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Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * * (4.58 - 52votes)


Alt Names: alt คัยโอขิ พลิกตำนานจ้าวสมุทรalt Kaikoukialt Kaiokialt Tale of the Sea Kingalt 海皇紀
Author: Kawahara Masatoshi
Artist: Kawahara Masatoshi
Genres: Action ActionAdventure AdventureComedy ComedyFantasy FantasyHistorical HistoricalMartial Arts Martial ArtsMystery MysteryRomance RomanceSci-fi Sci-fiShounen Shounen
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: In a world lost within the mists of time, the People of the Sea rule the oceans uncontested by any, owing to their ever-vigilant guardians, the legendary Shadow Ships.

Enter Pan Gamma Vizen, the unlikely captain of one of these mysterious vessels and its motley crew. They drink constantly, they gamble shamelessly, and would rather take a nap under the midday sun than toil after glory or riches. The very picture of a lazy, happy-go-lucky ragtag team of sailors.. or are they?

In their journeys, they will encouter the last surviving princess from a fallen dynasty, the warrior rummored to be the deadliest swordsman in the world, a fledgeling emperor zealously dedicated to the fulfillment of his divine destiny, and more.. but none more mysterious or enthralling than Pan Gamma Vizen himself and his ever-present, enigmatic smirk.

As a potent, ancient magic known as "science" enters the world stage, events quickly spiral into a dark conspiracy that threatens to swallow the entire world in the flames of war.

The only man who can hope to make his stand before this storm of storms is the carefree, careless captain of a single black ship.

This is the tale of the Sea King.
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Eh, I feel like a promoter trying his best to pitch his favorite fighter up for the World title.. so if I was a tad overdramatic, sue me ^^

Now, if you feel that last line really detracts from the overall appeal factor, feel free to zap it out of existence. Kaiouki FTW!
The last part of the description is uncomfortably similar to the descriptions of the majority of western movies and bestselling novels. Just switch the "carefree, careless captain of a single black ship" with "ex-intelligence officer" and it's Hollywood.
Ack, I just used the author's first name.. Gomen, I meant Kawahara-sensei.. XD
In my defense, I don't speak Japanese at all T__T
I suppose everyone's a critic. I gave up on Ruler of the Land a long time ago, when it was up to vol. 28 or so. It seemed to be an uneasy compromise, a jack-of-all-trades but master of none. I much preferred Yongbi for humor or Juedai Shuangjiao (Legendary Twins) if you're going for Wushu. Of course, all my friends loved it that taught me that every individual is entitled to their own preferences ^^

As for Kaiouki, I've been a fan of Masatoshi's fight sequences ever since I read Shura no Mon. They manage to be deceptively simple yet always believable, maintaining a level of suspension of disbelief throughout the whole ordeal that is quite rare in today's manga. For instance, one of the reasons I just can't stand the new Prince of Tennis or Kuroko no Basket is that they jolt me out of the story every couple pages with each new "technique" which simply seems rehashed or scrambled together under the guise of godlike power.. (Apologies to the fans of either series. Like I said, everyone's a critic).

Not that fighting is all Kaiouki's got going for it. Gotta admit I thoroughly enjoy Pan's character - his easy-going nature, sharp wit, and deadly skills. What's not to love?
your welcome
Thanks for the uploads SoundSpark, you rock!
oh..this one..dam long manga..read it till vol 30ish..readable i guess. but doesnt leave me with strong impression unlike Ruler of The Land.
This is quite good.. or at least, better than I expected. The summary sort of through me off, but I'm glad I decided to take a gander at it.
Looking to restart this project, I will have vol. 2 up within 5 days. Trust me, this manga starts out slowly but gets better and better as it picks up speed and momentum. If you're interested in finding out what's going on or would like to lend a hand, do visit http://vatoto.com/forums/topic/9931-kaikouki-tale-of-the-sea-king-seeking-helpers-wish-to-join-group-interested-in-picking-up-this-project/.

Look forward to volume 2!
seems interesting, worth continuing at the very least.
Well, I give it an 8 for entertainment so far, its interesting and quick-paced. The MC still seems godly, so we obviously haven't seen anything important yet, but its on a good track.
And yeah, pretty retro. But it probably changes with time, too. I mean, hey, we theoretically have at least another 43 volumes, there's going to be some change.

Also, laid-back badass with a pitch black ship under his command and his own trained falcon? That's what I call a good start point for an MC.
Very retro. Not very sure if its good or not.

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