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Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
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* * * * - (4.19 - 315votes)


Alt Names: alt いぬやしきalt อินุยาชิกิalt 犬屋敷alt 犬舍alt Last Hero Inuyashikialt اینو یاشیکی
Author: Oku Hiroya
Artist: Oku Hiroya
Genres: Action ActionDrama DramaMecha MechaPsychological PsychologicalSci-fi Sci-fiSeinen Seinen
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: Inuyashiki has a family, a wife and two kids, none of whom care about him. When he learns that he has only three months to live he realizes that the only one who will miss him is his dog. Shortly after this realization he is killed in a crash landing by aliens. He is rebuilt by them as a machine with a human exterior. How will his life change now that he isn't human?
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Pfffft that fuckin sucked. The spread when the explosion happens is fucking great though, would make a good wallpaper.

Did anyone else feel like the son was just kinda smirking while the mom and daughter were crying?

Yeesh, this manga moves slowly, like molasses.

When I saw Hanako behind bars I thought GODDAMIT HANAKO HOW DID YOU FUCK UP before realising it was a flashback, haha

In the beginning he was treated like air by his own family, but now they suddenly care about him. Meh.

Glad to see Inuyashiki decided to see things through to the end, instead of just turning a blind eye toward his problems. I guess you could say he just had a clear view of the situation, and that's why he couldn't look away from what needed to be done. So you really have to respect Inuyashiki's vision, as most people would eyeball such a challenge and run from it, even if though such a course of action would be a bit short-sighted.

Jesus, those seven eye related puns.

Glad to see Inuyashiki decided to see things through to the end, instead of just turning a blind eye toward his problems. I guess you could say he just had a clear view of the situation, and that's why he couldn't look away from what needed to be done. So you really have to respect Inuyashiki's vision, as most people would eyeball such a challenge and run from it, even if though such a course of action would be a bit short-sighted.

This was a superhero story??????


Read the first few chapters again. This started as a story about an old man finally given the chance to do right. Understanding who he was now, what to do with the power given to him, sorting out what he can DO... it's all there. It could've been an incredible story.


Instead, well... well, we got what we got. Fuck, he didn't even do a callback to how he was supposed to die of cancer anyway, that could've been a nifty wrapup: his time was always limited, he just had a chance to do amazing good because of what was given to him.


God what a disappointment.

Man, Hanako is really the only one who drives home the emotional impact. Best Doge.

i'm kinda laughing - in the end Inuyashiki still loved Hanako the best. She got the most memory-panels haha

same, dude, same. i'd cry for my pet the most as well. the dog loved him even without him being a robot-messiah.

The only character I truly feel sorry for in this story, aside from Old Man Inuyashiki, is Hanako. She was the best girl, definitely.



I'd like to see a story like this done by a completely different mangaka, it was amusing as hell at the start but god did this guy's bad quirks steep in deep.

If it were just Inuyashiki as the protagonist, and Shishigami and all of his story cues were removed entirely from the story, it would have been infinitely better from the foundation up. It's like the author can't branch too far from that obnoxious angsty Japanese teenager niche without having to bring some of it in to make writing the story feel comfortable.

Seriously, just a story about an old dude who gets turned into a cyborg by accident and ends up becoming a hero in some way would be endearing enough if done well. Every chapter that focused on Shishigami was a chapter spent waiting for more Inuyashiki development.

Then again, I'm not a 15 year old Japanese High Schooler, so I guess I'm not this guy's intended demo anyway, lol. *despite it being Seinen, it just reeks of bad Shounen*

Still, I don't dislike it; as much as the attempt to redeem that godawful character soured the tone of the story over anything else, it was still a fun read for a while.

Let this work be a warning, for all who view it:


Don't write a superhero story if you don't understand superheroes.


This was a superhero story??????

Go out with a bang!

What a shallow cliche story. Can't say I expected more from an author whose only claim to fame is a gore and sex manga.
Glad I had decided to marathon at the end instead of following it weekly for years.

Let this work be a warning, for all who view it:


Don't write a superhero story if you don't understand superheroes.


I understand what the author is going for.


It's not working, but I understand it. He's not good enough of a writer to pull it off regretfully. Kudos for making a nuanced attempt though.


This is a bit of an attempt at showing that shades of grey exist but not in the sense that most people equate it; moreso it's that even people who are incontrovertibly bad or "evil" are not 100% balls to the wall that in everything they do because that's not often how life works. Nor is the sign that a bad person is capable of good or love a sign that they are not a bad person or that they can be forgiven or excused for their evil. Shishigami is still a piece of shit and there's nothing that is going to change that. But even pieces of shit can be capable of love.


Oftentimes stories or whatnot that take this approach not to show that everybody is gray and "good" and "bad" don't exist; but rather that because those we see as bad are capable of the same things as us we see ourselves reflected in them and become concerned/horrified/unnerved at how easily someone like us could be capable of the things these "monsters" do. I have people I care for and frustrations at the state of the world (as well as a distinct hatred of internet trolls), if given unlimited power to do what I want what separates me from being just like Shishigami? We often like to think we have a strong enough idea of self that we would never do something like him but...who can really say until it happens? Maybe we're all secret edgelords that would kill everyone who talks shit about us and loves some teenager and her grandma?


That is to say I know that's what he's attempting but I think the mangaka is punching above his weight and fumbled the ball a bit, to mix my metaphors. So I can't fully fault him for trying and advanced literary technique but...I do wish he executed it well instead of how it turned out.


This is the guy that did Gantz, he doesn't know what nuance means. Also I could believe a teenager behaves as stupidly and bipolar as Shishigami.

-Sheds a tear for Old Man Inuyashiki-


That's... it?

Someone's simulations were a bit off.

Well, that was predictable..

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