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wtf with this super lame ending of tokyo ghoul?!
Sep 16 2014 06:57 AM
  • theroadstopshere's Photo
    Hence why we're hoping for a sequel, to get some closure on those loose ends. But even if they aren't wrapped up, I occasionally like having an ending like this. Life doesn't end once all your problems and questions are resolved. Sometimes it just stops. And sometimes it stops in an incredibly brutal and painful way.
    Sep 16 2014 03:38 PM
  • Lanfear's Photo
    Yes, it would be fine if, say, all of the manga was through Kaneki's POV, and when he died, it ended, 'cause how else would we see the story if the person we were seeing the story through in the first place died? But it wasn't :/
    Sep 16 2014 04:36 PM
  • Manga_Eater's Photo
    When I first read Tokyo Ghoul, I though this was going to be a good horror/psychological story about a human facing the difficulties of turning into a monster, but it later turn into a Shounen battle manga with power-ups.
    Sep 16 2014 11:04 PM