the art style of the anime. Personally, I don't mind it one bit. Rotoscoping was something I have never seen before so I was curious and intrigued. Within rotoscoping I know nothing so compared to other rotoscoped anime this may be shit but most people seem to be complaining about the rotoscoping in general and not the quality of rotoscoping. This was a given considering how unusual it is but if you can't overcome that and focus on the plot then so be it. Those people will move on and the people that stay will enjoy a great plot and most likely will follow up with the manga because the anime will not cover much of the story. I can only see this anime as something good for everyone involved because along with the haters are people like me who were drawn in and become entranced by the story and thank the mangaka for it. The anime is granting great exposure and is really gaining fans.

For those who read the manga first and went in to the anime to see some great execution and good animation may be disappointed because I'm sure no one imagined they would take the rotoscoping direction. I do feel for you fans because the anime does nothing for you but try not to hate on it because it is really benefiting the mangaka. The manga is amazing and maybe it should've deserved to be animated how it was drawn but this is the truth of the situation and you have to suck it up and keep reading! Enjoy the manga because I marathoned all the translated chapters in a couple of days and cannot wait for the next release. If the anime is not to your liking then that's a shame, but it is exposing a great story to the masses which will defninitely result in more fans.

To those who have only seen the anime: After the anime is finished you will most likely be inclined to read the manga, but I must say, please read the manga because the developments cannot be missed!



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The anime is great. The voice acting is top notch, and the rotoscope animation adds to the surreal dreamlike feel of the manga.

The theme is all about misanthropy and standing out from the human herd, and what better way to stand out from other anime than using rotoscoping filming techniques?  In fact, I overlooked the manga for so long in part because of how generic it looked. "Oh, another slice of life drama set in high school whatever yawn okay nice try guys"


PS, if you haven't seen anything else with rotoscoping, then you haven't watched enough anime. It's used as an inbetweening technique for really complicated scenes. Remember the piano scene from Eva 3.whatever? Rotoscoped. Honestly, if you're going to be an elitist about something, be an elitist about something that matters.

Edited by Scallion, 17 May 2013 - 08:35 AM.



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Episode 9 of the anime proves (to me anyhow)

Anime Nakamura > Manga Nakamura.


The Manga one is just "too cute" while the anime one is "not cute". She's "all business". That is REALLY important!


I keep repeating it! Looks are NOT what Aku no Han is about! If you've been fooled by that? You've really missed a gem!


Poor Saeki! She has NO IDEA...


Note: There's not one thing "wrong" with the manga, it's great!



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The new (ugly) design for Nakamura actually seems fitting and goes pretty well with the story. I'd have preferred to have a skinny Saeki, but ah well.


As for the haters...  You really need to pick this back up. The anime is going great.



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I'll admit that the first time I saw the animation style it weirded me out, but after two episodes I couldn't argue with whatever reason they had for choosing that style. I must say at first I was overly annoyed by the title and the posts on this thread but as I read more I see that there are actually people who are more open-minded and not as ignorant as the person who created the thread and those who support it. The animation might not be traditional but that doesn't make it "bad." Hipster is the word I saw used quite a bit and I just want to say ... shut the f**k up ... I mean come on. You see one episode and hipster is the first thing that came to your mind? I want to say lets look past all of that stuff about the mangaka wanting a famous accomplished director to handle his work, but is it really that bad? If he has a good reputation then it must be for a reason. And we all know that reason; he puts out good work, and that's all that matters sometimes.

If this had been done in the traditional style I believe it would not have been this good. The way some of you speak of it, is almost as if the anime was done half assedly (yes, I know it's not a word). You do realize that they aren't just voice actors but actors in that they have to study their characters and portray the emotions that you feel in the manga. The style itself I think is perfect, it shows the subtle human movements that are not easily shown in a traditional styled anime. Shouting at the top of your lungs in a studio is one thing but actually acting out the scene where you shout at the top of your lungs is bound to portray the scene better.
I can't believe that someone would want to think that finding a cheaper way to produce a good anime is a bad thing. If they are honestly spending less money after hiring actors and not just voice actors they I say good for them, better quality and less money.

I personally have no problem with the eyes disappearing every now and then, for me it better helps me to focus on the whole scene and movements and the actors which makes it that much more real.




The anime is damn good, go watch it and stop b*tching. It'll feel different but after an episode or two, it'll feel natural.



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The quality of the anime has definitely improved since episodes 1-2.  There were some genuine errors in those (missing frames, lack of inbetween shots, etc) that distracted from the story.  I am actually surprised how much the rotoscoped style has grown on me since the anime started and at this point it doesn't bother me in the least. I feel like this is the most "realistic" anime I have ever seen and my opinion is that it was a good choice on the author and producer's parts to go with this style.  It may not feel like "anime" but is still "animation", and the art style alone will make it memorable/controversial enough for it not to be forgotten in the sea of generic anime shoveled out these recent years.



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Since episode 11 of 13 has aired, I'm now becoming very curious of just what sort of "ending" they'll have for this........given where we're at in the story, I wonder if they can do anything else except leave it open-ended as a lead-in to a continuation of the story. Don't know though, I guess it's hard to think about some sort of change from the manga story line since it's been so closely following it up to this point. 




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I've noticed the only people who bitch about rotoscoping are people who know fuck all about rotoscoping.



    Russet Potato

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It took some getting used to, but I'm starting to particularly like to the art style of the anime. It's unique, and it's a bit refreshing in a way. It's not without its flaws though as some scenes have the characters look rather awkward, but, overall, I like it now.



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some info on the dvd if anybody else is interested..........






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So I'm sorry the girl's eyes don't occupy 60% of their faces!

I personally find that annoying, the giant eyeball syndrome,(though not nearly as bad as 60% in this manga, but I have seen that) it really gets bad in some animes and especially mangas, sometimes the eyeballs and pupils are long for some reason (and I mean vertical, top to bottom) Aside from the eyes, "traditional". This manga isn't as bad as some others. It deform the face in many other ways too, like the freakish chin that barely exists for example, which I fon't find cute or sexy, but apparently some individuals have gotten very attached to this style. The pictures of the anime, even if taken out of context, actually look pretty good to me. I've seen better, but I've seen alot worse too. It's all personal preferance.

Plus what 5cats and others have said, if your downloading it for free, then there is absolutely no reason to not give it a decent try with a open mind, and appreciate the story (or not, but try it first), amd give the artwork a chance to grow on you, and not just fan hate the artwork. Well anyone who would give up that easily from a knee jerk reaction of a set of pictures because of outaka obession over a particular art style, they are just shooting themselves in the foot, or cutting their noses off to spite their face or what ever, in short, only hurting themselves.

Though I personally haven't seen the anime, and even though I currently am following the manga, can't bring myself to read past the first 5-10 chapters, not been interesting enough for me. I kind of wondered if I haven't given it enough of a chance.

But I can speak as a regular comic and anime view over hating a artwork, but enjoying the story enough to let it slide. And of getting use to a artwork style so that you don't notice it as much over time, even forget about it. Especially as I hate alot of manga artwork, this really is required for me to properly enjoy these.

Edited by truepurple, 18 August 2013 - 02:21 PM.



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In a short summary, all I can say about the anime in my own opinion: odd art(by no means am I saying its crap, I just personally like looking at megaultrasupercute art like other kinds of anime out there, Yura Yuri?? Not that this style is unheard of or that I am not accepting of it, I can understand the use of this particular art approach for its animation is completely reflected in the "deconstruction" of the particular characters in their social framework). HOWEVER!!!! The story is well done and quite concise at most times with the original manga its coming from, I see no reason why people should slander it simply by the first impression on the visual sense.


Of course I am not here to force those,"haters", per say to go watch it again and realize the error of their perspectives, but just think about it carefully, theres more to the world around than what we can see, although pictures may tell a thousand words, what you see with the naked eye may not hold the entire truth.


Now enough of the rambling of this asian, horray to those who support the anime, and for those who dont support it, hope there are other animes that keep you entertained as well.


Edited by Martypants, 13 September 2013 - 11:21 PM.



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The voice acting is absolutely great!

In Japanese or in a English dub?



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Before following your warning, FakeHero, there is something i want to know. And that only be confirmed later when the BD/DVD is out.


*Just my random assumption*

Just like some ecchi anime which get consored even though it's aired in premium channel but decensored in BD/DVD. If the artwork goes to normal when the BD/DVD comes out, it means that they trying to be a greedy company to make more cash by degradating the quality of artwork for TV version, and putting normal quality into BD/DVD version. (I hope they get bankrupt in the short time)


In other words,  they want to lift-up the BD/DVD sales using dirty trick to the fans, and force us to buy them for the art quality. Well, the true fact is that most of us watching anime for the artwork more rather than the story itself.


If they successfully trying that strategy, what i fear the most later are :

  1. This company (Zexcs) using this strategy again to make money by "raping" the art quality and give the true quality for BD/DVD release.
  2. More anime production company try to folowing this method to get more money from title which has a lot of fans. Well..... not all of them, but it still disturb me.


first of all dont throw the word rape around so casually. and yeah u really are assuming i hope you realize by spending the time and money to animate two different art styles they actually lose out on a shit ton of money?? and please speak for urself when u say that people watch anime only for the artwork wtf that's a very shallow mindset and if you approach an amazing story like aku no hana's with that mindset then obviously you're going to be disappointed

Edited by sundress, 13 November 2013 - 03:27 AM.