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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * - (4.48 - 141votes)


Alt Names:
Author: Kang Im
Artist: Kang Im
Genres: Action ActionComedy ComedyFantasy FantasyMystery MysterySupernatural SupernaturalWebtoon Webtoon[no chapters] [no chapters]
Type: Manhwa (Korean)
Status: Ongoing
Description: ====Batoto Staff Notice====
This comic has been requested to be taken down by Naver. Do not upload, for any language.
This record has been left here to serve as a notice.
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Man these past couple chapters sucked.. so we wasted 3 chapters all because some dude wanted his 5-dollar necklace back?.. You have got to be kidding me,, It took a month and a half to read these 3 chapters... The Author is straight trolling us

Ohh how I want more! :)

Don't forget, the albino-squig of an idiot freeloaded off of the restaurant TAL for a good while, so he's probably learned to be much the wiser around that guy, especially considering it was one of his first thoughts and comments to NOT piss him off. Hell, he even repeated himself.

...How did this guy survive for so long?
He has pissed off almost every single name on the "DO NOT PISS OFF" list save for Jack.
And I'm starting to doubt even that.

And the question still remains; Can they or can they NOT have kids?!

I want more of Jack o'lantern *_* , i don't care about anything else  :batoto_019:

That gluttonous idiot of an albino will piss him off?


Don't forget, the albino-squig of an idiot freeloaded off of the restaurant TAL for a good while, so he's probably learned to be much the wiser around that guy, especially considering it was one of his first thoughts and comments to NOT piss him off. Hell, he even repeated himself.

this is my 23rd time reading this webtoon~


and I never get bored of it :3

going to have to re-read most of this its been way too long

I had forgotten about this lol


Does anyone know why it took a year break?

That girl has a super long finger...


Ah, I haven't seen Blondie in a while! I missed him.(sadly i still cant grip his name...and on top of that its been too long of a hiatus) @@

Anyone else notice you didnt need to read any of the dialogue from Chapter 97 to understand the Chapter lol... I mean it was just a dude chasing a chik and another dude the whole chapter and the one dude just bitching the whole time lol


"There won't be any problems unless you get on his nerves", huh?


Well we all know what's going to happen next.

That gluttonous idiot of an albino will piss him off?

"There won't be any problems unless you get on his nerves", huh?


Well we all know what's going to happen next.

Am I the only one ready for everyone's amnesia to be cured?

well... I guess it might decrease series length... but I am so curious.

Now it is revealed that there is another mysterious TAL that no one has seen...

At least some of the mysteries are solved as we go along... Otherwise there would be far too many.  And as for the 1st gen--->2nd gen... so all the 1st gen will die? Including all the current TAL?  That would be... very disappointing...


Thanks for the release EG Scans!!!! 


And judging by the latest chapter, 



anyway, that was a nice long chapter~~ :D


Maybe we aren't switching main characters after in the second season? Because that would really suck 

going to have to re-read most of this its been way too long



Thanks so much for the new chapter EG Scans!!! Can't wait for the second season to really start!! :D

Yes, I had to re-read it all to prepare.  So my conspiracy theories are reloaded, ready for ... Tal?  (I guess...  That idiom doesn't really work, here, huh?)

ANYway.  Theories dusted off, crush on Mu Young shined up - I'm ready for the next season!



Thanks so much for the new chapter EG Scans!!! Can't wait for the second season to really start!! :D 

dear god an update! thanks so much EGS! @@


Too bad it's a RECAP episode.

dear god an update! thanks so much EGS! @@

Never thought I'd see a recap/filler chapter in a comic but it's been on break for some time... That justifies it.

Thanks for the new chapter EGS!


i'm so happy.

Oh, finally ._.

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