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Prediction for Tatsumi

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    Russet Potato

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I'm new here but from my viewpoint that re reading for 10 time in almost 30 chapter Tatsumi has pattern of thinking like this
after become night raid
1.This guy/gal is good person or they're justice let join them
government in his point of view
2.you/They bad guy they are enemy
after one of night raid dead (I not good at remembering character names)
3.They killed my friend I'll never forgive them
when he was spy in enemy headquarter
4.they not bad guy but still they killed my friend enemy still enemy
ya see not thing so hard to make tatsumi on your side if you know this pattern that mean tatsumi can be in any group that he called friend change so
long before you can 100% Prediction
PS. I'm thai that mean I'm not good at english forgive me if I'm wrong spelling or grammar

I got the general idea of what you're saying, and that is one of the things I love about the author; He has made very fleshed out characters that uphold the majority of their ideals, or shoulder their responsibilities. Tatsumi saw (personally) the corruption of the noble class, and was able to join Night Raid. He then saw all of their ideals. Later, Esdese and her crew were in the spotlight to show that the majority of them believed that supporting the Noble rule and the Kingdom were the soldiers responsibilities and that they were on the side of justice. It makes for very interesting reading as most of them aren't evil just because; they are all people with the responsibilities of a soldier regardless of the details.

Now... I'd love to see if the Kingdom fueling the rebellion/ revolution are actually going to be a better ruling party.



    Baked Potato

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Night raiders are not anti-heroes. Are you saying that all people fighting to protect and save people, are heroes only if they never ever kill, even if it means the loss of life of innocencts or themselves? Sure there are comics with characters like that, and things work out for them too because well, that is how it works in that comic. But sometimes you need to kill people, to save other people,(especially with so many extremely evil peope who have backing of government behind them) that doesn't make night raiders anti-heroes, that just makes then not dumb. You should really look up the concept of anti-hero, since you are really misusing the term.

And espada is a mass murderer. Someone who tortures and kills for fun. They have spelled this out in the manga, and anyone who doesn't see this, hasn't read it/thought about it properly. Espadas group are not on the side of law, they are on the side of power, they care nothing about law and order, and have even showed a disdain for it on multiple occassions, with the exception of wave who is so very much like the protagnist.

This could have been two groups that are both different shades of gray, if done differently, but it's not. Night raider has consistantly only killed people who are the worst scum imaginable, people who if were to die, many lives would be saved in the future, and they take care not to hurt others and even protect others. So night raiders are heroes, and Espadas group are villians, in this comic they have been made very black and white.

Edited by truepurple, 16 October 2012 - 04:43 AM.



    Fried Potato

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but nonetheless, Tatsumi still won't go to the Jaegar's side because they're serving a corrupt, greedy bastard, or at least seen that way from Tatsumi's eyes. In truth, not all the people serving under a villain would be a villain as well, and I think that's what's being portrayed here.
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    Potato Spud

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I predict that Tatsumi will die, not anytime soon, but eventually, probably close to the ending.

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    Fingerling Potato

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I predict that Tatsumi will die, not anytime soon, but eventually, probably close to the ending.

Actually I've been thinking along the lines that at some point in the manga Tatsumi will die or almost get killed (horribly injured) and then Incursio will then evolve again in order to heal/ keep Tatsumi alive.

I'm kinda thinking that at some point Esdese will find out that Tatsumi is part of Night Raid, or she just meets him while he's Incursio and sees him as an enemy, and ends up cutting him down. Then his Tegu reacts to his instincts to survive and evolves again, maybe merging with him like Esdese's Tegu, though seeing as Incursio has a weapon as well I wonder how that would work out. Possibly something like Tatsumi not being to be far from his weapon or being to pull a weapon out of thin air (But I think that Tatsumi not being able to be far from his weapon is more likely).

But this is all just a theory, so who knows what will happen.

Edited by Lynn, 11 January 2013 - 05:54 AM.

"Be happy to be alive . . . . . . . . . if the world ends as you know it, be even happier" - Me



    Potato Sprout

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My Prediction : One day, The  Great War Will Become Between Jaegers dan night Raid, Tatsumi Will Get Very Bad Injury When He Used Incrusio. Then When Incrusio Power Disssapear, The Armor That Covered Tatsumi's True Form,  From Esdese, Will Be Dissapear too. then esdese Will See Tatsumi Get Bad Injury. She Will Be Get Shock. Tatsumi dying. But He Got Coverd BY Esdese. And Esdese Will Quit From Empire Army..

Edited by littleman, 09 July 2013 - 07:05 AM.

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    Sweet Potato

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^^ Yup, that seems like a reasonable possibility............although it could easily go the other way too, and Esdese will be the one on the wrong end of the stick. However things play out, it seems pretty clear that the story is leading us towards some sort of "final" confrontation between whatever's left of NightRaid and Jaegers, and the result will be either pivotal to the story........or the outright beginning of the end of the story.




    Baked Potato

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Well, don't forget that Jaegers are hardly the end of things. They have barely even touched the issue of the minister and the little boy king, and only briefly touched on those things invading from that other world. So if this series continues to sell well, then there are miles to go yet before any kind of ending.

Speaking of those invaders from the other world, they haven't been mentioned much lately, but I could still see them posing the greater evil/threat/challenge that is fun to overcome, that causes Nightraid and Jaeger to temporarily join forces. (then nightraid gets back-stabbed when the threats over and back to the fighting between them) Then again, Esdeses is so selfish, I am sure she wouldn't mind if those invaders destroyed much of the land and killed off scads of people, if only to get what she wants, which is, killing people, challenging fights, torture (tough to torture those monsters...)

Edited by truepurple, 10 July 2013 - 05:18 AM.



    Sweet Potato

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Oh yeah, though (I think you're talking about) they weren't invaders, the ones i'm thinking of were the left-over monsters that doctor stylish had made in secret before he got wasted. That was the Colossal Danger Beast arc around chp24-27 or so............though yeah, they were definitely being controlled by the "minister's son" character who  was using teleportation. Yeah, forgot all about that guy. I suppose he'll show up again sooner or later.




    Baked Potato

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Well it's been so long, I'd have to reread the material.

It would be interesting if the story eventually got to the point where the revolution eventually succeeded, and then they would have to deal with politics, trust, etc. No obvious person to kill to make the world a better place. To make this comic a little less black and white, more gray. That isn't a prediction though, there has never been a chapter (aside from the joke ones, break ones etc) that hasn't had power fighting. Two people with amazing and extremely different powers clashing, and then one pulls out a as before yet unknown trump card! yata yata. And of course one clearly fighting on the evil side (even if not quit evil him/herself) and the other on the good side. In that way its been sort of boring, like so many others. And I doubt that would change, even if I would love to see that.

But at least with this one, they keep you guessing as to deaths go. Only Tatsumi pretty much known to be immune to death, and they don't tease us with him potentially dying when we know he won't. This MC can't die is helped by him having that armor too. But just about everyone else is not immune to death, well Esdassa is most likely for now, but I don't see that lasting the whole comic. And of course the (probably wicked) boy king and his wicked minister certainly won't die till at least they are properly introduced and for some time after that. Well, it's not unthinkable that the MC dies at the end, but I doubt that would happen.

Edited by truepurple, 10 July 2013 - 10:12 AM.