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Marginal Operation

Alt Names: alt マージナル・オペレーション
Author: Shibamura Yuri
Artist: Kimura Daisuke
Genres: Action ActionDrama DramaHorror HorrorSeinen SeinenTragedy Tragedy
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: A 30-year-old Japanese NEET joins a PMC in the Middle East and becomes the handler of some soldiers.

Adapted from the novel series of the same name.
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Topic Light Novel Translations Link New Window Alph
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Topic Marginal Operation RAW New Window Nefrytone
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Thats anime war for you. Ordering forces to hold position until support fire can arrive, getting the amount of time wrong, miraculously suffering no losses despite being outnumbered, outgunned, outflanked and pinned down AND doing it all with child soldiers and limited ammo.

Actually, the guy said there were two casualties. Sorry for being a smart*ss

> implies the kids were actually trained

no matter how trained a kid is, it cannot compare to a fully trained grown man.

simple hint: recoil.

Thats anime war for you. Ordering forces to hold position until support fire can arrive, getting the amount of time wrong, miraculously suffering no losses despite being outnumbered, outgunned, outflanked and pinned down AND doing it all with child soldiers and limited ammo.

holy shit, this is like ender's game. That's fucked up

Have you read the original version of Ender’s Game? The short story? I like that one a lot better, more dystopian and what not. I think you get a much greater sense of the desperation with which humanity is fighting that war than in the expanded, later version that was written (which, in my opinion, has a lot of unnecessary “fluff” not really relevant to the story).

I bet the only reason the kids are dying is because they were too scrub to shoot guns with front sights.


> implies the kids were actually trained

They are planning to release 2 chapters a month so stop complaining already...


They are planning to release 2 chapters a month


I bet the only reason the kids are dying is because they were too scrub to shoot guns with front sights.

i dont see any reason for another group to translate ch7 A MONTH late after version 1.
even with the excuse of better quality, the translation looks poorer as some words are split apart so its hard to read.
i mean i get it if it were ch8....

They are planning to release 2 chapters a month so stop complaining already...

i dont see any reason for another group to translate ch7 A MONTH late after version 1.

even with the excuse of better quality, the translation looks poorer as some words are split apart so its hard to read.

i mean i get it if it were ch8....

a 2nd chapter7?

Textbook MC.


Even when they're 30 years old.

That one of the brothel whores spoke perfect English fucked with my suspension of disbelief even more than elf ears. Also $10 for a buschel of bananas to highway robbery. I get that they intentionally want to leave it vague, but they're in Tajikistan right? The big sand mounds in an early chapter threw me off, and Tajik people are relatively fairskinned compared to Arabs. There's been a militant presence there since the Soviet-Afghan war, but overall the region has been more stable at the expense of several human rights violations as I recall. The government still derives its authority from Russia which has never been appealing to natives. From what I read about them, most of the militants are non-natives fighting any secular government in the region like Jamiat-e-Islami though there's some ethnic conflict as well with their neighbors and native Uzbeks and Russians. Think of Baine's men in TDKR from Uzbekistan.
In reality these groups didn't gain much ground in the civil war of the 90s and we're largely assimilated into Al Qaeda in Iraq and the Levant which is now ISIS. So if this story was going to stay realistic, I don't see the conflict the PMSC is involved in escalating because they're probably the only other military presence, and the rest of the world is more concerned with Syria today and Iraq a few years earlier. That they are fighting in place of a military that could draw international attention makes perfect sense though. Rather than an organized opposition, I guess they're just putting down local Taliban. So it's more comparable to what the Pakistan military is doing in the tribal areas than Iraq or Syria today.

Holy hell, you overanalyzed for what is ultimately a very unimportant aspect of the story. I'll confirm, yes they're tajik. And yes i have read the ln, but no, it's not important.
Wtf is with this "japs" thing? I don't understand. Is this some sort of ultra-nationalist shit the author has going on, where he thinks most foreigners view the Japanese as war-loving savages? Or is it just part of the elf girl's dumb, uninformed character?

holy shit, this is like ender's game. That's fucked up

well at least it's against an alien, this? mfw

holy shit, this is like ender's game. That's fucked up

Thanks for the update!

Oooo. This looks fun.

RAWs quality is picking up, and so does the story.

I wonder how many chapters we have until Arata becomes the warlord we all know he WILL become.

thanks for the update. I wish this manga was more popular so that updates were more frequent.

Oh come off it.  You're an American, are you not?  I'm a Canadian.  In both our countries, the only "cost" we might suffer from choosing peace is that we might not get to boss some country around as much as we're used to.  I mean, as long as you're talking about "taking control", we might as well admit that that's what our wars have been about . . . or at least, all the ones before WW II and all the ones after WW II.  All our wars are aggressive.

So I'm not sure where you're supposed to have dug up a pacifist who had an "any cost" available when they were calling for peace.  This annoys me on behalf of pacifists even though I'm not in any theoretical sense a pacifist.  



PLG, I'm pretty sure Chuck was referring to people promoting their own agendas by calling it "peace at any cost". Even if that cost is the rights of anyone who dares oppose them. Even if it means truly horrendous acts against your enemies. Even if their "peace" means nobody is left who can fight back.


Almost certain you two are on the same side of that argument.

That one of the brothel whores spoke perfect English fucked with my suspension of disbelief even more than elf ears. Also $10 for a buschel of bananas to highway robbery. I get that they intentionally want to leave it vague, but they're in Tajikistan right? The big sand mounds in an early chapter threw me off, and Tajik people are relatively fairskinned compared to Arabs. There's been a militant presence there since the Soviet-Afghan war, but overall the region has been more stable at the expense of several human rights violations as I recall. The government still derives its authority from Russia which has never been appealing to natives. From what I read about them, most of the militants are non-natives fighting any secular government in the region like Jamiat-e-Islami though there's some ethnic conflict as well with their neighbors and native Uzbeks and Russians. Think of Baine's men in TDKR from Uzbekistan.

In reality these groups didn't gain much ground in the civil war of the 90s and we're largely assimilated into Al Qaeda in Iraq and the Levant which is now ISIS. So if this story was going to stay realistic, I don't see the conflict the PMSC is involved in escalating because they're probably the only other military presence, and the rest of the world is more concerned with Syria today and Iraq a few years earlier. That they are fighting in place of a military that could draw international attention makes perfect sense though. Rather than an organized opposition, I guess they're just putting down local Taliban. So it's more comparable to what the Pakistan military is doing in the tribal areas than Iraq or Syria today.

Looks like the RAW quality picks up at some point.

since I was asked on the wiki:
ニッポーズ means nips or nip, a derogatory word for Japanese. Japs would be the more well known variation I guess

does the english-speaking prostitute ever appear again?

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