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* * * * * (4.67 - 252votes)

Skip Beat!

Alt Names: alt !اسکیپ بیتalt 下一站巨星alt スキップ・ビート!alt 華麗的挑戰alt 스킵 비트!alt Skip Beatalt Не Сдавайся!
Author: Nakamura Yoshiki
Artist: Nakamura Yoshiki
Genres: Comedy ComedyDrama DramaRomance RomanceSchool Life School LifeShoujo ShoujoSlice of Life Slice of Life
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Kyoko Mogami is the childhood friend of superstar Sho Fuwa. Kyoko was so mindlessly in love with Sho that she followed him to the city on his quest to become a famous singer. But she soon realizes Sho was only using her as his personal maid to take care of household chores and pay for rent. Heart-broken, Kyoko won't suffer in silence--she's going to get her sweet revenge by beating Sho in show biz!

A funny and entertaining romance story of a "diamond in the rough" trying to find her place in showbiz, and the mysterious pasts of the people around her.

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I understand the open mindedness. Even I thought there must be some misunderstanding here and that we might be jumping to conclusions BUT this is actually probably the main reaction that the mangaka is trying to draw from the readers. To rouse us readers up in all the drama of a parent so rejecting of her child, to play around with the reactions of us readers a little more and finally pull out a trump card whether it be good or bad that will make us all think, "This is Nakamura Yoshiki." I say just go with it. It's one reason why it's fun to follow an ongoing manga, to rouse the emotions with end of each chapter. At least that's how I see it. 


ALSO now that I think about it, does Kyouko's dad know that Kyouko even exists? The dad is a complete mystery here so we still have that road to walk (at least I hope we do) Things might even become clearer if the dad is involved in all this. 

Not getting all the Mom hate here.


I half expected her to admit to having given birth to a child but this is fine too. Probably Kyoko's mother is known in her career as being both unmarried and childless. Considering the cultural stigma's attached to young single mothers in Japan it might have been the 'only way' for her to establish such a career for herself she might well have seen giving Kyoko up as the only way to save them both.


Despite her "furrowed brow" (and keep in mind Kyoko is a terrible judge of what other people are thinking, talk about an unreliable narrator she can't even tell Ren is into her) there's no real indication that she doesn't care about Kyoko. Iirc there was mention before of her putting out considerable money to pay for Kyoko's upkeep, enough to make Sho's parents think that Kyoko was not a bit of free labor but a good marriage candidate for their idiot son.


For all we know that furrowed brow could just turn out to be concern and confusion. The only obvious thing so far is that Kyoko's mother isn't exactly a 'people person' so she might honestly have no idea how to better provide for her daughter than she has already.

I'd really like to see a chapter where Kyoko visits her "Dad" in the states and gets to know "Julie?", well Kyon's mother, a loving mother.


Edit: @Oubliette

Did you forget the flashback about Kyoko's childhood? She's not hated because she denied Kyoko's existence in a talk show but for what she did or didn't do when home with her child. Though we might be a little hard on her we can only react to the facts known to us and up to this moment there hasn't been the slightest indication that she is simply socially awkward. 

And Kyoko even asked in the chapter with her "dad" something like: "So it is enough to feed your child to be a good mother?"

*looking for the source*

Edit Nr.2: *found source* Volume 19 Chapter 112 Page 8+

Though I'm too lazy to correct the quote. =P


(anyway, I wonder if Kyoko-chan's mom is really her mom... like biologically)

Anyway you're still alright Kyoko-chi! You have the lub-lub of a fairy prince! And many many other nice and lovely people! 

Kyoko gambareee


so many feels of frustration

i... cant...even....GAHHH 

It really hurts especially now that so many know....but at least it is not something to bear alone anymore. 


Wow, Kyouko looks beautiful in this page.
And damn, her mom is freaking brutal.


so many feels of frustration

i... cant...even....GAHHH 

well there are parents like that too.


i won't make any guesses as to where the story is taking this (since it'll be years later by the time i reach the chapter corresponding to my guess -.-;)


but it's quite obvious that the root of all kyoko's problems is her mother

Just my own speculation, but....



Nothing about this indicates a redemption arc. Kyoko's mom isn't as bad as we've been led to believe, she's worse. I know this series is big on making friends and allies of enemies but this time looks like it will be those close to Kyoko rallying around her, to protect her from her mom. I could be wrong, but I also don't think she deserves a second chance.

I'm so conflicted. I don't want a redemption arc for Mommy Dearest. I don't waaaannnaaaa. She doesn't deserve it. I can't see her working for it - so I'm afraid the only way it's gonna happen is if Kyoko grovels... and we can't have that. Okay, so this is something Kyoko would benefit from if it's resolved. Issues. Work on 'em. But... but.. but... I really don't want mom to be forgiven. Yes, there are two sides to every coin, everybody has their reasons, blah blah. But I feel like no matter how Kyoko's mom sees it, no matter her reasons, no matter what she's suffered, no matter how regretful she might be deep (DEEP) down it's nothing compared to what Kyoko has gone through, how she's been made to feel her whole life. I guess the best I could hope for if they have an honest and open conversation after which Kyoko has some closure and mom leaves, never to return again. Fingers crossed.  


They really do alike, especially the eyes.
You can literally see the cold indifference they hold, it's like they couldn't care any less about you, as if you're not worth the time or effort.
And when they frown, damn, if there was some dramatic shading added to the moms frown, that would look terrifying. 
But seeing the similarities between the two really does make me believe Kyoko definitely would've turned out like Mio if she hadn't met Corn and let all of the hate and pain consume her.

Feels like we'll be getting a whole "redemption for the evil character by flashbacks" arc next. Not excited for it.


Well it won't be starting in Chapter 221.  Just briefly scanned through it.



burn the witch! ill provide the stake

I'll provide the thermite.

I'm still wondering how Kyoko got through puberty without knowing true love and without shedding painful tears.

By living in fairy-tale land, worshipping Shou. Remember?

I'm still wondering how Kyoko got through puberty without knowing true love and without shedding painful tears.


Bad mother -_-

Feels like we'll be getting a whole "redemption for the evil character by flashbacks" arc next. Not excited for it.

People seem to be annoyed by the brittish english, but for me it works very well, even if I am a mere swede, lol

Maybe because I have no sense of english grammar or because I am as old fashioned as Kyoko.  ^^,

It's because to most people, the type of english being used is harder to follow. It didn't bother me at first, but after a while, I also started getting confused and had to reread previous panels back to back to make sense of the conversations between characters.

It's just me, but the constant "i'm sure" at each speech bubble felt like hearing them say "degozaru". It's toned down now, but... The damage is done.

How could her mother not love little Kyoko? She's so cute! What an awful person.

It reminds her of her one and only failure, I guess.



I see...maybe it doesn't occur to me because I read quickly through the page. Also, in japanese, it may be easier to read but when translated through scanlators, the flow is more difficult to maintain? I find that sometimes translators may opt for a less direct translation and go for a more colloquial translation that is more attuned to the language it is being translated to. The bubbles may actually state more than what is translated however since direct translation causes slight falters in the flow, it is a choice that is left up to the translator. 

How could her mother not love little Kyoko? She's so cute! What an awful person.

burn the witch! ill provide the stake

(not sure what you mean by broken up language). 

what i meant by that was that a single thought or dialogue goes through several panels or pages and, rather than adding a form of ending punctuation, it's just a steady flow of conscious thought exhibited by the frequent ellipses.


Kinda like "start of thought.... continued thought.... cont thought....thoughts .... " etc etc that eventually ends 10 pages later or something. I personally don't like the overuse of ellipses because they signify incomplete statements. 


actually in a way it reminds me of william faulker's novels. lol <_< 


as for panelling, i've always thought skip beat's style was more difficult than other manga i've read. that's just my view of it.

....Kyoko's screwed.

People seem to be annoyed by the brittish english, but for me it works very well, even if I am a mere swede, lol

Maybe because I have no sense of english grammar or because I am as old fashioned as Kyoko.  ^^,

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