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Made in Abyss

Alt Names: alt メイドインアビスalt Φτιαγμένο στην Άβυσσοalt Made in Abyssalt 来自深渊
Author: Tsukushi Akihito
Artist: Tsukushi Akihito
Genres: Adventure AdventureDrama DramaFantasy FantasyHorror HorrorMystery MysterySci-fi Sci-fiSeinen SeinenSupernatural SupernaturalTragedy Tragedy
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: The enormous cave system, known as the Abyss, is the last unexplored place in the world. Nobody knows how deep down goes this titanic pit, inhabited by strange and wondrous creatures and full of mysterious ancient relics which purpose in unknown to modern man. Generations of bold adventurers have been drawn by the cryptic depths of the Abyss. In course of time those brave enough to explore the dangerous pit came to be known as "Delvers."

In Orth, the town at the edge of the Abyss, there lives a little orphan named Riko, who dreams of becoming as great a delver as her mother was and solving the great mystery of the pit. One day exploring the murky depths she stumbles upon a little boy, who turns out to be a robot...

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The following content is intended for mature audiences and may contain sexual themes, gore, violence and/or strong language. Discretion is advised.

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Volume 6 has been updated to digital volume rips, all extras included.


Thanks for your work, kind anons.


BTW, there are a few repeat pages in ch. 41. I dunno if it's because the old chapters are still up or what. For what it's worth, I think the more solid font works better for Maaa-san's lines.

Extra pages from the volume edition, and my quick translations:


Chapter 40, extra page:





Chapter 41, extra page:




I was looking for this.


Such a short bit, but both interesting and quite somber with the page from ch. 42.

Volume 6 has been updated to digital volume rips, all extras included.

by the way, why are yaoi and yuri listed under the genres? also FeelsBadMan isnt an alternative title

some ppl are way too desensitized to sexualization of children here lmao something can be dark and edgy without the blatant pedophilic imagery ok. if it was a story with adults then sure, but aren't the disturbing/violent parts enough without the sexualization?? just adds a whole entire unnecessary fetish layer to the manga. but ppl are just gonna chalk it up to it be a precedent in anime/manga or it being fictional characters anyway so why do I even bother tbh.

But i guess you are anticipating ch44 as much as anyone else here, you little pervert you XD

hi there, i'm new to this and am not caught up so I just wanted to comment on how terrifying ozen and her soul-less eyes are. it isn't animated or anything but she always seems to be moving slowly... creeping up on you, gaining little by little even if you're moving as fast as you can. Basically a real living nightmare *shivers*


You have so much to look forward to. :D

hi there, i'm new to this and am not caught up so I just wanted to comment on how terrifying ozen and her soul-less eyes are. it isn't animated or anything but she always seems to be moving slowly... creeping up on you, gaining little by little even if you're moving as fast as you can. Basically a real living nightmare *shivers*

I don't think that's the Mitty. I think that narehate village creates something that makes them want to stay. Mitty for Nanachi, mother's letter for Riko...

I was thinking similar thoughts, but only to avoid any real hope.


Still wondering how Maa-san is still alive (it better not be a dream) not to mention that Majikajya also stated "the warm bundle of curse that the masked man brought" (probably Srajo?  Could be a new character.)  I don't think any of these things are lies, but they are very strangely-shaped puzzle pieces.

Concerning chapter 43: was having the narehate's put their tentacles in Riko's mouth really necessary? Did the toilet really have to lick her butthole? Has this author gone too far in self-inserting his fetishes? We waited 4 months for this!

Two sides of the same coin.

I honestly wouldn't have been disturbed by all if it until you pointed it out with YOUR point of view.
From "A toilet that wipes your ass with space tentacles" to "A toilet that licked a little girl's ass". 
From "A narehate grabbing her by the mouth" to "A narehate probing a little girl's mouth with a tentacle".

Sexual objectification indeed.

So...is Mitty actually communicating or is it just their trademark noises?


I want a happy Mitty conclusion, but getting my hopes up for any typical type of happy ending in this manga is probably akin to naively stepping into an elevator operated by a really great father figure.


I need more chapters dammit.  GIVE ME ANSWERS.

I don't think that's the Mitty. I think that narehate village creates something that makes them want to stay. Mitty for Nanachi, mother's letter for Riko...

So...is Mitty actually communicating or is it just their trademark noises?


I want a happy Mitty conclusion, but getting my hopes up for any typical type of happy ending in this manga is probably akin to naively stepping into an elevator operated by a really great father figure.


I need more chapters dammit.  GIVE ME ANSWERS.

some ppl are way too desensitized to sexualization of children here lmao something can be dark and edgy without the blatant pedophilic imagery ok. if it was a story with adults then sure, but aren't the disturbing/violent parts enough without the sexualization?? just adds a whole entire unnecessary fetish layer to the manga. but ppl are just gonna chalk it up to it be a precedent in anime/manga or it being fictional characters anyway so why do I even bother tbh.

Concerning chapter 43: was having the narehate's put their tentacles in Riko's mouth really necessary? Did the toilet really have to lick her butthole? Has this author gone too far in self-inserting his fetishes? We waited 4 months for this!

Okay I see people have responded to this enough already but I'll add my two cents anyway:
If you're looking for things that make you feel comfortable, or really make you feel any emotion that's remotely positive, you've clearly come to the wrong place and I don't know how you made it this far.

Concerning chapter 43: was having the narehate's put their tentacles in Riko's mouth really necessary? Did the toilet really have to lick her butthole? Has this author gone too far in self-inserting his fetishes? We waited 4 months for this!

If anything he hasnt gone far enough!

Concerning chapter 43: was having the narehate's put their tentacles in Riko's mouth really necessary? Did the toilet really have to lick her butthole? Has this author gone too far in self-inserting his fetishes?...






No way, man!



 We waited 4 months for this!



So what? It's not the first time the author is doing borderline creepy stuff. You're still reading, though!

Name it sick fetish or whatever, unfortunately it's justified because it needed for the fucked up environment build that the narehate village (and possibly the bottom of abyss) has, it also foreshadow something gruesome that'd bound to happen... sooner or later. You've dove this deep, so hold your chest... 

Come on akihito don't make faputa a bad guy.

Concerning chapter 43: was having the narehate's put their tentacles in Riko's mouth really necessary? Did the toilet really have to lick her butthole? Has this author gone too far in self-inserting his fetishes? We waited 4 months for this!


I don't know about everyone else but I'm much more disturbed about Maa-san's hairy buttcheeks

Concerning chapter 43: was having the narehate's put their tentacles in Riko's mouth really necessary? Did the toilet really have to lick her butthole? Has this author gone too far in self-inserting his fetishes? We waited 4 months for this!


the idea here is that all those 'appliances', 'rooms', 'things' were once delvers who got their value shifted and became these abominations

every layers represents a type of danger, here in this seemingly peaceful village the danger is temptation. if you fail, you'll become one of those things in the village based around your soul's greed or aspirations 

Concerning chapter 43: was having the narehate's put their tentacles in Riko's mouth really necessary? Did the toilet really have to lick her butthole? Has this author gone too far in self-inserting his fetishes? We waited 4 months for this!


I think the following pretty much lies on the surface, but, if you'll allow me, I'll go all AP Lit teacher for a moment to write it out anyway.


None of these things are any more nor less necessary than the wanton murder, the act of risking a gruesome death at literally every step, and the general degradation of the value of human life you see everywhere in this manga. This all goes to show that the Abyss is outside anyone's comfort zone. (Incidentally, I'd submit that it's weird to find a molester toilet more off-putting than a village that eviscerates its inhabitants for minor infractions.)


This is a tragedy. Every character is some combination of insane, self-destructively adventurous, and desperate to the point of braving certain death rather than continue living in the outside world. Either way, everyone in the Abyss is malformed from the point of view of our society - else they wouldn't set foot in there. You're watching broken people stumbling through a death trap and no one comes out alive in the end.


^ IMO.

Dont want to dismiss anyone opinion about the manga but from the moment that Riko broke her arm to nanashi story reveal i think there were many hints already that this manga is pretty heavy on the tragedys and trials.


Has this author gone too far in self-inserting his fetishes? 

Friend when a author creates a story it is already a self-insertion of their imagination, and accusing about fetish is a little to heavy to do without knowing much about the person in question, if you dont like the story enough to endure the things that happen just stop reading, if you like enough to continue reading i sugest you clench your teeth because i dont think that will get any better.

That last page does things to my heart.

The Tale of Lolis getting in danger continues!

Concerning chapter 43: was having the narehate's put their tentacles in Riko's mouth really necessary? Did the toilet really have to lick her butthole? Has this author gone too far in self-inserting his fetishes? We waited 4 months for this!

Then stop reading i guess. Personally i find far more disturbing a kid cutting another kid’s arm with a knife . To each his own i guess

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