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* * * * * (4.5 - 105votes)

Isekai Ryouridou

Alt Names: alt Cooking in Another Worldalt Cooking With Wild Gamealt 異世界料理道alt Different World Cuisine
Author: Eda
Artist: Kochimo
Genres: Adventure AdventureComedy ComedyCooking CookingDrama DramaFantasy FantasyRomance RomanceSlice of Life Slice of Life
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Main protagonist is Tsurumi Asuta. 17 yrs old, 2nd year high schooler.

He was working as an apprentice cook at [Tsurumi-ya], managed by his father.

One day a fire broke out in [Tsurumi-ya], for the sake of his father’s cherished knife [Santoku Houchou – the japanese kind] he ran back inside to retrieve it and thus met his end. Before he knew it he awoke to an unknown environment. He was then attacked by a beast resembling a boar but a girl named ‘Ai=Fa’ from the [People of Morihen] saved him. It was then that he realized he was really in different world…
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Except there are not nudist reaction and foodgasm

Except he will actually have real orgasm from those tribe girls

    • Layfon , Cableman , HeyDoge and 1 other like this
Dec 29 2017 08:58 AM

Isekai Shokugeki, watch him defeat the demon king in a battle of cooking!

Except there are not nudist reaction and foodgasm

    • Layfon , Vulgrim and aldhaeru like this
Dec 29 2017 07:31 AM

so is this manga like nobunaga' chef where a guy got transported somewhere and cook good food without any mumbo jumbo or will it goes to the game effect rules? i think it will be much more interesting if his foods are simply good without it giving any kind of bullshit boosts.


guess i'll have to wait until the next chapter..

I can with near 100% certainty tell you  no mumbo jumbo here. As of what been translated of the web/light novel (dont actually know which it is) there are no such RPG effect or systems in place and i cant see it suddenly showing up 3/4 of the way through vol. 2...One of the the things i love about this series is how well built the culture of the forest dwellers is. Im guessing we will lose a bit of that for time sake in the manga but a lot of thought was put into making a believeable way of life for these people, and within that way of life the thought of cooking (or eating) for ANYTHING other than survival doesnt exist. Minor spoiler- he figures out that that meal she cooked through trail and error has been found to include literally exactly what a person living in the forest needs in order to survive, no more no less. This is a story about him slowly teaching these people how to ENJOY food and in some cases life

    • Natas , xinhope , Zael and 8 others like this

so is this manga like nobunaga' chef where a guy got transported somewhere and cook good food without any mumbo jumbo or will it goes to the game effect rules? i think it will be much more interesting if his foods are simply good without it giving any kind of bullshit boosts.


guess i'll have to wait until the next chapter..

    • Zael and Doopington like this
Dec 29 2017 05:48 AM

I'll keep reading, but it's been 2 long chapters already as build up for a cook being isekai'ed to another world and he still hasn't cooked anything. The other chef isekai manga is more fast paced I guess.

So I wasn't too far off.  The "vegetables" look like onions and potatoes, but taste like wet cardboard.  And they don't prep the boar meat at all which is a big no-no. 


In Texas, you typically get two types, regular Eurasian boars and Javelina.  Male boars require you to remove the sexual organs all in one go since that's where all the testosterone is.  Mess up and you've got testosterone contaminated meat (not real great tasting).  Javelina are a different mess altogether.  Closer to rodents than pigs, they've got stink sacks above their eyes and along their backs.  If you don't remove those in the field as soon as possible, your meat is ruined.  Most boar meat isn't good straight up either.  You typically have it as sausage or in chili or on occasion pork chops.  Sows aren't real great since they're weak from suckling piglets twice a year.


It's been a while since I've hunted and cooked boar, so if I made a mistake feel free to correct me.

    • Panos , Abu Hajaar and HoiPolloi like this

Somebody is about to lock himself up a wife.

Incoming foodgasm

Yeah, it's "coming" as soon as possible.

Incoming foodgasm

    • PervySageChuck likes this



I have worked in the field of research before and managed several breeding colonies of laboratory mice and rats used to investigate new medicines and treatments for catastrophic diseases in children. The one thing I discovered is that nearly every study of cancer involved white, albino laboratory rats and mice.


Logically speaking, this proves that the true cause of cancer rests in those nasty, pink-eyed little rodents.


Therefore, it is clear that to completely eradicate the scourge of cancer, we MUST find a way to eliminate all of those cancer-inducing albino vermin that have been pseudo-scientifically proven to be the root cause of this horrifying disease!

It's those damnable Rats of Nimh, and their leader Algernon. They were last seen in the sewers, plotting with Ben.

Also, best way to end cancer is to come up with a test for biomarkers for early detection. 

Best way to end the flu is to kill all the birds, since they are the main vector. 

    • PervySageChuck , Caminante , rotingapple and 3 others like this
Dec 29 2017 01:10 AM

Most tests on rats are complete shit.



Have you heard the saying that we could cure any disease in mice? Mice are a convenient model organism. Of course they aren't perfect replicas of humans, but discounting research using them would leave very little left. They are an integral part of preclinical research.




I have worked in the field of research before and managed several breeding colonies of laboratory mice and rats used to investigate new medicines and treatments for catastrophic diseases in children. The one thing I discovered is that nearly every study of cancer involved white, albino laboratory rats and mice.


Logically speaking, this proves that the true cause of cancer rests in those nasty, pink-eyed little rodents.


Therefore, it is clear that to completely eradicate the scourge of cancer, we MUST find a way to eliminate all of those cancer-inducing albino vermin that have been pseudo-scientifically proven to be the root cause of this horrifying disease!

    • rotingapple , Ironclad and Radicool21 like this

At last!! A manga for Cooking with wild game! Been waiting for this since I read the Light novel.

I hope you're reading Dungeon Meshi.

> Lives a normal life, probably has a decent diet.
> Gets teleported on the afternoon to a far away world.
> At nightfall, his stomach cannot stop growling like mad as if it's eating itself for weeks.
> It has hardly been half a day.

What the frack was that guy eating before that event? Small bits of bread? Even someone who suffers from diarrhea doesn't have rumblings of that degree.

Glycogen stores after meals only last 8 hours at most. Skinny Asian boy has no reserves.

Most tests on rats are complete shit.

Like, even some dude that works for the masses talked about it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zvJHq2FJPDM

Have you heard the saying that we could cure any disease in mice? Mice are a convenient model organism. Of course they aren't perfect replicas of humans, but discounting research using them would leave very little left. They are an integral part of preclinical research.

The “potato” grows on trees. I’ll save the big spoiler for next chapter.

How dare you not refer to them as brown starchy fruit that resembles a nightshade tuber and allium-like bulbs.

Isekai Shokugeki, watch him defeat the demon king in a battle of cooking!

    • Doopington likes this

Isekai Shokugeki, watch him defeat the demon king in a battle of cooking!

    • Kanaeda84 likes this
Dec 28 2017 11:53 PM
Diggerson should have been “Digga Tsun/Son/Sun”. Aifa should have been “Ai Fa”. She’s Ai, head of the Fa House. Their family names are similar to Chinese ones I think, only they use western “Given Name, Surname” format.
    • Ironclad , Umetsu and NateAlmighty like this

I'm a college freshman, and I eat every 3-4 hours. I get hungry considerably fast. But I guess that's just my diet where I eat small amounts of food often so I don't gain weight.


Nah it's because you're in college. When I was 18/19 I could eat all day and it just turned into muscle. The only thing I ever did was pushups and crunches at night, about 100 each. Men grow until about 24 and women grow until 17. So you can pretty much just eat at those ages as much as you want and you shouldn't get fat. Unless you eat really, really, really crappy food.


Now wait like 10 years and try to do the same, and you will notice then.

Most tests on rats are complete shit.


Like, even some dude that works for the masses talked about it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zvJHq2FJPDM


I was actually the rat, I signed in anonymous 

Jesus Christ! I only said they were potatoes and onions cuz that's what they look like in the single fucking panel they've been in so far and it follows the story logic of eating smelly foods!

Dec 10 2017 08:05 PM

Convergent natural and artificial evolution? Bulbs are a fairly effective system that evolved separately in the amaryllis and oxalis families. Humans across the world also have applied surprisingly uniform pressures in artificial selection.
Their "onions" probably evolved from monkeys or turtles.

The “potato” grows on trees. I’ll save the big spoiler for next chapter.

What makes you think an alternate world has the same ingredients as ours, when we’ve spent generations using selective breeding?

Convergent natural and artificial evolution? Bulbs are a fairly effective system that evolved separately in the amaryllis and oxalis families. Humans across the world also have applied surprisingly uniform pressures in artificial selection.

Their "onions" probably evolved from monkeys or turtles.
Dec 10 2017 06:08 PM

>Repeatedly called a "Santoku" kitchen knife
>Looks nothing like a Santoku. At all.
>Actually looks more like the bastard love child of a Deba Bocho and a typical/ordinary Western-style Chef's knife

As a knife guy, I am disappoint. Google image search "Santoku," mangaka.

tell me more

    • Zael likes this
Dec 10 2017 02:11 PM

Amazon Saber is best.


Dec 10 2017 11:09 AM

Those are onions? As expected to a strong refined woman like her, she is cooking onions for onion massive test boost, or onion gains cause he looks dyel.


Why eat onions?


Based on a study conducted by Iranian scientists, they've found that the equivalent of 1 onion a day in humans increased serum testosterone in rats by nearly 300%. 
It has also been shown by small groups of communities to stop balding, as well as grow hair back when applied on the balding areas, however, no major studies have been conducted on this, but you can probably guess why



http://www.ergo-log.com/onionjuice. html



Most tests on rats are complete shit.


Like, even some dude that works for the masses talked about it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zvJHq2FJPDM

Dec 10 2017 11:08 AM

> Lives a normal life, probably has a decent diet.
> Gets teleported on the afternoon to a far away world.
> At nightfall, his stomach cannot stop growling like mad as if it's eating itself for weeks.
> It has hardly been half a day.

What the frack was that guy eating before that event? Small bits of bread? Even someone who suffers from diarrhea doesn't have rumblings of that degree.

I'm a college freshman, and I eat every 3-4 hours. I get hungry considerably fast. But I guess that's just my diet where I eat small amounts of food often so I don't gain weight.

> Lives a normal life, probably has a decent diet.
> Gets teleported on the afternoon to a far away world.
> At nightfall, his stomach cannot stop growling like mad as if it's eating itself for weeks.
> It has hardly been half a day.

What the frack was that guy eating before that event? Small bits of bread? Even someone who suffers from diarrhea doesn't have rumblings of that degree.

    • Zael likes this

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