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Delivery Cinderella

Alt Names: alt 卖肉的灰姑娘alt デリバリーシンデレラalt 配送灰姑娘
Author: Non
Artist: Non
Genres: Drama DramaEcchi EcchiSeinen SeinenSlice of Life Slice of LifeSmut Smut
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Yamada Masami is just an ordinary college student; however, she has a secret. At night, just like magic, she transforms into the beautiful Deriheru Miyabi. A modern Cinderella story now begins.
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Topic The difference between slut, whore, bitch and prostitutes, whether female or male! New Window rc1138
  • 4 Replies


Ummm.... I know this is a seinen manga but is it really ok to show off the anus like this?


Oh well, at least I had a good time fapping to that so couldn't really complain....

@ Lowlightt

'k bro. Then please enlighten us with a short, easy-to-type, non-derogatory word to use instead of "slut"? Cuz you know that it doesn't matter what word we use: "Prostitute", "call girl", "loose woman", "nympho", etc... they're all derogatory cuz that's what most modern societies have been brainwashing people to believe in: woman + sleeping around = bad. Unless you can change societal perception of woman + sleeping around = bad then you just have to deal with it; or be audacious and invent a new lexicon containing a non-offending word for a "woman who sleeps around", needless to say that your lexicon must be approved by the government to be published and approved by the public to be widely spread so good luck with that.

PS: Oh and don't bother giving me some fancy-sounding jap word for "slut" cuz I know fully well that the japs themself don't have a positive view on their "loose women" either. Shocking, eh?
Ahhh cool thanks, didn't know that it was actually legal in Japan.
It's simple. Prostitution is legal in Japan as long as there is no penetration. Direct vaginal or anal sex in exchange for money is illegal but anything else is good to go. This is why places like Soaplands and the likes or call girl groups do not allow their girls to have vaginal or anal sex.

She's not doing it for any reason other than it being illegal in her country.
From my own understanding so far on the last two chapters, whatever she does, the guy doesn't actually get to stick it in..... as the policy provided by her so called call girl company. Seems like only oral sex is allowed. Unless I'm missing something here.
Lol to the comments below me
Glamorizing a whore's life. Wow. I don't even...
In addition a man is not a slut. That's not what the word means. A man who sleeps around a lot is a........ actually there isn't really a deroratory word for it. Stud is used quite often which is in fact the scientific term go figure, while man whores and such can also be used they arn't by there nature derogratory. The fact that there isn't a word for it shows the double standard of the situation.

That all being said, I belive the description is quite accurate as Deriheru Miyabi litteraly means Callgirl Miyabi. It as so far been quite a good read. Can't wait for more.
slut (slʌt) — n 1. derogatory a dirty slatternly woman 2. derogatory an immoral woman 3. archaic a female dog [C14: of unknown origin] 'sluttish adj 'sluttishly adv 'sluttishness

Seems to me you have been using it derogratory, because thats what the word is. In modern english slut is a derogaratory name to call a woman implying that she sleeps around. Regardless if she sleeps around or not and slut describes that, because the word it self is derogratory you are being rude by refering to people like that. In the same vain as calling a black man nigger. Yes by the strictest definition a black man is indeed a nigger (not because black people are niggers mind you but the word it self is a derogratory word to refer to black people) There for calling her a slut implys being rude mearly based on the fact that the word is derogratory.
Ya' know, the discussion going on about this one is more informative than the description!..which, btw, should probably be updated a bit, to better reflect the nature of this manga. I was considering finding out more about this (I didn't catch all the tags up there; I tend to accidentally skip over them), but after reading the comments, I'm glad I did that first, since I think I'll give it a pass. Oh, and for the record: a girl sleeping around a lot = slut; a guy sleeping around a lot = slut. The second might be more "socially acceptable," but it doesn't change the fact that they're both sluts. Later!
This little debate you guys got going on is cool and all but how about we talk about the manga.

I'll keep reading this just because i want to find out how she started that job and how will people react when they find out.
lol you guys are still hung up about people calling this girl a slut? Just read Vela's post, couldn't say it better myself. It seems like so many people are convinced that slut = bad so to each his own I guess.

So far she's happy with her job, her customers are happy, she didn't trick anybody. It's all fair bznz: give and take. So far, I think that she's a "nice" slut. I'm definitely interested to see how it goes from here. Reminds me of that anime series a while back about this girl named Yamada who aims to have sex with as many guys as she can but that one was lame cuz she's only interested in that one virgin guy. This one goes way further than that thus is more interesting. It has the same feel as Nana where sex is a common occurrence and everybody is a slut lol I really miss that manga =[
You point are true, it the right of everyone to be call by other what that person want. But in this case, she is a fictional character so she cant determine that :) and i definitely think she 's a slut. You are a SLUT Yamada Masami.. You have a problem with that huh? then come talk to me face to face Yamada Masami XD
I see where you're coming from. I can't help but feel like if you call someone a slut and they don't like it, doesn't that make you immoral for hurting their feelings? Whether they are or aren't it really isn't up to you to judge them openly. As long as you find a lovely lady you're happy with, leave those that are off your radar alone by respectfully staying silent, nee? :)

The MC of this manga seems like such a kind girl. It makes me wonder what her friend would think of her if she found out about her part-time job. I also bet that last customer will end up as a love-interest or something later on.
Also to point out... even if we call the girl a "slut", doesn't mean she's a mean-spirited girl. We are just saying she's a girl who "sleeps" around.

If a person is thinking slut automatically means that girl is not nice or a manipulative ice queen, then you're probably too hung up on the common misconception of them.

To point, the main character is just a girl who likes to sleep around doing work as a "sex-worker" qualifies her as a slut.

If you're too offended, then lady of the night, or water entertainer will be more soothing to the ear, but still the same meaning.

I, however, am interested in how this manga turns out.

Also to point out: Water entertainers are pretty. They have to be. it is their job. A water entertainer that isn't pretty wouldn't get much business, and they need to be able to keep their clients interested in them using a combination of flirting and care, which takes a lot of skills and experience for uhm, their occuptation... well in the end it's still a one-sided affair (this is why don't fall in love with one).

Also, this girl says she feels empowered by it? Yea, most water entertainers do it because they like it, too few do it for necessity. You can't stay long in that business, and develop close-ties to your "regulars" without a like for that job.

It's interesting to read something that deals with the inner working of a "sincere" water entertainer, but point is... that girl sleeps around.. a lot... even if she doesn't sleep, she is giving a form of "service". It is her job. So therefore, she is that.

But, the manga does a good job in showing that even if such a girl is in that "business", she can still be a sincere person, which is a big departure from the usual "pure girl" who is also "sincere."
    • Biv likes this
I wouln't call them immoral. But if they are a slut and try to denied being one, that would surely end up hurt someone else, that definitely IMMORAL. Just like the MC in this manga. I don't despite them but don't expect me to respect them. I won't even dare to think about one being my girl friend.
Slut is just a social constructed boundary that's built up on the traditions of the original settlers of the Americas: "Women enjoying sex?!?! Inconceivable!"

Calling out women who enjoy sex as "immoral" or whatever nonsense is known as slut-shaming. To bring this back on topic, this manga seems interesting. I'm wondering how the plot will advance from here on out.
@sarahcha that 's the definition of a slut, my friend :))
funny! how other people are in denial that she is a slut. :D
Good mangá.
I don't know why the whole discussion about it.
I mean, it's just about a girl who loves sex and also get money doing it.
She feels empowered doing it and giving/receiving pleasure, I don't get why people call that being a slut. I think that what she's is a sex-worker, and only that.

If you don't wan't to see boobs and stuff just don't read it!
A manga about a slut.

Seriously, I always suspected sluts do what they do because they like it. I never really believe excuses like, "Oh it's to pay for medical school" or such.

Not every girl will be a housewife...

And frankly... sluts make poor housewives... so in due respect (meant to mean no offense), I leave a piece of a quote from someone:

"Sluts are good for a one night stand, but never as a girlfriend. You can't turn a slut into a housewife, my friend."
Lol@the debate below.
If a men f*** many woman he's a playboy and if a woman does it she's a slut? Yes. The word playboy doesn't have a positive meaning for me. I really don't like having sex with woman that i personally don't like. For me it's more important the connection between me and the girl i'm dating. If a woman likes to f*** as many man as she can, just do it. Every one likes different things. But don't get angry if people call you slut. Because it's the truth. Woman asume that men only like to fuck and fuck. And that's just far away from reality. Not all men are the same. If you like douchebags that's not our problem. Don't put us all in the same category.
well, I will give the author this: he sure knows how to draw and make the character seem cute when he wants to.
@hero yeah... the girl here like what shes doing for me thats pretty weird.. oh well i dont really know what goes to in sluts mind...
I enjoyed proofreading this chapter, but...

[spoiler}While I also enjoy blood and guts violence in some manga, I must admit that the ULTRA-VIOLENCE of that kick to the groin on page 12 caused me to suffer sympathy pains which left me temporarily impotent and unable to enjoy ecchi manga for the next two days!![/spoiler]

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