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* * * * * (4.56 - 172votes)

Soredemo Sekai wa Utsukushii

Alt Names: alt Ainda assim, O Mundo é Belo.alt Aun así, el mundo es hermoso.alt それでも世界は美しいalt Dünya Yine de Güzelalt Even So, the World is still Beautifulalt The World is Still Beautiful
Author: Shiina Dai
Artist: Shina Dai
Genres: Adventure AdventureComedy ComedyFantasy FantasyRomance RomanceShoujo Shoujo
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Nike is the fourth princess of the Rain Dukedom and one who holds the power to call forth the rain. Despite her own reluctance, for the sake of her country she travels to the Sun Kingdom to marry Sun King Livius. She soon discovers that the King, who conquered the world within only three years of ascending to the throne, is actually... a child?! Furthermore, for trivial reasons, he demands that Nike call forth the rain...!?
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  • 1 Replies


If this turns into an amnesia subplot, I will flip a fucking table.

livi....livi....... someone's going to try to steal your waifu away......... LIVIIIIII HURRY

That's what he gets for being a shota, can't compete with bishounens dude.

what if she was all "pft ur like really hot i'll leave that short kid king and be with ur sexy self" that'd be different... and this would no longer be a shoujo.. lol

Son, this is how wars start. If you steal Nike, the Sun (Praise the Sun!) Kingdom will be invading.

Where do you think you are? This is shoujoland, every new character that isn't some old (wo)man is a potential threat to the main couple.
The only other exception is a character that is introduced for the benefit of being a love interest to a side character.
Also, do note that Nike actually has rather large breasts compared to 99.5% of Shoujo heroines who are A+ Cup at best. She's the most delicious of all deliciousness.

I'm angry at the author right now, because now it turns out you are right... -_- Why must they follow the same pattern with every new character? T_T

That sand prince looks delicious <3

If he kiss her I hope the sun king beheaded him... not that will happen lol

UGH I was really hoping the plot wouldn't go in this boring and cliched direction.


We all saw this part coming. :|

well that was expected

1.she can make rain drop

2.she goes to desert kingdom that needs water

didnt anyone suspect somthing like this will happen?

shoujoland hahaha 


seems i've made my home here, with frequent trips to shounenland and sidequests to seinenland and joseiland XD

Meh, I feel the sand prince is giving off more of the "good friend" vibe. This would be preferable anyways; It is stupid to introduce a new character and always think that they need to do something to threaten the main couple's relationship.


Where do you think you are? This is shoujoland, every new character that isn't some old (wo)man is a potential threat to the main couple.


The only other exception is a character that is introduced for the benefit of being a love interest to a side character.


Also, do note that Nike actually has rather large breasts compared to 99.5% of Shoujo heroines who are A+ Cup at best. She's the most delicious of all deliciousness. 

livi....livi....... someone's going to try to steal your waifu away......... LIVIIIIII HURRY

Meh, I feel the sand prince is giving off more of the "good friend" vibe. This would be preferable anyways; It is stupid to introduce a new character and always think that they need to do something to threaten the main couple's relationship.

livi....livi....... someone's going to try to steal your waifu away......... LIVIIIIII HURRY

Nike!!! What are you doing!!! Subconsciously Seducing another Prince!!! You already have a SHOTA!!!

You're putting words in Kyujyu's mouth.




You're putting words in Kyujyu's mouth.


Sugar density is high in this one, diabetes imminent.


You're putting words in Kyujyu's mouth.


Oops, I missed that, sorry. 






Thank you both for your comments!

No shit, you just shows a desert country's prince that you can literally call down rain and you expect them gonna be pleased? I expected more tact from Livi here...

Now what? The sand prince gonna be another "I'm gonna keep Nike in our country" character?

I hope I'm wrong here but that just being optimistic based on what happen so far >.>





No shit, you just shows a desert country's prince that you can literally call down rain and you expect them gonna be pleased? I expected more tact from Livi here...

Now what? The sand prince gonna be another "I'm gonna keep Nike in our country" character?

I hope I'm wrong here but that just being optimistic based on what happen so far >.>



No need to apologize, I do think discussion is great.


I agree with most of your sentiments but there's a few facts that you've got wrong.



Soredemo Sekai wa Utsukushii Parallel Universe spin off do it! DO IT NOW!!!!

Make it at least 20 chapters! I NEED THIS!

@Noir Schist Bardo or Bard supported Livi after his mother died. Bard didn't want the throne. 

As for uprisings/rebellions/wars/conquests/expansions/political maneuvering/etc it's a freaken mystery. See the tag? 

Genres: bullet_black.png Actionbullet_black.png Adventurebullet_black.png Comedybullet_black.png Dramabullet_black.png Fantasybullet_black.png Historicalbullet_black.png Mysterybullet_black.png Romancebullet_black.png Shoujo

Anyways the main focus of this manga is Romance/Comedy/Drama/Shoujo so everything not covered is thrown under the mystery tag. XD

Edit: Actually shouldn't this have the supernatural tag too? I mean singing to change the weather should count right?

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