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Karate Shoukoushi Kohinata Minoru

Alt Names: alt 空手小公子こひなたみのるalt 空手小公子小日向海流alt 空手小霸王alt Karate Shôkôshialt Karate's Little Noble, Kohinata Minorualt KSKMalt Little Lord of Karate, Minoru
Author: Baba Yasushi
Artist: Baba Yasushi
Genres: Action ActionComedy ComedyMartial Arts Martial ArtsSchool Life School LifeSeinen SeinenSports Sports
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Kohinata Minoru is a college student at a college that is popular for its sports rather than academic orientation. He starts out as a gymnast alongside his friend, Nana, but is bullied by his gymnast seniors. One evening, a karate student at the college, Mutou Ryuuji, witnesses Minoru being bullied and comes to his rescue and drags him into the world of karate. Minoru makes new friends and learns some of their dark pasts, including a shocking death that reveals motives for revenge. (from Baka-Updates)
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Ryuusui? Am I reading HSDK now? When will seikuken be introduced? :P

Uwoh, so that's where the water dragon on the cover came from!

Thanks for update Deabeat-scans! 

I have to admit that cover page really caught me off guard.

i like this, can't expect minoru to win now nor i want him to. 
thongchai is a great fighter. and him being a cheat adding to his awesomeness. 

We are less than hundred chapters until the end of the story; he can't (shouldn't) lose against a guy like him at this point.

i like this, can't expect minoru to win now nor i want him to. 
thongchai is a great fighter. and him being a cheat adding to his awesomeness. 


i like this, can't expect minoru to win now nor i want him to. 
thongchai is a great fighter. and him being a cheat adding to his awesomeness. 

For me, it's more like the majority of the time, Minoru's fights are extremely predictable. Especially against people like he is currently fighting now. Minoru would get displayed as the pure-hearted or meek fighter. Then the opponent would either be super strong or some cheating douche. Then in the end, Minoru would usually win by either unleashing his inner power(s) or get beaten enough to realize the error of his foolishness. Rinse. Then repeat.


? But Minoru lost quite a few of his fights. He'll probably lose this one, too, but will get stronger in the process.

This manga lost so much... i understand that it's a fighting manga, but it's fight after fights, tournaments after tournaments, without any real cooldown, there's no time for anything to sink in. I don't even know when was the last time i felt a charater growing.

For me, it's more like the majority of the time, Minoru's fights are extremely predictable. Especially against people like he is currently fighting now. Minoru would get displayed as the pure-hearted or meek fighter. Then the opponent would either be super strong or some cheating douche. Then in the end, Minoru would usually win by either unleashing his inner power(s) or get beaten enough to realize the error of his foolishness. Rinse. Then repeat.

This manga lost so much... i understand that it's a fighting manga, but it's fight after fights, tournaments after tournaments, without any real cooldown, there's no time for anything to sink in. I don't even know when was the last time i felt a charater growing.

*sigh* and cue the Kohinata beatdown.


Anyway, thanks Deadbeat Scans for anyother very nice release. :)

would love to see Thongchai and those assholes take a Muuto-sized L

it will be hilarious if that pig get KO'ed in the next chapter 

I find it unlikely. Thongchai has pretty much held back all this time so the betting odds would net him a nice profit. If he has enough control to orchestrate the fight in this manner, then things look very grim for Minoru.

I wouldn't mind having Minoru win at all but I'm gonna stay skeptical until he does.

it will be hilarious if that pig get KO'ed in the next chapter 

I'm... Actually pleased with the mangaka having Thongchai actually feel that kick... Makes my exasperation from the last chapter disappear.


Am I the only one who thought he was going to go Mike Tyson on Minoru's ass when the mouth guard came out?

I wonder if Nana would still go to America if she saw Minoru's ear get bitten off in a fight.

I don't get it. Can anyone explain what Thongchai did?

Something gross. The scumbag spitout his mouth guard and then put his upper teeth over his lip. When he was on the hold he pulled away and swiped against the opponents  forehead grazing it with his teeth, however as he did that he followed up with an elbow to trick the audience into thinking that it was the elbow that actually made contact and caused the blood wound to appear. 


But in reality it was him using his teeth to break the skin on his forehead.

Maybe it's actual poison lol. Injected through the wound made by the teeth when he bit him, like a snake injecting venom.

I'm... Actually pleased with the mangaka having Thongchai actually feel that kick... Makes my exasperation from the last chapter disappear.


Am I the only one who thought he was going to go Mike Tyson on Minoru's ass when the mouth guard came out?

What a fucking dickbag. Although, I'd be totally super impressed if Minoru manages to pull a win with these odds against him.

My thoughts exactly. I hope Minoru beats him even with this bullshit they're pulling.



I don't get it. Can anyone explain what Thongchai did?

The ugly doc said "cheering up" or something, so we can assume it's some sort of performance enhancing drug. Maybe adrenaline? Not entirely sure, because I don't know too much about this kind of thing.

I don't get it. Can anyone explain what Thongchai did?

What a fucking dickbag. Although, I'd be totally super impressed if Minoru manages to pull a win with these odds against him.

Did you really expect him to win against Skandalaki, a former champion, on his first goddamn try, even if he was out of shape? How detached from reality are some of you? It's a wonder he was even able to get this far after switching to karate like what? 2 years prior to this, if that?


It's not a problem that he lost to Skandalaki, it's the fact that Skandalaki defied all medical science by surviving the ass beating he got before taking out Minoru. Being that far outmatched, even by a fighter as lazy as Skandalaki, means you get your ass handed to you pretty quickly and you don't really get any effective hits in; it doesn't matter how good of a fighter you are, if you sustain serious damage, you're done.


I don't care if he's doping; unlike wounds to just about anywhere else (certain drugs can keep dudes charging at cops after taking several shots to the body), head trauma can't be defended against by drugs, just because of the mechanism by which it occurs: brain damage. If you've ever had a concussion, you should know that, despite the rush of adrenaline (and also because of it), your coordination goes to shit and your vision is swimming, you feel sick and slightly detached from reality.


And Thongchai just took an unexpected kick to the head... No, he's damaged, and if he takes anymore head trauma (especially if they're kicks to the side of his head), it's entirely likely (in reality) that he'd just black out, drugs or no; hell, I'd say it would have been likely he blacked out then and there, but I'm not a neurologist that specializes in sports injuries (also hard to tell how much forward motion was in Minoru's kick), so...

Maybe you`re right. But what I meant by "unknown fatass" doesn`t relate to his muay-thai title. It means the fact that he`s the character written for the sake of showing that Minoru can beat someone "strong" at least.  Tongchai could be former world champion for all I care - it doesn`t erase the fact that Minoru lost the fights that really meant something. And this fight is like a consolation prize for the readers: "Well Minoru had his share of difficulties, so let`s give him someone to beat up".


Sigh.......... It's not that, it's not that at all, goddammit. This fight only happened so Minoru will eventually develop his own style, by using techniques of his sempais and other strong fighters.

Some people just hate on Minoru to hate on Minoru. Did you really expect him to win against Skandalaki, a former champion, on his first goddamn try, even if he was out of shape? How detached from reality are some of you? It's a wonder he was even able to get this far after switching to karate like what? 2 years prior to this, if that?

The "many other characters" are his senpais. Among his age group, Minoru is doing well.

Also an ex-muay-thai  champ with over 200 fights is the exact opposite of an "unknown fatass".
Thonghchai is not taking the fight seriously yet that's true though so we will see whether Minoru's badass offense can continue in this manner or not.

Maybe you`re right. But what I meant by "unknown fatass" doesn`t relate to his muay-thai title. It means the fact that he`s the character written for the sake of showing that Minoru can beat someone "strong" at least.  Tongchai could be former world champion for all I care - it doesn`t erase the fact that Minoru lost the fights that really meant something. And this fight is like a consolation prize for the readers: "Well Minoru had his share of difficulties, so let`s give him someone to beat up".

Sometimes It looks like Minoru lost more fights than he won.  Many other characters got some achievements by this point and he fights some unknown fatass, while author tells us how cool it is. It`s like showing fights of tigers and then point to the cockroaches, while shouting: "look how awesome - they can jump". And yes, Kokai is right. His fists and legs are made of cotton candy.

The "many other characters" are his senpais. Among his age group, Minoru is doing well.

Also an ex-muay-thai  champ with over 200 fights is the exact opposite of an "unknown fatass".
Thonghchai is not taking the fight seriously yet that's true though so we will see whether Minoru's badass offense can continue in this manner or not.

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