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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * * (4.65 - 297votes)

I Found a Kitten

Alt Names: alt 子猫拾いましたalt Ich fand ein Kätzchenalt 아기고양이 주웠습니다alt Koneko Hiroimashitaalt Я подобрал котенка
Author: Yohachi
Artist: Yohachi
Genres: Comedy ComedyDrama DramaSlice of Life Slice of Life
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Atsuki Komiya is a college student that’s living alone. Suddenly, his sister visits and asks for a favor, which is to take care of his niece, Kasane, for two weeks. A story about the awkward relationship of these two, the confused Atsuki and the sullen Kasane, living together. Which direction will this story go…?
Made by: http://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=558398
Sequel: I Found Another Kitten http://bato.to/comic/_/i-found-another-kitten-r20912
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  • 3 Replies


Okay, there is one thing that I have a problem with. Who the hell sends an elementary schooler to buy groceries alone? I get that he's new to responsibility and that's perfectly understandable, but that doesnt throw common sense out the window


After a quick google search it looks to be a Japanese thing, something about independence and all that jazz. Apparently some parents will even let their elementary school kids take the Tokyo subways to and from school, so by comparison a quick trip to the local supermarket isn't all that bad.

Okay, there is one thing that I have a problem with. Who the hell sends an elementary schooler to buy groceries alone? I get that he's new to responsibility and that's perfectly understandable, but that doesnt throw common sense out the window

Incest route unlocked?

Whoa!!! His sister is borderline whore! Fucking unresponsible bitch just fuck around when 16, then dump her daughter when she felt burdened! Still has a nerve to act bossy, this bitch is fucking awful, no matter how the author sugarcoat it with commedy. Remind me of parents in nobody knows (2004) Toxic society of japanese! Seriously, drinking is mandatory? Someone could die in a time and still so much better thing to do, but getting wasted is mandatory? Fuck! 2nd grader is already excell at house chore? Well, aight, but cooking? Seriously?

I don't think that spoon feeding a child can compare to being full on responsible for a child.


I'm not sure how old he is, but most likely 18-22. That's still a young age to be caring after a child. People always say that college is an age where people are supposed to be mature, but it's not that far out of high school. There's a reason why partying and reckless action is sometimes associated with the college scene. Also consider the fact that the brain doesn't fully develop until around age 25, or even later.


Even if you were able to care for a child, he might not have developed the skills to be able to look after someone else. Again, he's fully responsible for a child, this isn't just baby-sitting for one night, or taking the kid around for just a day.


Actually, the kid is old enough to go to school, so this is actually a very easy task compared to spoonfeeding a baby. All you people who think that, because the MC is in college, we shouldn't expect him to behave like an adult: you realize that people who don't go to college would be expected to be a lot more responsible than this? Heck, his sister was on her own at 16, it's in the first few pages of the comic. For much of human history, people had to take on adult roles vastly earlier than 18 or 21 or whatever age you apparently believe people are finally no longer given license to be an irresponsible idiot, and for the most part they managed it. Asking this guy to clean up his act for two weeks really isn't that much, and there was no excuse for him to at least call home the minute he decided to drink with his friend.


And, incidentally, if I had a "friend" like that, I would have punched his lights out for taking my phone like that when I was trying to call home. He's a jerk for doing that, more of a jerk for insisting that someone else who he claims to regard as a "friend" ditch his responsibilities because he is upset, and his girlfriend probably broke up with him in the first place just because he's such an unutterable a*****e.

Bull-fucking-shit, I became an uncle at 11 and I spoon fed my 1.5-2 year old niece. He has no excuse. And stop talking like college is highschool, you are expected to be a responsible adult at that age.

Not the same, the kid was practically dropped on his door step. He has no clue what to do or how to act which is understandable. He will need time to let things settle but things should turn out fine. I myself look after my younger brother often (i'm in university) but I know that not everyone is up for that.

Bull-fucking-shit, I became an uncle at 11 and I spoon fed my 1.5-2 year old niece. He has no excuse. And stop talking like college is highschool, you are expected to be a responsible adult at that age.

I don't think that spoon feeding a child can compare to being full on responsible for a child.


I'm not sure how old he is, but most likely 18-22. That's still a young age to be caring after a child. People always say that college is an age where people are supposed to be mature, but it's not that far out of high school. There's a reason why partying and reckless action is sometimes associated with the college scene. Also consider the fact that the brain doesn't fully develop until around age 25, or even later.


Even if you were able to care for a child, he might not have developed the skills to be able to look after someone else. Again, he's fully responsible for a child, this isn't just baby-sitting for one night, or taking the kid around for just a day.

I'm a simple man. I see loli, I like.

You seriously expect a college kid that lives on his own to suddenly become the worlds greatest uncle?


He hasn't seen his sister in 9 years, that means he has never met this kid before. He has been an uncle for what, a couple days and you expect him to know how to handle every situation perfectly? This is a story about a college student that can't even take care of himself hopefully learning how to be responsible, you better get ready for even more failures.....

Bull-fucking-shit, I became an uncle at 11 and I spoon fed my 1.5-2 year old niece. He has no excuse. And stop talking like college is highschool, you are expected to be a responsible adult at that age.

At least this MC admits that a 7-8 year old girl caring for a guy in college is kind of bad.

Isn't 'gorogoro' sfx (seemingly for the cloud here) also the sfx for cat purring?


Not sure if author planned that connection given the title.

You are correct. 'Gorogoro' is the anime sound effect for a purring cat. Considering her aloof facade, she does give the impression of a cat.

wo-woahh... loli route ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

He is just immature. He isn`t Man, he is young boy. It`s real life

is this a troll comment?!?

Isn't 'gorogoro' sfx (seemingly for the cloud here) also the sfx for cat purring?


Not sure if author planned that connection given the title.

This is getting really good.

You seriously expect a college kid that lives on his own to suddenly become the worlds greatest uncle?


He hasn't seen his sister in 9 years, that means he has never met this kid before. He has been an uncle for what, a couple days and you expect him to know how to handle every situation perfectly? This is a story about a college student that can't even take care of himself hopefully learning how to be responsible, you better get ready for even more failures.....

Not to mention we don't know much about the MC's childhood.  If the MC grew up in a family that had poor family dynamics, then he would never have learned how a "good uncle" (or even a "responsible adult," for that matter) behaves.  So let's not rush to judgment just yet. 


That said, I agree that if this happens again, the MC really has no excuse.  

An uncle that can't put aside his daily life to take care of her nephew is awful.

Man you're an adult, it's just for 2 weeks (i think it will be extend)

You seriously expect a college kid that lives on his own to suddenly become the worlds greatest uncle?


He hasn't seen his sister in 9 years, that means he has never met this kid before. He has been an uncle for what, a couple days and you expect him to know how to handle every situation perfectly? This is a story about a college student that can't even take care of himself hopefully learning how to be responsible, you better get ready for even more failures.....

An uncle that can't put aside his daily life to take care of her nephew is awful.

Man you're an adult, it's just for 2 weeks (i think it will be extend)

He is just immature. He isn`t Man, he is young boy. It`s real life

An uncle that can't put aside his daily life to take care of her nephew is awful.

Man you're an adult, it's just for 2 weeks (i think it will be extend)

His friend is a right a**hole, but mc is too, should have made the call before going drinking. Poor kid.

I blame his friend. 

I mean he was gonna call until that dick butted in. 

This seems like a nice Slice of Life manga. Followed!

Edit: After reading chapter 2, I feel sorry for Kasane. Poor girl needs some family love.

Hey, a translator who knows how to spell "whoa" and isn't afraid to say so! Followed, for that all by itself!

You know it! You're a real baller. I'm glad to have you as a reader :)

Calling it right now: tragedy tag.

Tell me your secrets, God.

it maybe be ok if you have an adult waiting for you at home, but that is not his case. MC is an adult and is responsible for his niece.

Because a certain older sister ungratefully dumped her on him....The guy never had anyone to take care of but himself. He may be an adult, but he's in no way a parent. Of course he's going to make mistakes.

Though I do not like how he went to drink in the first place. Should've gone straight home after work. Practically every 'adult' in that manga is partially responsible for this outcome. 1. The Mother/Sister. 2. Atsuki Komiya,  3. Atsuki's friend. All irresponsible in several ways.

She's not mad, just disappointed

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