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[Recruit] Asylum

Asylum mental institution roleplay insanity England psychology fantasy recruitment

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    Potato Sprout

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Before I begin, I should probably say that this setting - this story - began as something intended to be a "short story" or a novel. However, since seeing the addition of the Role Playing forum here on Batoto, I decided to turn it into a Role Play to help get the forum established. So without further ado, may I introduce you to:

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The Setting:

A private mental institution - the Grant Home for the Mentally Unstable - upon a hill on the outskirts of London, in the early 1900's. The "home" is a little worn down and slighlty behind the times. Gas lamps have just been installed at the beginning of the story. We start in winter, as snow falls on the city.


The Characters:

Henry Lochbourne (Open:Taken:Reserved)

One of the resident psychologists at the Grant Home for the Mentally Unstable. He is often at odds with the head practitioner, who sees Henry as being too involved with his patients. A relatively young man, he is driven and has, to himself, devoted his life to aiding those society has cast aside.

Head Practitioner (Open:Taken:Reserved)

A bitter old man. Very empirical in his psychology, Henry's empathy towards patients irks him.

Young Blind Woman (Open:Taken:Reserved)

Newly interred at the Home, she has been cast aside by her family. She and Henry form an immediate bond upon her arrival. Quick of wit and very intelligent, she could pass as someone who had learned at one of the more famous schools in Britain (Oxford, Cambridge, etc.), whislt having barely attended any schooling. Wasn't always blind.

NOTE: New Characters to be added as the story progresses.


The Plot:

A young blind woman is interred at the Grant Home for the Mentally Unstable by her family. She "sees" things that aren't there, and is declared insane. Henry is assigned to her case, and meets her as she arrives. Their sessions begin shortly thereafter and the young woman thus begins to draw Henry into a world he never knew existed.




The Rules:

Since this is a recruitment thread, once the Role Play actually gets off the ground, I'll start an official OOC.

For now the rules are as follows:

1) Follow the Batoto Forum Terms, please.

2) If you don't know what those are, go read them.

3) This is, as stated above, a recruitment thread. As of now there are only a few characters, but more will be added. If you want to be a character, post here. I'll check back often.

4) If you apply for a character, there will be a screening process. I like Role Playing, but there has to be some sort of standard of quality. I'm aiming for a "Literate Advanced" Role Play with this. The hierarchy of literacy is below for those wondering what I mean by that.

5) Colors are fun, colors are nice. For this forum, use whatever colors you want, but please stick to the normal size font. The IC on the other hand will be strictly black and white.

6) Don't post a character bio. Even if we talk and I take you in, the biographies will be added to the top post in the Recruit, the OOC and the IC.

7) Despite all of these rules, I want to have fun. You should too. Role Playing is something done in the spirit of having fun, of living lives you never could otherwise. So while I do hope to see some level of respect, let's not take ourselves too seriously.


The Hierarchy of Literacy Levels:

These are ordered in descending order from worst to best.


This one should be pretty simple. Illiteracy generally means that there is little to no grammar, lots of spelling errors, and frequent use of 1337 and chtspk. Avoid this at all costs.

Semi-Literate (or semi-lit):

A step in the right direction from the above. "Semi-Literate" Role Plays tend to involve short sentences intermingled with longer ones, decent grammar and spelling and one to two paragraph posts. While it may not seem like much, a lot of "Semi-Lit" Role Plays have really good stories. These are the best kind of Role Plays for those who are just getting their feet wet.


This is the middle ground. "Literate" Role Plays tend to be the most frequent across the web, and have the widest variety of Role Players. Defining characteristics of"Literate" Role Plays include, but are not limited to, good use of grammar and sentence structure, very few spelling errors, two to four paragraph posts, complete lack of leet or chatspeak, and a decent amount of detail per post. These Role Plays also tend to have much better multi-character interaction than the above two levels, and are suited for an intermediate level of experience and comfort.

Literate Advanced:

These are the good Role Plays. "Literate Advanced" Role Plays are generally all about quality over quantity. The posts in these Role Plays involve impeccable grammar and sentence structure, no avoidable spelling errors, three to six (or more) paragraphs per post, incorporation of multiple characters, actions and events outside of the writers direct control, and often have a well defined direction. The cohesiveness seen in most of the Role Plays at this level is generally due to the active use of an Out of Character thread, more commonly referred to as an OOC. These are the people who really know what they're doing and what they want out of a Role Play. As such, "Literate Advanced" Role Plays are suited for a higher level of experience and comfort, and it may be beneficial to have some outside writing experience (i.e. short stories, screenplays, novels).

Advanced Literate:

The most advanced anyone will ever get, short of writing an entire novel per post. The best way to get a feel for the level of quality and length that goes on in an "Advanced Literate" Role Play is to imagine being involved in one with people like J.R.R. Tolkien, Stephen King and Piers Anthony. The post are lengthy and immaculate. The writers incorporate every aspect of each other in their own posts and flesh the story out in incredible detail. The use of OOC is necessary, and often the OOC will have more activity than the actual Role Play itself. These are the most fun to read, because it almost feels like reading an actual novel. Yet while "Advanced Literate" Role Plays may seem like fun, unless one has a masterful grasp on language and vocabulary and is willing to flaunt said mastery. The amount of flourish involved in what can only be called interactive prose is so intense that very few are actually able to achieve and maintain this level for extended Role Plays, which these most definitely are. These Role Plays are only suited for the best of the best, and as such are often very selective in who they allow to join.


With all of that out of the way,

the thread is now OPEN for discussion!

Edited by Synwave, 27 December 2012 - 02:01 PM.



    Baked Potato

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You know what, I'm intrigued. I did some role playing back in the days, of all kinds really (from random nonsense humor to full-fledged fantasy stories) and I'd like to see whether I still have the knack for it.

So in that case, I want to be the head practitioner if I may.





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Emm... I've actually studied psychology. It would kinda feel weird role playing in this as a psychologist... so... em... consult me if you want it to be realistic.
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    Potato Sprout

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@Horn: Glad to see someone who's interested so early! If you wouldn't mind, could you send me a PM with a small sample of your writing? One or two paragraphs should be plenty, and it doesn't have to be in character for this Role Play. I look forward to hearing from you!

@GodOfAll: I've actually studied psychology a bit myself, and had planned on keeping the actual psychology bits as close to realistic as possible. However, seeing as how there is the fantasy element to the whole thing, purely realistic isn't strictly necessary. I appreciate the offer, though, and if I get lost will definitely call on your help. Thanks!
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    Baked Potato

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Sure thing. If it's okay, you can have a look at a fiction I've been writing here -
It should give a good look into my writing style.




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@Horn: Sorry for the delayed response (the new year caught me a little off guard). I like your writing style. Your characterization is superb, and I would love to have you aboard. However, considering this is a Role Play, most of any post's content will be description and action, as opposed to dialogue. In the same vein, all writing should be in third person as well. Do you have a pre-written example of something like that, or am I going to have to go on faith?

Granted, after reading what I have from you already, I don't that mind overmuch.
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    The Resident Neko

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Go on faith. Horn is an awesome writer.

Sorry, just wanted to give him reference.


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@Maia: I will. I certainly will. I'd just like to see other stuff.

@Horn: This is still going, by the way. I've just had an expletive ton to do between looking for a new job, moving and going home (which is 1000 miles from where I live) for the first time in over a year.
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    Fingerling Potato

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I am at odds with myself on this one.

On the one hand I would love to be a part of this. I love detail and hate limiting it since it serves no purpose beside raising questions later. The extensive use of an OOC thread to get a story developed between multiple people is something I'd really like to see even just on the Batotia thread, though that remains casual and open to all rule-abiding members. On the other hand, I wish not to place myself in any particularly major role should I find my time for being said character insufficient.

Either way I feel the need to ask a few questions regarding the role-playing. You have placed a defined setting that is reasonably malleable by current lack of detail and offered character names and outlines in a similar fashion. How much freedom of character are the typists given? Does one mold their character through a defined past? If so, is it left to the typist's discretion or your own? Do you have a specific way in which the facility is constructed already written down or otherwise planned? Does the facility have a history all its own? How much or how little would any given character know of it? Would something like that be up the the typist's discretion assuming one has freedom to create their own role's past?

I do like the idea. If you would have me be a part of it though, I would need to discuss what sort of role I might play based on my soon to be determined free time and the answers to my questions above. If not, I look forward to reading it.

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    Potato Sprout

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@Inumori: The setting beyond the description in the first post is entirely malleable, and the "fantasy" setting will begin formation through OOC and collective ideas. I was hoping for the fantasy bit to be driven by the "female lead" (the young blind woman) and the "male lead" if we use theatre terms, and go in a direction that resembles what could happen if someone like Tolkien wrote Alice in Wonderland.

The full backgrounds and portrayal of each character are up to each individual "Player" although there are a few basic elements I would like to have incorporated. However, since completely defining anyone or anything would mostly make this like having other people write a story I'd created, use of those ideas is entirely subjective even if it might add cohesiveness at the beginning.

The facility will have its own history, but like the fantasy bits I had planned to decide what, exactly, that was through cooperation via OOC. IC-wise, the Head Practitioner would know just about the whole history, as would most of the other psychologists. However, I'd planned on including the Grant Home in the fantasy setting as well and, if it doesn't turn out to be all imaginary (it most likely won't), that bit would be unknown to anyone uninvolved.

If you really would like to be a part of this I'd love to see a sample of your writing, even if you simply PM me something you whip up on the spot. As for the gravity of your role, you could start as more of a background character. Perhaps another psychologist who has taken a shine to Henry, or even a patient (as a patient you wouldn't necessarily have to be directly under Henry or the Head, but that could secure your role as a main character). Even if you don't join, when the OOC goes up I'd like outside input on where to take the story and the setting. Granted, suggestions from anyone not directly involved won't automatically get as much consideration as something from someone in the Role Play, but it helps nonetheless.

Does that provide a sufficient answer?
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    Fingerling Potato

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Yes it does and perfectly so. Thank you.

Regarding a sample writing I only ask that you have patience with me. I am not the most decisive person nor the most confident so I will probably spend quite some time on it. Before I begin working on it I would leave you with a bit of information about my English skills from an academic point of view. I have done poorly in English classes in college. Confronting my professors in an attempt to determine and resolve my "writing problem" both agreed the issue wasn't so much in the content as in the structure. That is to say even though I technically use proper grammar and punctuation, I use them in a way that doesn't conform to English Literature standards. To quote my English 101 professor "Your problem is that you write how you speak. I want an essay not a speech." He was right though. I use punctuation to put pause and emphasis where I want them to be. I feel that when people write a work they need to remember it's for the sake of being read. As such, I write so as to hopefully assist the reader in comprehending tone.

Edit: Though I do have a few simple philosophy papers still saved. They're not the best examples of my writing and actually required a degree of vagueness to work but it's something. If I can figure out how to attach them to a PM post I will, otherwise it's a copy-paste job.

Edited by Inumori, 14 January 2013 - 05:17 PM.

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    Couch Potato

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This looks quite interesting! There doesn't seem to be many other characters people can play though, aside from mental patients and psychiatrists/doctors/practitioners. Although I guess that's the point of an asylum, really.

What caused the Young Blind Woman to be interred into the asylum? Is she unstable because she's blind but smart? Or is that going to be up to the person who plays her?

I don't want to be a Young Blind Woman, but if there had been a position for a Young Blind Man instead, I might have applied. (Not being sexist, but I feel more comfortable in such a role...)

There aren't many people who would apply to be mental patients though, unless they themselves have at least a bare insight into what exactly drives people mad, and what "level" of insanity would be required for a person to be interred into an asylum. Just acting plain crazy, although convincing, probably won't suit the overall atmosphere of this forum game/thread.

Anyway, I'd like to apply as a psychologist, if possible... It would be quite interesting.