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Strange stuff in chapter 19

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    Baked Potato

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This is a fun comic to read.

But chapter 19 has a couple strange things in it.

Why in the middle of this panel are the words "Mass naked child events."?!? Is this suppose to be on a sign, or something someone said, well whatever, it makes absolutely no sense.

So someone tried to steal her ax, and collapsed, and then that other guy tried to bring it back to her and hurt his back? Do I have this right?

And at the begining of this chapter, is this conversation about some peoples chasing them, and of leaked information. Because of a little strange movement in traffic the chapter before? A few times now reading this, I feel like they simple left out a few pages here or there.



    Potato Sprout

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>"Mass naked child events"

the TL notes at the end of the chapter states they couldn't make out the original text

>So someone tried to steal her ax

Yes, Rori's axe is heavy...

>strange movement

for a spook there are no coincidences, then you add the subway failure, fire at the hotel, etc...



    Potato Sprout

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Mass naked child events is a reference to the old bad translators meme. I'm guessing since they couldn't make out the text, they decided to put a joke in instead.



    Potato Spud

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basically they took the train since they noticed the buss was being trailed, when itami left the train komakado had to follow him because there was an announcement about a failure on the track to the next station then the guy who tried to steal rori axe was an spy that did it in order to made her follow him to kidnap her sadly neither the spy or komakado knew of the weight of the axe and finally they ended on itami ex place because there was a fire at the hotel komakado told em to go so itami just decided to go to least suspicios place to spend the night, he may not look like it but itami is pretty sharp

Trevor Smith

Trevor Smith

    Potato Spud

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I highly doubt that that Komakado was the one being tailed though... I kinda feel sorry for Itami's Ex, since she's about to get involved in the high-jinx.