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Idol Na Kanojo To Wotaku Na Boku To

Alt Names: alt アイドルな彼女とヲタクな僕とalt Idol na Kanojo to Otaku na Boku toalt The Idol Girl and I, the Otaku
Author: Marukido Satoshi
Artist: Kasuga Shun
Genres: Comedy ComedyDrama DramaEcchi EcchiRomance RomanceSeinen SeinenTragedy Tragedy[no chapters] [no chapters]
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: She is a famous idol. On the other hand, I am just a nerd. We have to keep our relationship a secret.

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Why did I even bother following this one

haah...i remember way back in 2013 when i used to clean like this: http://vatoto.com/reader#9c007e52a030d033


...times have changed. =)

MC is such a pathetic trash I enjoy laughing at him.

Tirol is okay so far...but this MC...

So when does this turn into Ima Ria?

Alright... So I understand the purpose of making a kind of shy and wimpy beta MC for harem manga, so japanese boys have someone to insert into...  But is there actually anyone who identifies as this dude?

We are not part of the Japanese pop idol-worshiping culture so we can't really judge


is...is that a "7" on the volume cover...?



Does this go on for 7 whole volumes?!


It's 1, but the fact it even got more than 1 volume is amaze me....

Guys, I can't do this, her name just... GOD DAMMIT


Urk. The mc is trash lol.. you might like this if you're into fanservice but imma peace out

Alright... So I understand the purpose of making a kind of shy and wimpy beta MC for harem manga, so japanese boys have someone to insert into...  But is there actually anyone who identifies as this dude?

thanks for the new chapter.

He was the artist for one of the "Mathematical Girls" series not author. YUUKI Hiroshi was the author for them and the genius behind those stories. Just because somebody can draw does not mean they can write. Actually I preferred the artist of the first of those stories, she can write as well as draw.

I knew that, and i feel the same about art of Mathematical Girls. It's just that i was really suprised to see that an artist for mathematical book in form of shoujo romance was creating this kind of ... let's say "doubtful content".

Wow, this looks like some really annoying wish-fulfillment for losers. No thanks.


Well he already lost all traces of dignity so becoming a slave isn't a bad deal.

It's only been 1 chapter but already the story line seem boring and predictable, also kind of seems more like a plot a hentai manga. Doesn't seem like this will turn out well at all.

Sorry but I don't know how in the hell you could call that loser MC a gary stu. It's like people don't even know what the term means anymore and use it against any character they don't like.


Just call the MC a dipshit and move on.


But hey, at least the "pussy "dangling" in front of him but never have it." part is true


You really like those ecchi/smutty series, huh ;p

Uhh, Me too.


The mom makes interesting decisions.  "This wailing drunk in front of me publicly begged my daughter for sex at her professional event earlier!  Boyfriend material!"

Well, I do like the "I'm a wuss that needs to man up" "I'm a hard-ass that needs to learn to care" dynamic in storytelling... 

If this goes that route then I guess I'm in. 

Well, mostly the shitty ones that the vast majority of people that read and enjoy, yes.  


It doesn't need to be, but boobies sell more than a well written story to the manga audience. 


 Its not just a matter of sex selling but also a matter of the audience wanting something thats a mindless but fun for them read.

Isn't nearly all manga really just wish fullfillment? Reading this, it really is ridiculous but this type of story is everywhere. Isn't its prevalence just a reflection of the target audience?


Well, mostly the shitty ones that the vast majority of people that read and enjoy, yes.  


It doesn't need to be, but boobies sell more than a well written story to the manga audience. 

I'm glad I have bad MC immunity and can enjoy the


I want to be Tirol's slave.

Ahem, yup, just. Rollout~!

You really like those ecchi/smutty series, huh ;p

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