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* * * * * (4.52 - 287votes)

Seishun Forget!

Alt Names: alt 青春フォーゲット!alt Seishun For-get!alt Youth For-get!alt Youth Forget!
Author: Mikabe Sesuna
Artist: Mikabe Sesuna
Genres: Comedy ComedyMystery MysteryRomance RomanceSchool Life School LifeSeinen Seinen
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: "Live with Sincerity" is Natsuki Taiyou's motto. It's first day of high school and Taiyou was heading to a school and Taiyou meets Hinata during the way there. He fell in love at first sight and suddenly confessed to her. Her answer was yes and she runs away without saying who she was, but it turns that she was his classmate. Taiyou felt a destiny between them. However, on the next day, she doesn't remember who he is. why could it that be...?
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Topic [Discussion] Seishun For-get! Latest/Previous Chapters New Window greensoulreaper
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Topic Chapter 18- I'll Never Give Up! New Window Souldrake
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Topic Chapter Progress Update (6/30) New Window Souldrake
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Topic Chapter 17- This is Where I Make My Stand New Window Souldrake
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Topic Youth Forget! FAQ/Discussions/Spoiler Thread. New Window Souldrake
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Topic [News] Youth Forget ch15 and 16 (Update: 6/9) New Window Souldrake
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Hilarious is that I don't know if that censorship is a troll for us or mangafox or both.

In any case!

it did.
Went to Mangfox
lol... that's a good one.
-waits for mangafox bots to rip this-
You F*** is this Manga Heaven?
hah nice love the censoring on this
ok i didnt see the thread so disregard my comment below this.
ok... whats with the censorship in the latest chapter its extremely annoying ... they could at least tried to do like some of the other groups but oh well...
Unfortunately, it is a necessary statement. Some people out there, perhaps even a Batoto reader has been stripping our animated gifs effectively censoring us.

PS... see the thread regarding chapter 13 and make your own conclusions on the status from there.
Nevermind, forget what I said. Just read the post by Souldrake.

Guess it'll take some time or something like that.
Yeah... the watermark isnt going away for me, no matter how long I wait... sigh
is everything censored? or does it go away? or are u uploading a fake chapter then uploading the real one after ur time delay is over?
a chapter finally came out but even on batoto its censor
Are these censors suppose to stay on like that?
If so, why upload it to batoto?
Sorry but yeah I just want to read this manga like any other person.
Although if a uncensored version is up like in 1-2 hours, I wouldn't really mind this type of censorship.
You know anti-mangafox sentiment is getting out of control when batato starts uploading censored versions.
wait whats with the weird-ass mangafox censorship thing on chapter 13? I cant tell if it was manga heaven that did it or mangafox... or WHY for that matter.
this finally has a harem tag...or has it always and i just missed it
Jan 31 2012 02:01 PM
How I hope the Sailor Man is the new girl!
Can't wait for the new chap~
the watermarks great but the guy on Mangafox/reader/here has just uploaded one with no watermark
at first i thought that watermark was funny, until i found out that every page loads about five seconds after it shows up, really annoying, and you cant stop somebody indefinitely. maybe to deter them for some time but they can do exactly as you said extract the frame, do you think they car if they have to spend a little money to make more. and i thought this site was about respecting the artist work, i mean i dont want to preach or anything but after looking at you complaints every five seconds and not the manga i came here to read, after reading that if i came here this wouldn't happen, made me think that this stopped being about respect and more about trashing magafox, and trolling the fans of mangas. but other than that i cant wait to see what happens next.
wahhh im scareeeddd ><"
With my internet being so crappy this past week, the watermarks is really getting on my nerves. It takes me a good 4~5 secs to load each page.
On the contrary. Rather than 5 minutes if it were a png release, it has been well over 24 hours and still nothing on manga fox. That serves its purpose as a deterrent already. Because they are animated, the watermarks will disappear making the manga readable. While Noez is being more cautious with our releases especially, http://www.mangachapter.net/5828/seishun-forget/12-6.html will show you that not all bot using sites are as cautious.

Even if Noez does want to extract the frames, it will be a manual job. That will take them time, cause them some annoyance, and perhaps cost them some money in the long run. In which case, the watermark serves its purpose. Also, those who want to read it now will be coming here to read it because it is not on Manga-Fox or Manga Here right now and it is unreadable on the other readers that have it.

And on that note, can we move the watermark discussion to the "[Discussion] Releases, MF, and you" thread, please?
I think the watermarks don't really serve their purpose. Dedicated sites as mangafox only extract the important frame from the gif, so only those who already downloaded the manga from the official source, or those who watch on batoto actually see the watermark.

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