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Group Page Revamps

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    Couch Potato

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i don't know if there's already a thread for this (i trawled through a large part of this forum but couldn't find anything similar... forgive me if i'm wrong T_T)

basically, what i'm thinking is this. batoto is one of the only manga reader sites that gives scanlators a large portion of the credit for actually making the manga available online in english/other languages. it would be a nice idea to allow scanlators to personalize group pages on batoto to make it seem more like a profile. for example, a group logo section/profile picture section, a list of last viewed, a tally of the number of views the page has had, and so on.

of course, i do recognize that there are a great amount of drawbacks. group pages right now can be edited by anyone, and so if scanlation groups begin to spend time organizing their pages, it would mean that if a troll comes along and ruins everything, all that time spent making their pages look nice would be wasted.

to solve this, special user permissions for different group pages may be needed. but it'll take years to organize permissions for so many groups. which is probably why this method isn't viable.

anyway, this is all the revamping i can think of for now. i'm sure there are plenty of improvement suggestions out there that i probably didn't see on the forum. it is a big community, after all.




    Babo Kim

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I like the idea.

The problem of the "trolls" you mention, is currently controlled by logs, that contain who edited what (and I think there are rollbacks possible as well.) And it hasn't been a big issue so far, usually there are far more serious users than trolls.

You are right however that the setting up permissions for many groups or individuals would take quite a lot of work. (And lots of box-ticking according to Grumpy)



    Fried Potato

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well when your current framework is the barest foundation that's to be expected isn't it.

bare minimum, we should be able to do at least a cursory search of the groups database
when i'm checking if decade-old groups still exist I'd like to be able to search by something more comprehensive than 'scroll through 200 groups with the same first letter' because that's like super unreliable and I'm sure I made a duplicate somewhere



    Babo Kim

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well when your current framework is the barest foundation that's to be expected isn't it.

bare minimum, we should be able to do at least a cursory search of the groups database
when i'm checking if decade-old groups still exist I'd like to be able to search by something more comprehensive than 'scroll through 200 groups with the same first letter' because that's like super unreliable and I'm sure I made a duplicate somewhere

I'm pretty sure that you are talking about a different "group page" than the OP but, yes I have noticed that as well. And it's inconvenient.