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How to completely ruin and shit on a 1200 chapter manga, Hajime no Ippo, fuck you George Morikawa you piece of filth
Nov 28 2017 10:11 PM
  • 2hot4you's Photo
    absolutely butchering his opponent in the first 2 rounds, then just dwindle down and get countered 500000 times in the next 30 chapters, and then just losing without even getting a pity punch in, when he totally couldve won if he just didnt go dempsey and get insta countered, jesus christ
    Nov 29 2017 06:00 PM
  • 2hot4you's Photo
    People actually saying this is good storytelling, jesus christ, some people have more brain damage than ippo himself
    Dec 01 2017 12:04 AM
  • Kokai's Photo
    Yeah, I saw that. It's "realistic" and bullshit like that. I mean, the effin referee, the same guy that watches people get bloodied beyond recognition in every match and never stops the match prematurely, told them he'd stop the match. The referee NEVER stops matches, unless it's a ko. How the hell am I supposed to believe he lost against that guy?
    Or Ippo getting in the ring knowing he's broken? Ippo would never do that. He wouldn't risk disappointing the co...
    Dec 01 2017 12:01 PM