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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * * (4.53 - 85votes)


Alt Names: alt Advanced Notice Criminalalt 予告犯alt 预告犯alt Previously Noted Crimesalt Prophecy
Author: Tsutsui Tetsuya
Artist: Tsutsui Tetsuya
Genres: Mystery MysteryPsychological PsychologicalSeinen Seinen
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: The anti-cybercrime section of Tokyo is on the edge. A man wearing a newspaper mask posts videos online predicting the worst crimes: rapes, assaults, fires...

The twist? The day after, his prophecies have been completed on the front of the TV news. Who is he? How does he proceed? What are his motivations, his ambitions?

It's the start of a race against time which leads the inspectors to an empty seat in a cybercafe in the outskirts of Tokyo... But while the investigation is blocked, the popular support grows around this mysterious figure. Dropouts, employees tyrannized by their hierarchy, web users accustomed to chat and forums discussions: more and more are finding themselves included in his fight!
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When is the next chapter coming out?
@LayedBaack Yes i do use your translations :) they are ok anyway i dont have any bigger problems :D
LayedBaack, my Queen of Evil Delights, my Mistress of Divine Pain and Punishment! Thank you for giving your faithful slave and whipping boy another intriguing chapter in this series!!
Wow, it's pretty good. Kind of nice to have a change of pace
@Giryu If you're using my translations... good luck huehuehue.
This is more interesting then i thought it would be im going to follow this and see were this goes.
Crazy Ass mc's feels like homeland.
When will be next chapter? :)
@Halo: Well now, we can't expect your average anti-cyber crime policeman to have experience with something as advanced as youtube comments, can we?
Horrible, seriously. I haven't felt the kind of clueless vibe I'm getting from Yokokuhan since the last time I read a news report about 4chan.
Four pages of explanation about a comments-hide system? Even SCI was better at this.
Who gave 3 stars for this manga!? Give me a break already! You fuck bastard ecchi boy!

When a manga come to be serious and not a ecchi manga, people don't give a chance for this kind of manga pff...
Someone still uses WEP? Many modern gadgets can't even connect to WEP protected hotspot.
This series has a lot of potential it's a must follow.
Your Tube? Oh snap, it's proper english, not engrish. The japanese got it right and english speakers got it wrong with their "You Tube". Is the world coming to an end?!! 0_0

Oh no, ur gonna make me cry, srly im so sad now cause u dont want know me and here i was thinking in u like my new special friend.
What a huge difference in number of follows between seinen and shounen series. I mean 79 against friggin 2-3 thousand.
P.S. I can't stand this woman. She may be right, but the way she treats people make me doubt her intentions. To me it looks like a way to raise her self-esteem by using her power. Won't be surprised if she develops megalomania in the future.
Firs the police, their representation here is realistic though not entirely unbiased. From a policeman's standpoint for example, piracy is a crime. Simple. They find the criminal, confiscate relevant evidence and then whatever happens to the criminal next is up to their countries legal system. There's no room for debate in the scope of them doing their jobs, hesitation in the field could get a cop killed (probably less likely for a cyber cop but one never knows and the hard line is always there).

As for what's going to happen to the as yet unnamed protagonist. Meh. Just because we potentially know how it's all going to end doesn't mean the journey won't be one hell of a ride.
@ aruless

Is a manga and im having fun saying that you couldn't do better, now ur taking this to another context saying that im taking this to another context saying that you could not do it better when I don't give a fuck about knowing you...... i just can say "le sigh"

Is a manga and im having fun saying that they are stupid, now ur taking this to another context saying that i could not do it better when u dont know me...... i just can say "sigh"
@ aruless

It's not stupid, it's logical. Plus, he was just taken for further questioning, not go to jail unless more evidence can be found that prove him guilty.

Then again, better said than done. Doubt you could do better lol
The police is not only fast but stupid, only cause he have access it doesnt mean that hes the one........ idiots... xD

Poor manager.. :P

Yea dn end was shit, with akumetsu i was disappoined too(was better that death note), i wanna see if this one gonna "end" better.

Yes, it most likely was just an intro, so readers can understand who the characters and what they do. But still, it was subjective presented story, like the author knows about copyright issues only from newspapers and tv news. Most ridiculous was the 45 billion yen part.

And this is what makes me wonder if we get a legit story or another brilliant dark character will be failed just because of public opinion regarding good and evil? (like they did in Death Note) I'll follow this manga, but I'm not so optimistic about its story line.

Newspaper mask is awesome, no doubt about that.

Are you sure about that? It seems the copyright crap has nothing to do with the story at all. It was subtext rather than the plot. Id give the story a few more chapters before deciding whats going to happen next.
I'm kinda disappointment. Obviously this is a propaganda, and its untruthful and simple approach not making it any better.
We already can see where it's going - newspaper dude getting arrested or killed and this crazy lady shining with justice. Thanks, I had enough of this with Akumetsu and Death Note.

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