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* * * * * (4.61 - 276votes)

Kawaii Joushi wo Komarasetai

Alt Names: alt 可愛い上司を困らせたいalt I want to annoy the pretty boss.alt Kawaii Joushi o Komarasetaialt Kawaii Joushi Wo Komarasetaialt KawaKomaalt Quero judiar da minha linda chefinhaalt Quiero molestar a mi linda jefa.
Author: Tachibana Roku
Artist: Tachibana Roku
Genres: 4-Koma 4-KomaComedy ComedyRomance RomanceSeinen SeinenSlice of Life Slice of Life
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Ira Megumi is a 31-year-old woman who is currently at the top of her career. She's a beautiful woman who's brimming with pride and totally has no interest in love or marriage.

Though the next morning, she wakes up and finds the new employee, Aoki Shun, sleeping next to her. Just what in the world happened!?
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YES! No crimes happened!

To be fair they were drunk and naked in bed together. And I loved how ridiculous the truth was.

B-but he's not naked, he still has his underwear on!

LOL what a ridicuous punchline 5 stars!

>People calling it rape without even confirmation of sex.



To be fair they were drunk and naked in bed together. And I loved how ridiculous the truth was.


"We got bored from playing rock paper scissors and fell asleep"

>People calling it rape without even confirmation of sex.



Rape averted, all hail glorious vanilla.



chapter 4's taking too long to upload :( hurry up admin-kun! :P

I guess the rape comments will stop now ;)


I guess the rape comments will stop now ;)



As a side note, I'm betting that sex did happen and that it will end with them being close and dating because of their drunken episode.

Just gotta say that calling rape on something like this discredits the severity of the term's definition. It's insulting and detrimental to real victims. It's not social justice; it's just shameful.

Modern day puritans get offended by implied nudity. A woman and a man together in a bed triggers them into a panic attack. 

To be honest I would say a women getting naked or even half would be what sets them off they tend to not care if it's a guy

Non rape related question? How on earth is this manga smut?

Modern day puritans get offended by implied nudity. A woman and a man together in a bed triggers them into a panic attack. 

Non rape related question? How on earth is this manga smut?

...  yikes, here we go.

So here when some pun and situational joke is obvious people are shouting "rape! rape!" but when it really happens in manga they are lik "oh, ok".

This is undeniably rape. She's raping him with her position of power.


RIP Aoki.

everyone is so bussy saying it's rape. how do I stand here giggling saying it's cute

In my view. it's more like the girl rape the guy.... while being drunk, with her authority as his superior, she pledged him to do all of those vanilla stuff. His sense of logic probably messed up by then "she's my superior, she's a girl, can't say no or she'll cry, she's so cute" around that line. for me the girl rape the guy

aaaaaaaand this is, despite the lighthearted tone, and according to nowadays standards, rape.

What was that about this being rape?

Oh my, this'll be good.

*grabs popcorn*

Oh, wow, that makes it so much fucking better.<*sarcasm* marker for anyone who didn't pick it up

I was trying to give people a better perspective on the legal and social realities of the country this is set in before they start commenting and discussing.
Also you guys should probably wait a chapter or two before giving your armchair verdicts.

Should have just avoided the images.

Some people are visual learners :)

Edit: Screw it. I don't want to let this keep running longer than it has.




Edit: Screw it. I don't want to let this keep running longer than it has. 

This is in Manga Time, so I'm 99% nothing sexual happened or will ever happen.
So I'm getting a mod to take a look at the comments before the MRAs  make me take a hammer to my screen.

This. There's not gonna be rape, 'cause there's not gonna be sex, or even overt sexual play. I'm not so sure that there's not going to ever be sex, but it won't happen here.

This is in Manga Time, so I'm 99% nothing sexual happened or will ever happen.


So I'm getting a mod to take a look at the comments before the MRAs  make me take a hammer to my screen.

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