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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * * (4.57 - 65votes)


Alt Names: alt セルフ
Author: Saku Yukizo
Artist: Saku Yukizo
Genres: Comedy ComedyEcchi EcchiPsychological PsychologicalSeinen SeinenSlice of Life Slice of Life
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Youichi is a very serious, stoic young man with a girlfriend and a regular sex life. However, he has never experienced sexual self-gratification.

Recently, he's become aware of a book called "Masturbation" at the library he works at -- an educated discourse into the history of the sin of Onan and related practices. Finding himself increasingly intrigued by the concepts within, he begins to conduct a series of experiments... Join him as he embarks into a whole new world!
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MC:  "I don't want to get caught up in some weird mess."

Pfff.  You so want to get caught up in some weird mess.

How come I keep shipping him with the girls around him OTHER than his own girlfriend? Wtf!? Am I subconciously desiring some NTR over here or what!?!?

No idea what just happened, but I loved every second of it.

I'm loving this development.  It's hilarious, it adds a dimension--really, the "Gradually discovering masturbation for himself" was a plot line that had pretty much blown its wad, as it were--once I've finished laughing there might even be that serious/thoughtful side this manga has been maintaining alongside the "WTF".  Plus she's pretty cute.

"A girl wanted to masturbate on top of a cliff, but the cliff was already occupied with a half naked man stroking his shaft and eventually shooting sticky white liquid to the girl's face. The girl's angry and asked the man to masturbate together with her in a library room in her home"

Whut the f*ck mmm...~?!

They masturbate at the same place & maybe same time, So does that make them masturbation buddies? XD

"I was investigating something, for the greater good!"


wierd wierd wierd

Dude y u no use



I'm sure it won't be as interesting as this and it will just be another hentai.


My feelings kinda around this:


It kinda feels that the female version will be more true-to-life than the male one (cause, you know, masturbation is more common among men and more taboo among women. Stereotypes, social roles and all. So it's strange to find a man who is a masturbation virgin, I guess, but women tend to hush up any sexual urges. Not in every culture, but still)


Yeah, in my culture, comparing it with how people talked about this matter in internet, there's a veeery wide gap

It kinda feels that the female version will be more true-to-life than the male one (cause, you know, masturbation is more common among men and more taboo among women. Stereotypes, social roles and all. So it's strange to find a man who is a masturbation virgin, I guess, but women tend to hush up any sexual urges. Not in every culture, but still)


Now I want to try to masturbate on top of the cliff mmm...


Who's with me mmm...~?

Yeah, that's right. Scream internally. The only way to make her disappear at this point is to close your eyes and pretend like your a rock.

I....I like this. very intriguing 

Wow, so the POWER OF NATURE lets you bukkake on a random gothic girl at dawn!!!! 


All must bow down in front of nature's POWER!!!! m(__)m

Expecto Patronum... LMAO

I'm curious how female version of this series would look like... Curious... ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 

It kinda feels that the female version will be more true-to-life than the male one (cause, you know, masturbation is more common among men and more taboo among women. Stereotypes, social roles and all. So it's strange to find a man who is a masturbation virgin, I guess, but women tend to hush up any sexual urges. Not in every culture, but still)

An unchartered world of masturbation! :lol:

I'm curious how female version of this series would look like... Curious... ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 

I'm sure it won't be as interesting as this and it will just be another hentai.

I'm curious how female version of this series would look like... Curious... ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 


Once again it ALIVE!!!!!111!!!! Only been 6 months since the last time i posted this!

LMAO! It's becoming a tutorial on how to improve masturbation. Brilliant.

I don't know why I keep reading this. Why is it so mesmerizing to see a man masturbate? 

This is pretty good.

Got me feeling hazy at chapter 6. :iykwim:

Over-all, I like art styles like this and the story is quite catchy.

Would be following for more. :D

I'm waiting for him to cheat. I prefer Izumi for him to be honest.


I prefer you for me tbh


N-no homo

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