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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles

So you've woken up next to the person above you...

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    Couch Potato

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keep sleeping... :batoto_031:



    Russet Potato

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Long Live CTI



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I T ' S   O N L Y   F U N   I F   T H E Y   R U N



    Baked Potato

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    Baked Potato

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  • LocationWelded to my computer chair.
Oh, holy shit.

Okay, this is weird. I don't recall going to bed with another person. A girl, on top of that. Oh, god, I hope I haven't done anything stupid. Just what the hell... Let's think for a bit...

Hmm, nope, everything seems and feels normal... I drank a bit yesterday, sure, but I never went outside the apartment after around six PM. I recall falling asleep on the sofa and then waking up at around midnight just to get myself into bed. I'm 100% certain that I went to bed alone.

How the hell did she end up next to me? Did I have another epileptic amnesia-seizure? No, it's not possible... I should recall at least getting the seizure, in that case. It's like she just teleported into my bed out of nowhere. Who is it, by the way? See if I can't get a closer look at her... No, it doesn't look like anybody I know...

Okay, starting to panic a bit. For the love of god, I desperately hope I didn't do anything to her. Okay, so the teleportation theory thing feels highly unlikely, so the only option left is that I brought her in... Unless I just forgot to lock the door to the apartment and she just went inside on her own for whatever reason, maybe in a drunken stupor, and crashed in my bed right next to me without me noticing. Which also feels highly unlikely as I'm pretty easy to wake up. Not to mention that my apartment is practically a minefield of stuff lying around and there's no way she would've made it all the way into my bedroom in the dark without stumbling over something and waking me up. Well, I do have lamps she could turn on, I guess... Meaning that she possibly went into my bedroom consciously and not in a stupor. Meaning she noticed it wasn't her apartment.

Man, this is all confusing as hell. Okay, never mind all this. Get your brain in order.

What do I do now?

I guess the most sensible thing would be to try to sneak out of bed without her noticing, putting some clothes on and wait until she wakes up so I can question her... And possibly convince her to not call the cops on me or anything. I could check if the door's locked, too, to see if my theory of her getting in here holds up... But then again, she could just as likely have locked it when she went inside, so if it's locked, it still doesn't tell me much... Anyway, let's try to get out of bed; it'll likely improve my chances than if she wakes up with me still next to her...

Though an unlikely scenario, I'm pretty certain this would be my train of thought.




    Potato Spud

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------------------- heart stops



    Baked Potato

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wake her up. hahahaha









    Russet Potato

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Play card games~



    Mashed Potato

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Set done by Zakira



    Baked Potato

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wake her up. hahahaha









    Russet Potato

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  • LocationNecromancer until the very end. Goodbye everyone ^___^/
ask for another round~...

of sleeping ofcourse~



    Baked Potato

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quickly grab my taser, or the balisong on my keychain



    Baked Potato

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  • LocationWelded to my computer chair.
Ugh...thank goodness I got to sleep relatively early without my internet buds keeping me up all night. Man, still feeling a little sluggish, though. Well, nothing to it, really; I should really get up and get some stuff taken care of before-

...What the actual fuck...!?

All right - seriously!? Who the hell is this? Where the hell did he come from? Why the hell does this keep happening to me? Is there some trickster god playing a cruel prank on me?

Hmm, looks like it's a dude this time, though. Actually, that's weird...can't seem to shake the feeling that he looks kinda familiar. I must've seen him before, somewhere. I'm not sure whether this improves on the situation or not, though...but maybe he'll know who I am as well, in that case...? He might be able to explain what he's doing here.

Yeah, I'm in no condition to be thinking right now...I'll just do it like last time - nudge myself out of bed, get dressed and wait for him to wake up. I don't think he's going to freak out, though; I'm sure we can sort this through in an adult manner. In fact, I can make some coffee for him while I wait for him to wake up.

Sure wish people could stop randomly appearing in my bed, though.





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Since this does not have the feel of a forum game to me in my opinion I will be moving this to Hell.

Best and fastest way to contact me is via Discord: Daffy#9194.



    Potato Spud

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Hm? Seems like everything worked out the way I planned.
I guess this ensures my promotion to mod, someway or another~
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W-W-W-Whoa buddy! Didn't I tell you about personal space?

Gnothi Seauton - Know Thyself.

Memento Mori - Remember to Die.




    Russet Potato

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  • LocationAt the door before the final boss.
*Wakes up*
*Finds dude beside me*
*Scans brain for recent memory*
*Crosses out the possibility of being drunk because i never drink*
*Hypothesizes it must be a friend of my older brother*
*Goes back to sleep*






~" Batoto Family|War of Batoto|Random Thoughts|"~



    Fried Potato

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What. The. Fuck.

* pours a can of fuel over the bed and lights it *

Is my sig too small now?



    Baked Potato

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