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Ever Green (KASUKABE Akira)

Alt Names: alt エバーグリーンalt Evergreen
Author: Takemiya Yuyuko
Artist: Kasukabe Akira
Genres: Comedy ComedyDrama DramaPsychological PsychologicalRomance RomanceSchool Life School LifeShounen ShounenSlice of Life Slice of LifeTragedy Tragedy
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: Yoshimatsu Hotaka is the president of the manga club and is always diligent with his school life and club activities, but even though he looks like a regular honor student in reality we have that there is something really odd with him; he has this bitter ~ heavy ~ melancholic look and is almost always looking at Awaya Niki, the beautiful, bright, radiant, super cheerful swimming club's female ace.

Why does Hotaka act all bitter like that? And what will become of him as the sports teacher orders him to have at least "one secret swimming class lesson" where no one is supposed to be looking, whereas he normally skips class activities due to personal matters?
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I personally think this is a rather good short story. I've enjoyed reading it.


Well, at least they put it out of its misery.

Thanks for sticking with it Silent Sky. It's disappointing when a series gets the axe and ends terribly, but nowhere near as frustrating when it's just abandoned. At least we have some sort of resolution, shitty as it may be.
Hmm, I get the feeling people kinda misunderstand the ending. The title of the manga is evergreen, and the main characters represent the sun and the rain. Both are needed to create a world of green, and Evergreen refers to the what happens when the two interact with each other, namely their relationship.

[Spoiler]on the last page, theres a shot of a budding sapling, which I interpreted to represent their budding relationship. I don't necessarily mean romantic, but a relationship between them exists that cannot be categorized. Now this can be taken two ways: He says that it will be forever green, never ripening, meaning that he will just watch over her forever, their relationship forever stuck in limbo, or my take, which is he'll never let their bond die, it will be evergreen. Note that by relationship I do not mean romantic. They're way past that now. Their relationship is something deeper.

Huh.....That's it? Really? Ok then...Really?

I'm not sure what the whole immortality thing was about.  My guess is that Hotaka may die soon so Niki will keep him immortal in her memories but, it seems like Hotaka was narrating that immortal part so I have no idea how exactly he'd make Niki immortal.


blhue13, on 10 May 2015 - 8:16 PM, said:
I didn't know it was possible to write a more disappointing ending than Golden Time's, but here we are.


I thought the Golden Time ending was fine.  It wrapped up the most important plot points.  A lengthier epilogue would have been nice but, its rare to get a truly satisfying epilogue when it comes to this stuff. 

I am just going to put this in the deepest corner on my list never again to read again. But that's it no more ranting.


I was considering reading this series. Then I saw this comment. Hooo boy...


Read it. Read it and lament at the waste of a beautiful premise.


We almost had the perfect wincest boys. Almost.

I didn't know it was possible to write a more disappointing ending than Golden Time's, but here we are.

I was considering reading this series. Then I saw this comment. Hooo boy...

I didn't know it was possible to write a more disappointing ending than Golden Time's, but here we are.

about Gt, you talking about the nl or what?

Well at least it ended on a good note...

Oh Come on!!!

God this was terrible ending finding out the girl you liked was your little sister? wtf random as fuck. Should have ended in incest tho cause already bad ending.

I didn't know it was possible to write a more disappointing ending than Golden Time's, but here we are.

Bland ending


That was so sad...


All that beautiful artwork. wasted :(

Thanks for the releases~

Please never make a romance manga only to make that kind of hidden link between the two main.

People talking about the ending, and I'm just sitting here wanting a peak at it but too scared to look at it at the same time.Well

Well you should go ahead and read it the story ain't that bad actually and the ending is great I think there is some regret I guess but the character get to take a real grown-up closure of their storie unlike in other manga of the same kind 

Meh. Moving on...

Aaaaand done. 

Cant say I hated the ending. But maybe I am alone with that view. :D

Don't even bother waiting or reading the last chapters. It's UNDERSTANDING end with painful regret and lost that you can read between the lines. What a waste of time for this series. I wish the author never wrote it with that end.

People talking about the ending, and I'm just sitting here wanting a peak at it but too scared to look at it at the same time.

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