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* * * * - (3.89 - 57votes)

Judgement Overman - Houkago no Kessha

Alt Names: alt ジャッジメント・オーバーマン~~放課後の結社~alt Judgement Overmanalt Judgement Overman -After School Association-
Author: Higashide Yuuichirou
Artist: Kunieda
Genres: Action ActionAdventure AdventureComedy ComedyEcchi EcchiHarem HaremMystery MysteryRomance RomanceSupernatural Supernatural
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: The world is being run by humans with supernatural talents called irregulars. The MC is a young leader of a motley crew of irregulars that covertly aims to fix and unite the country.
(Description written by reader after reading one chapter, seems to be a big world setting with a strong MC but inconsistent pacing)
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The less i understand the more i want to read

i'll just nod my head in agreement like i know what's going on...



and is it bad that i have absolutely no idea what is going on or who these people are supposed to be?


You should just enjoy the ride, go with the flow, and either things will be made clearer in future chapters and all the pieces will eventually come together in the same style as a Stephen King horror novel like "The Stand", or it will all go to hell in total confusion as in a Kurt Vonnegut book like "Slaughterhouse Five", and you can just laugh at all of us pretentious idiots who will still be following this series because we are FALSELY claiming to "understand" its esoteric and obscure philosophical values instead of swallowing our pride and admitting that we made a huge mistake in sticking with a piece of shit that might make absolutely NO sense at all!!!


By the way...  Have I told you how impressed I am with the deep psychological analysis of the individual characters that I have encountered from the author's handling of his Freudian dialogue coupled with his DaVinciesque artwork?

and is it bad that i have absolutely no idea what is going on or who these people are supposed to be?

a large portion of japan is destroyed -> survivors conquer russia



oh somehow MC starts off with something akin to a harem.

story really crazy at 18 chapter...



...Yeah, I didn't even need to see the recruitment page to tell you need typesetters. >.>

Though I honestly don't have the time, sorry.

17 years old. Yeah, okay. Another one a' those.

lol MC with ambition.... Followed

Science opened the gates of Hell (= science kicks ass) -> Science gets largely abandoned. What the hell?

Oh, I'm not strange, I'm just like you.

I like to do the kinds of things normal people do.

I comb my face and shave my hair,
And keep a live chicken in my underwear!

*Seriously Relieved* ... I always thought you where a bit of a weirdo. It´s nice to know you´re sane Pervy! 

The time of the strange people... Sounds like every minute on the minute for me... Why am i so strange =/


Oh, I'm not strange, I'm just like you.

I like to do the kinds of things normal people do.

I comb my face and shave my hair,
And keep a live chicken in my underwear!

I am so following this! I waited ages for someone to translate this because I was following the raws, even though I didn't understand the gist of the story.

Anyways, harem type where the guy is actually a cool-headed fighter and he "uses" girls as his tools or partners to fight. I.M.O, a good manga and the MC is great.(ofc, i am 70% sure of this but it can differentiate cause I can't read japanese -_-')

Really? Trollol, this was translated from Chinese, but I don't really get this either =_="

Man...this manga is confusing, I hope the mangaka improves the pacing more

Looks interesting kind of like the x-men mutant thing going on in this story. I can get into that

this. this seems promising. throw me a Code Geass-replica would ya?


following. no questions asked.

Sometimes I pretend to be normal, but it gets boring, so I go back to being me

I dont think you can be normal when you're a catbug xD

Anyways, it'll definitely be a hit. Loads of people will follow this.

So thanks for the upload "Soul Scans" and gl with giving us more uploads.



There's this overpowered "lady" with mad yandere tendencies... 

The time of the strange people... Sounds like every minute on the minute for me... Why am i so strange =/

Sometimes I pretend to be normal, but it gets boring, so I go back to being me

I am so following this! I waited ages for someone to translate this because I was following the raws, even though I didn't understand the gist of the story.

Anyways, harem type where the guy is actually a cool-headed fighter and he "uses" girls as his tools or partners to fight. I.M.O, a good manga and the MC is great.(ofc, i am 70% sure of this but it can differentiate cause I can't read japanese -_-')

The time of the strange people... Sounds like every minute on the minute for me... Why am i so strange =/

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