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* * * - - (3.13 - 24votes)

Magical Police Girl

Alt Names:
Author: Reon Merryweather
Artist: Eudetenis
Genres: Action ActionComedy ComedyEcchi EcchiShounen Shounen
Type: Other
Status: Ongoing
Description: Francesca Kensington is a student at the New York Police Academy, but one day she is suddenly dragged out of her classroom by a big black police chief with a huge afro. He tells her to calm her white ass, and become a magical police girl for the N. Y. P. D. and fight crime, in the name of Liberty and Justice!

If Japan can do it, AMERICA can do it better!!!
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Funny, she doesn't look like a Queen.


The police chief feels kind of racist (which I would expect from Japan, sadly, but the US should know better), and the main character is nothing but panty shots. I *want* to like this, because the concept is entertaining and my god, that "right to remain silent" was pretty golden, but the whole thing just seems... ill-advised.

I'm not even American, I'm Danish. He's a play on the angry black police captain in your TV shows and movies. I really liked how 21 Jump Street made fun of the stereotype.

I don't think it's racist at all, same way the main girl is pretty much a blonde bimbo. I didn't write him in any negative light, he's cool and strong dude, who has a high paying job, and fights crime. He also seems to have a 1980's disco thing going.

Loads of black panthers had his hairstyle.

Pardon me if i'm wrong, but this is an original work by western artists and writers right? This series is categorised wrongly. The type should be "Other" instead of "Manga(japanese)".

*Edit*: Just realised I can change it myself. Fixed.

Edit: No longer relevant.

The police chief feels kind of racist (which I would expect from Japan, sadly, but the US should know better), and the main character is nothing but panty shots. I *want* to like this, because the concept is entertaining and my god, that "right to remain silent" was pretty golden, but the whole thing just seems... ill-advised.

There are so many things wrong with this, and I've only read the description so far.


sounds good, but... where's the chapter?

Did this just get removed from batoto?


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