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* * * * - (4.44 - 131votes)

Sukitte Ii na yo

Alt Names: alt 'Seni Seviyorum' Dealt Di "Te Amo"alt Say "I Love You"alt Say I Love You
Author: Hazuki Kanae
Artist: Hazuki Kanae
Genres: Comedy ComedyDrama DramaRomance RomanceSchool Life School LifeShoujo ShoujoSlice of Life Slice of Life
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Mei Tachibana has spent her 16 years without making either boyfriend or friends. One day, she drop-kicks a popular boy in school, Yamato Kurosawa, because of a misunderstanding but for some reason it seems that he takes a liking to her and one-sidedly claims that they’re friends. Furthermore, he not only protects Mei from a stalker, he does it with a kiss…?!!
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What's up with ch. 48?


"We have this translated, but you have to come to our site to read it, Mwa ha ha ha ha ha!!"


Ok, probably not, but it is there. But now it's up from a different group. :)

What's up with ch. 48?

ch.48 seems broken?

After the past few weeks, this chapter is just what I needed to redeem the day. Aaaaaaahhhhh...

This manga has some nice moments but...I really hate this thing of female shoujo MCs being completely bland and boring but somehow having amazing friends who consistently go out of their way for them even though they don't really do anything. Mei doesn't really have any interesting faults (and the ones she does have are always played up as being cute) or any hobbies even. The only thing she has is "being nice" which is the most generic trait ever :(

Mind you, generic or not, "being nice" is actually a trait that's pretty helpful in getting you amazing friends who go out of their way for you.  So there's some realism there.

This manga has some nice moments but...I really hate this thing of female shoujo MCs being completely bland and boring but somehow having amazing friends who consistently go out of their way for them even though they don't really do anything. Mei doesn't really have any interesting faults (and the ones she does have are always played up as being cute) or any hobbies even. The only thing she has is "being nice" which is the most generic trait ever :( Asami, Aiko or Megumi would make way more entertaining leads. Still, reading this for the supporting cast, they're pretty great. 

The only thing I can say is that, along with some nice messages, this manga also teaches men and women some misguided things. But hey, in the end they're all pretty people.

And this is what I call a realistic relationship. Someone who shares the same worries and encourages their progress :) Thanks for the update!

Feel bored into this...need more Megumi x Kai!

I keep getting the feeling that Megumi secretly holds a soft spot towards Kai (not that she's anywhere close to admitting it though). Though sometimes it's kind of obvious the way her eyes go a bit downcast when Kai keeps reminding her she's "totally not cute"...ooorrr something along those lines.

I didnt expect this to be that mature! although there was a warning, its still pretty rare for me to this kinda stuff in shoujo o_o

Feel bored into this...need more Megumi x Kai!


Thank you for posting these! I fell in love with the anime and I finished the manga chapters in a week haha! Anyone know when chapters 45-52 will come out with the English translations? I saw that there were scans on this other website but none in English.

Volume 13 cover:


I'm feeling sad that nobody in shoujo wants to become scientist or engineer. The "cool" kids always got into arts or sports, the "normal" kids always go into pedagogy or liberal arts, and the "smart" kids always go into laws/medicine


Come on, those computers didn't build themselves >.<

That emo kid shouldn't get close to Mai we had enough problems with main couple .

It's announced that Sukitte Ii na yo has surpassed printing 5,700,000 copies.

Hey another of those storys were the female MC is told to become a teacher....


...are there really no other careers?

i really liked Mei when she was a bit more headstrong. now i feel like her character is going in a completely different direction

Why did this feel like I was reading Kimi ni Todoke.....? Oh wait.... that's cause the development in this chap was very similar. Though not a bad thing since this is supposed to be a more mature type of story anyway. The tension has once again reached the point where you can cut it with a knife. I know life is like that, but it still downright sucks anyway.

I dunno.  A teacher?  Tachibana Mei? Isn't "your whole career" kind of taking the "confront your weaknesses" thing a bit too far?  You can be kind-hearted and not want to spend your whole frickin' life in front of crowds of rambunctious kids.

I mean, sure, Mei started as enough of an introvert that the results were actually making her unhappy.  Yeah, it was good for her to relate to people more and try a couple of things so she'd know she could do them.  But does that mean nobody's going to be satisfied until she's transformed into an extrovert?!  Is there something wrong with being a bit quiet?

Hmm, don't really know what the author is up to here.  Seems like we just got over the whole Yamato being jealous about Mei talking to other guys, but it seems to be on the horizon again.  And it seems like Megumi's repeating her past story as well.

when are they gonna scanlate chapter 44, raw are already out till 46

kai should end up with mei :D

I'm just confused because it seems really obvious that Ren(the guy) is Rin(the model girl).  So the real question is, which gender are they really? 

umm you do know that two different genders is possible for twins right?

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