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Is there anyone else that feels like dropping it ?

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I don't know, but seeing the last chapters and how the story is getting, it just gets harder and harder to keep on reading it. Even what seemed to be a routine to read it every week isn't anymore, it went from a manga I liked to something I find stupid and do not feel like reading anymore and just dropping it.

And trust me, it isn't because I don't like who he goes out with or so, I've read alot of stories where the MC doesn't end up with who I wanted it to be, but this one is just unbearable, it's as if the author wants me (and maybe some others) to just stop reading it...
  • klaynne14 , Kieranysm3 , ciel and 1 other like this



    Potato Sprout

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to be honest, I dropped this a while ago when I realized I just didn't care for anyone in the story. I come by occasionally to scan the comments to see if it has gotten any better, but so far...
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    Potato Spud

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I totally get you, this is what happens when both main characters are indecisive and to make it better the female side (not making any kind of presumption) had some frustrated relationship where she got severely hurt, if that would not have happened probably (if she loves him more that pride or any other stupid value) they could have been together from a long time (of course the mangaka could have added some others love plots but oh well he is kinda short i guess)

Rakurai Amatsu

Rakurai Amatsu

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I can see where you are coming from but I myself personally am not getting bored with it, I don't mind the drama in this as it balances itself quite a bit from the huge list of other genre manga that I read, but thats my personal opinion.

Edited by Rakurai Amatsu, 14 July 2012 - 06:03 AM.



    Potato Sprout

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Ye, it goes more and more downhill as of late. If it will not change in few chaps I'll drop it.

Leandro Matthes Aurelli

Leandro Matthes Aurelli

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The drama in this series is damn too high.... He already got a "good ending", no need to continue reading... I don't see a good ending with this development



    Potato Sprout

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well the author of this manga just keeps dragging the story downhill, maybe the author has his reasons to do this, well I think he really wants to achieve the "best" Good Ending for everybody along with the readers of this manga... but answering your question I stopped reading this manga when shou's feelings of bitterness toward her ex showed up, well based on first hand experience (believe me or not) that's not a good thing in a relationship. NOT GOOD and it kinda kills me slowly with all this cliffhanger going on every chapter but I think I'll still read this manga after all this craziness and unfinished/unsettled feelings running wild from shou, seiji, yuki, and everbody else gets resolve and letting all the characters get what they deserve heck getting their own "Good Ending". \m/



    Potato Spud

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from my opinion, i don't see anything that keep's me from not reading this manga, i read to enjoy the story and the ending (even though i dunno when will it end like with kimi no iru machi manga lol and i still read kimi no iru machi)

maybe because i'm not sensitive enough to feel the drama in this manga..

my suggestion is, it's up to you if you want to drop this manga,
but if you still want to read it, try not to get over emotional over the drama lol... like just enjoy how the story goes and the ending lol...
hope that can motivate you to keep reading it...
and sorry for my bad grammar, i'm not used to speak in english.




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I don't usually mind drama. But the MC is just terribly dumb, Shou is getting emotional over no reason and this old boyfriend that comes everything and fuck things up and you don't even know why. It was pretty obvious she still loved him, but I don't see how she could confess like that and then just say like "let's not talk to each other anymore" and it just seem normal to everyone. Also I just don't think there'll be a good ending at the end, either that or the good ending will be really stupid..



    Potato Sprout

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It really is getting to the point where I will drop this. I dropped Kimi no Iru Machi for the same reasons that I want to drop this. It's become too long and drawn out for me to want to care anymore.



    Sweet Potato

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I don't know, but seeing the last chapters and how the story is getting, it just gets harder and harder to keep on reading it. Even what seemed to be a routine to read it every week isn't anymore, it went from a manga I liked to something I find stupid and do not feel like reading anymore and just dropping it.

And trust me, it isn't because I don't like who he goes out with or so, I've read alot of stories where the MC doesn't end up with who I wanted it to be, but this one is just unbearable, it's as if the author wants me (and maybe some others) to just stop reading it...

For a story that's considered shounen there are some very serious, much more "adult" themes that have, and are currently, playing out in it. There's been a real lull in the drama of this story since Utsumi and Shou became serious in their relationship after the art show. Now, for the most part, we're just getting back to a lot more of what this manga has always been about....romance and the relationships between some characters who have some very serious flaws (emotional mainly).

well the author of this manga just keeps dragging the story downhill, maybe the author has his reasons to do this, well I think he really wants to achieve the "best" Good Ending for everybody along with the readers of this manga... but answering your question I stopped reading this manga when shou's feelings of bitterness toward her ex showed up, well based on first hand experience (believe me or not) that's not a good thing in a relationship. NOT GOOD and it kinda kills me slowly with all this cliffhanger going on every chapter but I think I'll still read this manga after all this craziness and unfinished/unsettled feelings running wild from shou, seiji, yuki, and everbody else gets resolve and letting all the characters get what they deserve heck getting their own "Good Ending". \m/

It was like a revelation to me when I read that the mangaka for GE was a woman. I might be stupid or sexist, but to me it explained a lot of why this manga took the directions in the story line that it did. The most developed characters are the female characters and, shounen or not, much of this story is told from their point of view.

Three times, i think, that's how many times I've dropped this and come back. It's a story with a lot of tension and drama and it's a very well told story as well which makes the tension even worse. What we're seeing now, i think, is just the tip of the iceberg as far as drama and tension go, things are going to get a lot worse. I'm not dropping it any time soon, but I sure can't guarantee I won't have to take a break when all the really bad things that are coming start to happen. I've never found anything "stupid" about it though...aggravating and emotionally trying, yeah, but it's a great story that's very realistic and difficult to watch unfold at times.




    Fingerling Potato

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I don't even know how I got here. O.o



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Just my opinion with the characters getting their GE. If anybody here has read Suzuka(Great manga. I would recommend it to anyone who likes a good romance and some good laughs.), there are a lot of plot similarities but still distinctly different. Luckily Seo Kouji got the ending he intended for the manga with the wedding of the 2 leads. Now where I am going with this. There is a possibility that the same will happen in this manga ending with Utsumi's marriage to whomever and closure for the rest of the cast as well. Now this is only if the manga maintains it's popularity and gets the ending in which Sasuga Kei is going for. Now this is just my theory and opinion.

Now on dropping the manga, I can see as to way you would want to drop it because to you as a reader you aren't being entertained by the story or are starting to not be involved with the characters anymore because all that is going on. The same happened to me with Bakuman because the story and the leads got to the point where I wasn't emotionally invested in them. The characters I was invested, Hiramaru, Aoki, Fukuda, and Eiji; they all had their plots toied up and/or just thrown to the side. After Hiramaru got engaged to Aoki I wanted to drop the series because the characters I cared about were done. However I stuck with it because I was already invested to seeing the ending.(And how disappointed I was with that ending.) But what I am getting at is if you as a reader doesn't feel like you are getting anything out of the story or characters anymore, and have no lingering feelings as to wanting to see the ending then by all means do what you think is best. I however am still invested in the story and characters and want to see Utsumi and all of the other characters get their GE even if we have a long way until that happens.

The Vogfather

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i say we just put the yuki and shou in a no holds bar cage match over him.. "two woman enter! one woman leave!" and end it there.. imo this story flip flops more then some of the politicians in the us government.



    Sweet Potato

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i say we just put the yuki and shou in a no holds bar cage match over him.. "two woman enter! one woman leave!" and end it there.. imo this story flip flops more then some of the politicians in the us government.

Wow, how Mad Max'ish, I like it a lot.




    Potato Sprout

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I don't see any reason to drop it. I agree with a couple of the previous posts about how trying it is to read through their relationship problems, but I seriously don't see the mangaka breaking away from the title. I'm quite positive Utsumi and Yuki will be together in the end, and there's quite a bit of drama to get through to get there. With an MC who is portrayed as a typical second-guessing teenager, I expected this much drama and a side relationship somewhere.

The last few chapters have, set in motion, the end of the story. Shou's ex and Yuki's ex have both arrived on scene and once their situations are settled, the end will come. From the average chapter size we can expect a minimum of 5 volumes just to get through this mess with the ex's. So it'll be even more trying than before since it's nearing the peak of the drama in which the girls' emotional issues will be put through the ringer.

So I don't see any reason to drop it. It'll turn out good, we just have to handle the ride there.



    Sweet Potato

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I don't see any reason to drop it. I agree with a couple of the previous posts about how trying it is to read through their relationship problems, but I seriously don't see the mangaka breaking away from the title. I'm quite positive Utsumi and Yuki will be together in the end, and there's quite a bit of drama to get through to get there. With an MC who is portrayed as a typical second-guessing teenager, I expected this much drama and a side relationship somewhere.

The last few chapters have, set in motion, the end of the story. Shou's ex and Yuki's ex have both arrived on scene and once their situations are settled, the end will come. From the average chapter size we can expect a minimum of 5 volumes just to get through this mess with the ex's. So it'll be even more trying than before since it's nearing the peak of the drama in which the girls' emotional issues will be put through the ringer.

So I don't see any reason to drop it. It'll turn out good, we just have to handle the ride there.

Agreed (for the most part).

I really feel that the last half dozen or so chapters have had a very "rushed", almost forced feel to them. Starting with when Shou's ex showed back up, not just demanding to talk to her but going as far as to stake her out to see her and force himself on her. And then the girl from the photo studio, who saw Yuki's picture MONTHS ago and never said a thing, is all of a sudden Touru's sister and used to live next door to Yuki for years???

This story just all of a sudden has a much different feel to it for me, and I'm sorry to think this, but I've got a feeling this manga is being rushed to an ending.




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i actually did drop it for like a few months (during the MC depression and shit) but ive kinda picked it back up cause hes gotten away from being an emotional wreck. right now im just interested in how they're going to end it



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Will pick it back up if the ending is good. (See what I did there? ;) )



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I can understand why you'd want to drop the manga, i've felt frustrated by it as well, but recent weeks developments have been vital to the story, for Seiji to ever really have a future with Yuji or Shou, they both needed the demons in their closets dealt with, and the mangaka has finally decided to deal with those issue's, they've been too busy pussyfooting around the issue and because of that going round in circles. It becomes a bit frustrating to read a story of two people dating when you know it's not going to work because one (Yuki and Shou) of the two have issues they are afraid to deal with and the other is too afraid of them facing their problems incase they leave him (Seiji).

Now all the dirty laundry is out atleast they can move forward, get back together with their old boyfriend or be happy with Seiji, who needs to stop being such a wet blanket, onece that's done I think the Manga should end, instead of dragging it out further. I say 15-20 chapters max should be enough.