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* * * * - (4.04 - 53votes)

Bokutachi ga Yarimashita

Alt Names: alt We Did It
Author: Kaneshiro Muneyuki
Artist: Araki Hikaru
Genres: Comedy ComedyDrama DramaEcchi EcchiSeinen SeinenSmut SmutTragedy Tragedy
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: We aim for the bowling high score...
Next week, we watch the TV...
Our senior friend is rich...

Yes, our life is full of hope!
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Topic Extended TL Notes: Chapter 26 New Window Nuwang
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Fuck no, please no.


We both know how this ends


Fuck no, please no.

This manga just got deeper!


Thanks for the chapters Nuwang! I would like to translate it to spanish, will contact you when I find some spare time

paisens dad with the connections maybe

She's gonna get fucked by that group of people and she's gonna enjoy it, isn't she?

You make me feel sick.

Fuck yeah I love this. Thanks for the new chapter!

For it to actually be considered one of the definitions, there has to be social consensus first. So right now, it's nothing more than a bunch of clueless people using the term wrong.


However this might be different in 10 years or so.




A lot of people using a term wrong =/= the term changing.


Uh, there is no such thing as universally (through space and time) defined word, you know? If enough people use a word differently then that simply becomes one of its definitions. As I said, the definitions of words change over time, gramps. Get with it.


Tbh, neither of you are incorrect. It's the difference between descriptive linguistics and prescriptivism. "People using a word incorrectly doesn't mean the word has changed definitions" is objectively true--it changes for many more reasons than incorrect usage and many incorrect usages of words are stamped out rather quickly. 

Just go to a NYC middle-school right now. Apparently "Gold Digger" is consistently being used as the equivalent to "A person who cheats on their s.o." Language change based on social factors, incorrect usage, semantic connections, and whatever is happening way faster than you might think. 

In the case of NTR, I think it's unfortunately, probably, already hit by language change--the definition has broadened despite the fact it hasn't broadened in the original language the term was loaned from. 

--why did I bother? Studies words. Descriptive Linguistics & English Stylistics. 

tl;dr: Languages change and its complex. You can't preserve perfect correctness like the French are failing to do. 

A lot of people using a term wrong =/= the term changing.

Uh, there is no such thing as universally (through space and time) defined word, you know? If enough people use a word differently then that simply becomes one of its definitions. As I said, the definitions of words change over time, gramps. Get with it.

So you concede that the definition changed over time. Okay, gotcha.

A lot of people using a term wrong =/= the term changing.

People have just twisted the definition.

So you concede that the definition changed over time. Okay, gotcha.

She's gonna get fucked by that group of people and she's gonna enjoy it, isn't she?

This 2 last chapters are so stupid it kind blow off the manga


I thought he was dreaming or something, but not, is just the characters acting in a bizarre way


"Hey I failed to kill myself, why not pay a visit to my ex gf? Oh, she wake up my friend with a blowjob because this happens all the time in real life right? All girls offer a house and a blowjob to strangers. But why not just ignore that and bang her anyway?"


cmom, not even hentai can be so stupid



This 2 last chapters are so stupid it kind blow off the manga


I thought he was dreaming or something, but not, is just the characters acting in a bizarre way


"Hey I failed to kill myself, why not pay a visit to my ex gf? Oh, she wake up my friend with a blowjob because this happens all the time in real life right? All girls offer a house and a blowjob to strangers. But why not just ignore that and bang her anyway?"


cmom, not even hentai can be so stupid


You seem to have some issues there.


No, not all girls wake their boyfriend's friends up with a blowjob, but people cheat, including girls. The mangaka isn't trying to say all girls offer a house and blowjob to strangers. That's on you and like I said, you seem to have some underlying issues with women.


You're extremely naive if you think there hasn't ever been a case when a girl cheated on her boyfriend with his friend.

This 2 last chapters are so stupid it kind blow off the manga


I thought he was dreaming or something, but not, is just the characters acting in a bizarre way


"Hey I failed to kill myself, why not pay a visit to my ex gf? Oh, she wake up my friend with a blowjob because this happens all the time in real life right? All girls offer a house and a blowjob to strangers. But why not just ignore that and bang her anyway?"


cmom, not even hentai can be so stupid

Yo your friend offered to let you smash his bitch and you are going to rob him. Man you are the ultimate douche.

You seem to have a pretty narrow definition of NTR. That is certainly not how it is commonly used. Any kind of humiliation of one romantic partner in front of them by another is considered NTR.


lol no, netorare is literally taking someone's lover. The girl wasn't even his. People have just twisted the definition. If anything, this dude was just cockblocked by the actual boyfriend lmao.

How is it NTR when that wasnt even his bitch? :)

You seem to have a pretty narrow definition of NTR. That is certainly not how it is commonly used. Any kind of humiliation of one romantic partner in front of them by another is considered NTR.
Alright a question that's been on my mind for a while So any of you guys who read the raws can maybe answer me. Was Renko really the pure girl she said she was. Or was she pretending and was actually in a sexual relationship with that guy with the motorculycle?

only in japan

That's probably the best case scenario if your boy walks in on you fucking his ex.


    • Pyt likes this

How is it NTR when that wasnt even his bitch? :)

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