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The Perfect Crime

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    Fried Potato

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Describe your "perfect" crime scenarios :) And by perfect i mean...there is little to no chance of you getting caught :P and it doesn't have to be a murder :)

I'm not sure if discussing things like this is legal in any way so, sorry :<

I wonder if "unsolved cases" where the criminal has gotten away for a long time/has passed away without being punished count as "perfect crimes"...hmm...

I'm not actually planning on killing anyone.... .____.

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    Potato Spud

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I won't write about a perfect crime as I am neither creative enough, nor do I have the urge to commit any kind of crime. ( I don't consider the fact that I am reading manga on here a crime)

I just wanted to say that it definitely not illegal to discuss these scenarios. Afterall there is a lot of fiction and even publications and lectures on this topic.
And so far the conclusion by most people is: there is no perfect crime since humans aren't perfect and most likely will make mistakes even if it is planned out really well.

Of course there always will be crimes that won't be solved, those aren't really perfect crimes though. It is just that there are limitations to the ability of those that are trying to solve the crime.


It helps to melt the brick enough for it to slip out beforehand though, because you don't want to be standing there out in the open like an idiot trying to shake the bricks out of the containers.

this made me laugh just imagining it

Edited by Reivin, 02 March 2013 - 06:17 PM.



    Fried Potato

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Hire mercenaries on tor.

In-depth explanation on how to commit a crime online and cover your tracks.

Edited by Jabberwocky, 28 February 2013 - 12:33 PM.



    Baked Potato

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Good Emperor Late

Good Emperor Late

    Russet Potato

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Steal some Nee-chans panties Mission Impossible style.

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    Russet Potato

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To my knowledge, the discussion is legal so long as it doesn't take on a conspiratorial vibe (i.e. words such as "we should" and "you should" should be avoided). Or someone describes how to build a nuke (for obvious reasons).

And now, a few common misconceptions (mainly fingerprint related, apparently :huh:). So they are some things you might consider when planning your perfect crime (though if you seriously consider the first one, ewwww):

-edit- put in spoiler since it was kinda long. May work on the actual perfect crime portion a bit as well at some point in future.

I could go on, but I grow bored. The perfect crime is the one that you yourself are investigating. By interfering with the collection of evidence and systematically destroying all that is found, you can more or less bring an investigation to a standstill. Naturally, this would work much better in an area where there are fewer police and crime scene technicians so your responsibilities would increase accordingly. Granted, this is still far from perfect. I guess I just like the idea of this kind of thing, you know? Police officer breaking the law, arson investigator starting fires, psychologist that encourages and drives people towards insanity. I guess I like any excuse to be cynical.

Otherwise, the more complex a crime, the more disastrous the results.


While it is easy to say that the Zodiac Killer committed the perfect crime in that they didn't get caught, it is important to remember that there have been astronomical advances in forensics since the killings. Jack the Ripper was also never caught (to anyone's knowledge), but things might not have turned out so well for the fella in this day and age, or even in the '70s. Anyhow, the Zodiac killer left plenty of evidence behind. Given enough manpower and resources, would their luck have remained? That someone does not get caught does not necessarily speak to the chance that their crime would result in conviction, and I think the latter is a better metric for how "perfect" a crime is. There are far too many imponderables related to actually "getting caught" or being identified as the perpetrator. If the police have no case, it doesn't even matter if they know in their guts that you are the guilty party. On the other hand, there might be a crime scene where the perpetrator bled all over the place, rolled around in paint and put his hands all over the walls, vomited a very unusual breakfast, left a note for police with very distinct handwriting, accidentally shot his foot (thus having to go to the hospital), driven his pickup through the living room (leaving muddy tire tracks everywhere), and so on and so forth. If the bloke doesn't get caught, then can we really say this is the perfect crime? He has clearly left behind ample evidence that points very directly to a suspect, the only problem is that the suspect is unknown. The problem with serial killers isn't a lack of evidence, it is the apparent randomness in choice of victims which makes it difficult to come up with a viable suspect or a strategy to more or less catch them red-handed. I'd say that serial killers, the Zodiac Killer included, leave far too much up to chance for any of their crimes to be considered perfect. It's like monkeys with typewriters and Shakespeare. Eventually, one bastard is gonna get lucky.

Of course, there is a great deal of fascination and myth surrounding serial killers. To an extent, they embody humanity at its darkest. Most of us don't just wake up and say "I'm going to kill someone", get dressed, kiss our wife good-bye, and do just that. There is something both deeply compelling and repellent to the notion that fuels the desire to understand and know more about just what makes these people tick, almost as if this can tell us something about ourselves. The attention is largely undeserved in my opinion. These are not mysterious authority figures, some kind of godheads to be marveled at from afar. They are sickness, but they're still human.

Of course there always will be crimes that won't be solved, those aren't really perfect crimes though. It is just that there are limitations to the ability of those that are trying to solve the crime.


Steal some Nee-chans panties Mission Impossible style.

But at what cost? Jumping up and down like a maniac on Oprah? Hardly seems worth it. :P

Tor services via Bitcoin are often honeytraps or scams. The Hidden Wiki has a decent verified list, but come on, how much can you trust a site asking for payment of a service over the internet, when you have no way to reprimand the person for not following through?

I must admit, the notion of a list of verified Bitcoin-accepting Tor mercenaries was good for a laugh.

Edited by ©®åƒ†¥µåGGø†, 01 March 2013 - 11:27 AM.

Looks like a duck? Tastes like a duck? Walks like a duck? It's a panda! :batoto_010:
oh darn.




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Breaking crimes are easy.
Getting away is even easier depending on how stoopid you analyze the situation.

But I dunno.

My perfect crime entails massive theft of Pantene and bed coverings from the nearest Bed Bath and Beyond. It was relayed to me that there isn't much surveillance and they have good loss prevention insurance. I could load up my Ford Explorer when my friend gets off his night shift and have the head rejuvenating, bed fashionable products to the soccer moms by 10 the next morning.



    Fingerling Potato

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Hire mercenaries on tor. In-depth explanation on how to commit a crime online and cover your tracks. http://www.reddit.com/r/privacy/comments/188dnt/a_question_regarding_vpn_services/c8cnu7g

Tor services via Bitcoin are often honeytraps or scams. The Hidden Wiki has a decent verified list, but come on, how much can you trust a site asking for payment of a service over the internet, when you have no way to reprimand the person for not following through? As for services that demand direct cash payment, it's to risky to even try over an online ad.

Anyway. Honestly:

On the subject of serious crimes, I can't speak. I play too many video games to actually know how to kill someone--my expertise is throwing tomahawks across virtual maps, for Christ's sake, not whacking an innocent businessman.

Nevertheless, on "cybercrime" I have some experience. DDoS/DoS attacks, for instance, are illegal. A "perfect crime" scenario concerning said activities would be to, 1.) Effect the server in question, 2.) Remain anonymous and 3.) Bypass any DDos/Dos countermeasures in place. All steps occur at the same time--and ideally, to prevent the systems admin. from engaging in source IP tracings and null routing the attack, multiple attackers are needed and should be "staggered." To ensure premise 2, the attacks should all be carried out via non-personal networks. All members either go war-driving in a residential area far off, looking for open or WEP encrypted signals, or use public wifi. In the case of encrypted signals, wat do? Airmon, Airodump, Aircrack, abd BackTrack 5--without getting into any details. Generally doing it from your local McDonald's is easier. Though with WEP, no by much.

The next step to making it a perfect crime would be to remove any evidence, furthering the premise 2. Trash the computer. Turn it into dust with a sledgehammer. Reduce it to binary with the right tools. Throw it in a random dumpster. Also, it's possible to use a laptop, remove your hard-drive and use a Linux Live CD (You should be using Linux). Limited RAM is the only worry in this case and you will only be able to use what you can carry over via a mass storage device, but if you don't have a disposable, a library's computer would be an alternative. Personally, getting rid of the computer is superfluous, but since we're on the topic of "perfect crimes," meh.

That established, we get back to the actual act of DDoS/DoS-ing. As aforementioned, the more people the better. Stagger them in group, with each group being large enough to take down the targeted system by itself. If group "A" is null routed en mass the groups should switch. Per avoiding other countermeasures? Most firewalls are layer-3 forwarding devices. Exploiting legal protocols within the firewall is usually pre-assumed, if you've done your research, Packets should be changed somewhat at interval enough to avoid most algorithms. IPS/IDS countermeasures: Use legal packets (NSS) to hit the target. Processing power is a question to. What do you think a firewall and DDoS/DoS will do if it does recognize an attack, but that attack is, say 20 million packets? Protocol anomalies should occur at layer 3, and 4. Chances are the IPS/IDS won't detect the attack.

Voila. A perfect crime. I've left out research (network mapping, finding the IP, establishing multiple targets if needed, etc.), and a few other things to keep it "clean," but it should still spell out what I think a perfect crime of this type is. Man power is naturally the most difficult requirement here. You don't need a genius to run a program. But you do need a lot of idiots, and that can pose a problem.

Edited by shard2323, 01 March 2013 - 10:12 AM.



    Baked Potato

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This one is gonna be easy as fuq; my friend tried this in high school. All you have to do is get a good sized container (not glass cause it will crack), pour water in & freeze it and you'll have an "ice brick." Bring the container over to someone's house or car, flip it over to get the ice brick out, and then just use it smash a window open, obliterate a mail box, or just wreck the neighbor's garden/yard. When the ice melts, it won't leave any finger prints behind, just a puddle of water. You'll only get caught if that person is still at home or has a home security alarm/camera, and there are some parking decks in my area that don't have security cameras so if you really hate someone, you can just make a couple of ice bricks and go ham on their home/car.

It helps to melt the brick enough for it to slip out beforehand though, because you don't want to be standing there out in the open like an idiot trying to shake the bricks out of the containers.