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Soredemo Sekai wa Utsukushii

Alt Names: alt Ainda assim, O Mundo é Belo.alt Aun así, el mundo es hermoso.alt それでも世界は美しいalt Dünya Yine de Güzelalt Even So, the World is still Beautifulalt The World is Still Beautiful
Author: Shiina Dai
Artist: Shina Dai
Genres: Adventure AdventureComedy ComedyFantasy FantasyRomance RomanceShoujo Shoujo
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Nike is the fourth princess of the Rain Dukedom and one who holds the power to call forth the rain. Despite her own reluctance, for the sake of her country she travels to the Sun Kingdom to marry Sun King Livius. She soon discovers that the King, who conquered the world within only three years of ascending to the throne, is actually... a child?! Furthermore, for trivial reasons, he demands that Nike call forth the rain...!?
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Well, my post was intended to be more sarcastic in light of how this story seems to always work itself out, really.


She really doesn't have what it takes to support a king because she won't allow him to do anything she views as "evil" -- but being a king isn't all sunshine and butterflies. It takes many tough decisions and the ability to be criticized for the sake of everyone. Many choices he's making are actually right given their circumstances. So how will this story have to play out, making him a "nice" king? She herself becomes the dues ex machina that solves the problem with her rain, as she has done almost every time so far. You can already see the expression on our present enemies faces. Those are not faces looking to fight.

my bad for misunderstanding ^^ but you have a point, but its a Shoujo manga what do you expect :P yeah, she must stop whit better and see it from Livi prespectif a true a lot of thing Livi does and say are right, but remember nike never made tough decisions even her home country is peaceful I want to see something happen to livo because of nike and see what she does 

not really.
Because of the rain the gas is dispersing, so every one would wake up again and feel better soldiers and all so usrsula would be outnumbered, also reinforcement is coming from the old capitol so the plan failed


Well, my post was intended to be more sarcastic in light of how this story seems to always work itself out, really.


She really doesn't have what it takes to support a king because she won't allow him to do anything she views as "evil" -- but being a king isn't all sunshine and butterflies. It takes many tough decisions and the ability to be criticized for the sake of everyone. Many choices he's making are actually right given their circumstances. So how will this story have to play out, making him a "nice" king? She herself becomes the dues ex machina that solves the problem with her rain, as she has done almost every time so far. You can already see the expression on our present enemies faces. Those are not faces looking to fight.

Don't worry, all she has to do is call down sad rain and everyone gives up their lifelong fight. 

not really.
Because of the rain the gas is dispersing, so every one would wake up again and feel better soldiers and all so usrsula would be outnumbered, also reinforcement is coming from the old capitol so the plan failed 

Nike doesn't have what it takes to be a ruler, her suggestions will be the Death of Livi. She's a good girl but her softness is a weakness, As a Queen you have to be better than that.

Don't worry, all she has to do is call down sad rain and everyone gives up their lifelong fight.

politics in this shoujo manga? It sucks
political in shoujo manga? can be done

The very premise of that story seems pretty shaky... To avert a rebellion if either of the two princes gets the crown, they give it to a third party? That would prevent the two parties from both rebelling how? Unless both sides were like "anyone would be fine as long as it isn't that guy" - I don't see how that would be an answer?

I love you Nike, but you have no idea how to be a queen. Livi is right about a potential uprising.

politics in shoujo manga? It sucks

politics in this shoujo manga? It sucks


political in shoujo manga? can be done

politics in shoujo manga? It sucks

Sure, you can go and try to kill the queen and the king and still be forgiven, because everyone knows that you can reign only with goodness and love. There are so many stupid points that even trying to point them is a loss of time. This is one of the worst mangas ever.

Nike doesn't have what it takes to be a ruler, her suggestions will be the Death of Livi. She's a good girl but her softness is a weakness, As a Queen you have to be better than that.

Death threats? Seriously? Wow, that's low. :/ I hope those people have since understood that this is just manga, absolutely nothing to get so offensive over, and the scanlations are done for free on people's free time and for fun... Geez.

Hopefully you've mostly recovered now (though the dates in your note confuse me) and find a new team to back you up if the old one's all disbanded.


And, even if all this wasn't true (after all, this is internet, you never know), I want to say that you still have the freedom to choose your publication pace, hobbies are supposed to be like that. : )

Seriously. Death threats are so low and terrible in any situation, but especially something that's just fun like this! I'm so glad you've recovered from your accident! Personally I'm totally fine if you take it slow even now while I'm sure you're still probably recovering!

for the people that want to know what happend read the first page of chapter  51 or go to my fb page

Did you make a mistake in the dates? It said you woke up in May, which hasn't arrived yet.

Glad to hear you're okay, tho'.

Glad your back translating this and doing better. Accidents are terrifying, but to get stuck in a hospital for so long in that state is way worse. Hope you are doing much better and only continue to improve.

for the people that want to know what happend read the first page of chapter  51 or go to my fb page 


Death threats? Seriously? Wow, that's low. :/ I hope those people have since understood that this is just manga, absolutely nothing to get so offensive over, and the scanlations are done for free on people's free time and for fun... Geez.

Hopefully you've mostly recovered now (though the dates in your note confuse me) and find a new team to back you up if the old one's all disbanded.


And, even if all this wasn't true (after all, this is internet, you never know), I want to say that you still have the freedom to choose your publication pace, hobbies are supposed to be like that. : )

for the people that want to know what happend read the first page of chapter  51 or go to my fb page 

I wonder what happened to Timeless? This manga hasn't been licensed yet to my knowledge. And they haven't dropped it, either. They've just gone completely silent...

if you want to know what happend read the first page of chapter  51 or go to my fb page 

I wonder what happened to Timeless? This manga hasn't been licensed yet to my knowledge. And they haven't dropped it, either. They've just gone completely silent...

Pls update i want to know more! The english manga is just 50! While the other language is 70!!!! Pls update! As soon as possible! And also thank you for your cooperation!

I always enjoy these chapters which speak the unspoken. ; ) Glad this series sometimes ups the game like that, too.

drama drama drama

Well Timeless scans, it's done! I send you an email. ;)

Looks like an art fail on that volume 9 cover, either the one on the right has 3 arms, the one on the left has two right hands or there's a third person holding that knife.

The hand holding that knife is the problem (should be left hand).

That will be great if you could tell me where you read the translations...  ;) :)


I don't know about the others, but Chinese translation is up to chapter 65. Depending on how fast the eng trans comes, we may see pretty Livi very soon ^^

Even so, the world is still beautiful. ...right?

I kind of want to know exactly what happened before, but it's going to be...a lot of pains

Hey! I can find you the scans if you want... but they are in Japanese... but if you know someone who can translate in English or Spanish that would be great!  ;)

And if they're people from Soul Craft Fansub; or Timeless scans who want the scans, well I know a person who have the scans of Chapter 70 and 71 Soredemo Sekai Wa Utsukushii

we are intrested send me somthing here ([email protected])

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