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Who wants to learn Japanese[Korean/Chinese]?

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Poll: Who wants to learn Japanese[Korean/Chinese]? (78 member(s) have cast votes)

Do you want to learn Japanese [Korean/Chinese]?

  1. Yes, I really want to learn. (37 votes [47.44%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 47.44%

  2. Yes, I will eventually learn hopefully. (30 votes [38.46%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 38.46%

  3. No, I don't really care to. (7 votes [8.97%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 8.97%

  4. No, for sure I wont. (4 votes [5.13%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 5.13%

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    Russet Potato

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Post links to tools/links/books that helped you learn a language.  Please rate it as well, I don't want people feel bombarded in deciding which to book/tool/link to use when learning a language.  



Thank you, I had great feed back.  And those of you who want to learn Japanese or any langauge, the community fully supports you in your endeavor.  As bubbles suggests, if you have the time you can learn anything.  Well maybe I'm exagerrating, but good luck.  


You can either read the posts or just read this front post.  The posts are much more detailed and useful though.  I do suggest you read Kannade's post if you want to learn Chinese or Japanese.  


Tools/Sites to learn langauges:




Other Tools:



PS: The last post I've read and taken into account is #32.

Edited by Kalladin, 19 March 2013 - 02:43 AM.



    Baked Potato

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i'm comfortable with Korean, although i don't really see a need to expand or retain this knowledge because i'm too lazy to translate. i barely read manhwa/webtoons to begin with. my interests has shifted to certain european languages though, and i use Anki for that. and Memrise.

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    Baked Potato

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Pimsleur is another language learning tool. It's supposed to give a very effective and stabile learning base.

But yeah, learning Japanese would be cool...




    Russet Potato

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No need to learn it, Google Translate is accurate enough...oh wait
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    Cute Potato

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I would like to learn it................ in the future

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    Russet Potato

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Out of curiosity has anyone tried using a language learning tool? Certainly not me.



    Potato Spud

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Out of curiosity has anyone tried using a language learning tool? Certainly not me.

Same here. I tend to buy a ton of books and study by myself.

It semi-works.

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I would like to learn japanese, and many other languages.

The thing is I won't be able to use them in the culture/environment I live in.

It's like being a master arrow craftier and can't use a bow for shit. Whyyyyyyyyyyyyy



    Baked Potato

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I think the hardest one to learn by yourself out of all three of these is Chinese because you need a native speaker to make sure your tones are correct (if you're tone deaf, learning to speak will be pretty much a nightmare). I think the only good work around I can think of is if you record yourself, listen, and correct yourself over and over until you've mastered the sounds and tones. My all time favorite Chinese <-> English dictionary is http://www.nciku.com because you can use your mouse to draw in the characters instead of having to look them up by radicals and they have a wealth of example sentences. For class we use Chinesepod.com once in a while and you can get a lot of access to the content just using a free account, there's no need to pay for one. For the beginning and intermediate levels, I recommend the Integrated Chinese series. I don't recommend buying the character workbooks at all because you can just write the characters down on a regular sheet of paper to practice. If you need workbook answers, just message me because I still have all my old homework.

For Japanese I highly recommend the Genki series of textbooks for beginning and intermediate learners. You can find direct download links to the entire textbook, workbook, CD, and answer key set on the first page of the search results on google. There's a new Second edition version that just came out and when I compared the books there weren't enough changes to merit actually buying the second edition, 95% of the text and vocabulary are still the same. The only differences are that some of the older vocab words from the 90's like Cassette player have been replaced with more modern words like Personal computer and some sentences have been reworded in the reading texts (but the meanings are still the same). Don't buy the Yookoso! textbooks, they are terrible. My teacher thumbed through the book and there were a lot of times where vocab words/grammar points that aren't explained anywhere in the book were used in the reading texts.

For grammar help I use Tae Kim's guide (http://www.guidetojapanese.org/), and I recommend http://www.jisho.com because it's my all time favorite dictionary and it has a good number of example sentences. http://ejje.weblio.jp/ is alright for translation help also if you're really stuck, and if you honestly can't find a word in the English -> Japanese dictionaries, your best bet is to just go to a real japanese dictionary like http://dictionary.goo.ne.jp/ and try to read the definition or google translate the definition. When you need to look up kanji, just go to the nciku dictionary I linked above and manually draw it, then copy paste the character.

For all of the languages, any time you need to translate a place, name, or event, all you have to do is go to Wikipedia, look up whatever you want, then go to the side bar on the left and find the japanese/chinese/korean version of the article and the title of the article (the person/place/event) will be translated into the language you're looking for. I do this all the time and 90% of the time it works, the other 10% is when the article hasn't been written in another language yet.

Edited by Kannade, 02 March 2013 - 07:15 AM.



    Fingerling Potato

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I would love to learn it but....
Its a pain...

Sleepy Ash

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I'v had enough trouble learning Italian. Any other language would be murder to me.


Zeƒƒ Schrödingo

Zeƒƒ Schrödingo

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i want to learn korean and japanese

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    Baked Potato

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There's an iPhone app called Tae Kim's guide to Learning Japanese which is an excellent introductory guide and also free.

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    Potato Spud

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I already Speak Chinese but I want to learn Japanese



    Potato Sprout

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I would really love to, but it's such a pain memorizing Spanish vocab, many of which are cognates. Teaching myself a
completely foreign language from scratch seems very daunting.

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If you want to learn a language, i first and foremost recommend you don't be half assed about it. Last semester's exchange student at my uni were for the most part lazy when it came to chinese classes. The few who actually did do it seriously even though it didn't get them any credits for their home uni really reached a comfortable level.

Otherwise, the thing that really helps me is reviewable cards. For the computer there is a program called anki that allows you to create cards of words you've learned and later test yourself. The dictionnary app for iOS and Android called Pleco also allows you to do so and is a great way to review on the go. It's only available for mandarin but there definitely is some equivalent app for other languages.

Also important, discussion ! Try finding a friend who speaks the language you want to learn be it IRL or on the internet, there is a bunch of websites for pen pals and a lot of asian people eager to improve their english.

But in the end it still comes down to studying seriously.



    Fingerling Potato

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After spending about an hour trying to learn the hiragana of the japanese language I realized something...learning japanese isn't hard it's just time consuming. Anyone else tried learning japanese and realize its actually a pretty easy language, just time consuming to learn?



    Russet Potato

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"After spending an hour"

.......I don't know man




    Oui Purée

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I won't talk since I never tried but saying it's easy after an hour... Don't talk too fast ^^ But if you really find it easy, good for you ^^
( And maybe you should have posted in Who wants to learn Japanese[Korean/Chinese]? instead of creating a new topic. )

Edited by Rol, 11 March 2013 - 12:43 PM.
