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Kenrantaru Scans

Name: Kenrantaru Scans
Description: Just a fan who might feel strongly enough about his favourites to share them with others.
Delay: 0

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Hey Protocol, given the news that Batoto will be permanently shutting down, if you decide to continue the series, is there another place we could look for for new releases from you? Thanks!

I have been and will likely continue to post my releases on imgur and reddit under the same username, which is where I'm most active, but I don't really know how to approach this issue otherwise. I honestly have no desire to host a blog or site, or whatever, so I'm mostly hoping a platform with as much integrity and respect for content providers will emerge before the next volume of La Magnifique Grande Scène comes out (which should be somewhere in April or May).


All I've done so far is registering [email protected] and KenrantaruScans at imgur (which is currently empty), but feel free to reach out to me by email or through reddit, or even add me on MyAnimeList if you want (with context for your request as I tend to ignore random ones).

Hey Protocol, given the news that Batoto will be permanently shutting down, if you decide to continue the series, is there another place we could look for for new releases from you? Thanks!
Thank you so much for continuing scanlating this series!

Just want to send my thanks and appreciation for all your hard work and dedication!

I've been looking for a place where I can directly contact kenrantaru scans to show my appreciation, can't believe I didn't think of batoto right away; but thank you so much! I'm a fan of ballet and have been looking for something new since Princess Tutu, so thank you so much for scanlating this series! I'm certainly enjoying it a lot so far!

I appreciate the feedback and I'm glad you're enjoying it, it's one of those series I was pretty sad I couldn't talk about with anyone else, so I took it upon myself. :)

I've been looking for a place where I can directly contact kenrantaru scans to show my appreciation, can't believe I didn't think of batoto right away; but thank you so much! I'm a fan of ballet and have been looking for something new since Princess Tutu, so thank you so much for scanlating this series! I'm certainly enjoying it a lot so far!

Thank you so much for bringing us this beautiiful series! Good series about dancing, especially ballet, are pretty rare. I've read Grande scene in one go, and it is absolutely wonderful. And your translation, cleaning and editing are splendid, too. Hard to believe you're a one-man group. Also the speed is amazing! Indeed, you should be called Kenrantaru Grande Scans! Thank you again for your hard work and best wishes!

Thank you! I fell in love with the series almost immediately, and it kept getting better and better, so I really wanted to share it.


I'd actually put most of the work into scanlating Kenrantaru before I released the first chapter. I don't like the idea of working on chapters as they come, as I would rather grow into a script, and in this case into ballet and its terminology as well, to be able to go back over the whole script to make sure that I am, to the best of my ability, both correct and consistent throughout.


I'm still working on editing/typesetting the later chapters (which will eventually see a major change (hopefully not poorly received)), but I'm hoping to be able to release one chapter a day until I catch up to the latest volume (chapter 42).


I hope you continue to enjoy it!

Thank you so much for bringing us this beautiiful series! Good series about dancing, especially ballet, are pretty rare. I've read Grande scene in one go, and it is absolutely wonderful. And your translation, cleaning and editing are splendid, too. Hard to believe you're a one-man group. Also the speed is amazing! Indeed, you should be called Kenrantaru Grande Scans! Thank you again for your hard work and best wishes!

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