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Maou no Hajimekata - The Comic

Alt Names: alt Cara Mengawali Karir Sebagai Raja Iblis - Komikalt 魔王の始め方 THE COMICalt How to Book on the Devil - The Comicalt How to Build a Dungeon: Book of the Demon Kingalt How to Get Started as the Demon King - The Comicalt 成为魔王的方法
Author: Warau Yakan
Artist: Komiya Toshimasa
Genres: Action ActionEcchi EcchiFantasy FantasyHarem HaremSeinen SeinenSmut SmutTragedy Tragedy[no chapters] [no chapters]
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: "I do not trust humans. They’ll betray you without fail.” Aur, the man who had obtained the ability and right to become the Maou at the end of his life of research. Summoning the succubus Lilu, he then sets out on creating his own domain, a gigantic labyrinthine dungeon… The misanthropic Maou taking on the world, the curtain rises on a dark harem fantasy!


adapted from web novel series of the same name

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  • 4 Replies


that chapter 3 credit page edit , lost my sides....

Oh nice. Two more heroines that he can bang.

Uuuh, please be one more heroine he can bang. I'd like to be able to keep reading this,

Oh nice. Two more heroines that he can bang.


another chapter so soon

Rapeman FTW

You misunderstand my point. This is what I said: "...and if you've gone out of your way to concoct a fantasy world where these things are commonplace, I think it says more about you than your characters..."


Human rights are a creation of our world, our time, and are an expression of our values. They exist for us, the readers, and presumably for the creator as well. A fantasy world can express any world, any time, and any values. What does it say about the creator's views if he takes the things we abhor about our own world and make them the spice and titilation of his fantasy world? If he does not use his art to help us understand the causes of these abhorrent things and what our response to them should be, but instead does the reverse - if he invites us to identify and sympathize with a maniac, whose motives and actions we are encouraged to view as justified and acceptable? This is what it means to make the abhorrent commonplace.


You know you contradict yourself.

In one sentence you say that a fantasy world can express any world/time/values. Yet you go on to say that it should reflect our current world's morality/beliefs/values.


Personally, I love works of fiction that throw modern thinking away.

I suppose that you are aware that rape was (and is still) used as a weapon by armies and mercenaries all around the world? "Human rights" is a modern concept, it did not exist in any medieval society. Slaves and serfs had very, very few rights and they had no more rights than cattle.

In fact, any "realistic" setting would have been that once he captured her, he would either

1-execute her immediatly

2-torture her (including rape) to get informations (who sent her, how did she find him, etc...)

3-ransom her (if he had learned she was of royal lineage)

4-held her captive as hostage so her family doesn't retaliate


...but in reality, there just wouldn't be any circumstance where a lone princess would wander in a dangerous dungeon anyway.


You misunderstand my point. This is what I said: "...and if you've gone out of your way to concoct a fantasy world where these things are commonplace, I think it says more about you than your characters..."


Human rights are a creation of our world, our time, and are an expression of our values. They exist for us, the readers, and presumably for the creator as well. A fantasy world can express any world, any time, and any values. What does it say about the creator's views if he takes the things we abhor about our own world and make them the spice and titilation of his fantasy world? If he does not use his art to help us understand the causes of these abhorrent things and what our response to them should be, but instead does the reverse - if he invites us to identify and sympathize with a maniac, whose motives and actions we are encouraged to view as justified and acceptable? This is what it means to make the abhorrent commonplace.

@Tactless    No possible context can justify the things aur has done so far (drugging, hypnosis, etc.)  As merc says, these are cartoonish tactics worthy of any mustache-twirling villain.  And I hardly need to point out that the united nations recognizes rape as a violation of universally agreed upon human rights (and if you've gone out of your way to concoct a fantasy world where these things are commonplace, I think it says more about you than your characters). What possible justification can the author pull out of his rectum to make aur anything other than evil at this point? This is an adolescent's vengeful wish-fullfillment scenario rather than an actual story.


I suppose that you are aware that rape was (and is still) used as a weapon by armies and mercenaries all around the world? "Human rights" is a modern concept, it did not exist in any medieval society. Slaves and serfs had very, very few rights and they had no more rights than cattle.

In fact, any "realistic" setting would have been that once he captured her, he would either

1-execute her immediatly

2-torture her (including rape) to get informations (who sent her, how did she find him, etc...)

3-ransom her (if he had learned she was of royal lineage)

4-held her captive as hostage so her family doesn't retaliate


...but in reality, there just wouldn't be any circumstance where a lone princess would wander in a dangerous dungeon anyway.

You're completely and utterly ignored the context.


Yeah, what you said makes sense to me, imercenary.


Let's say that a pragmatic person pursues their own self-interest to the exclusion of moral considerations. They only help people when they stand to benefit in the short or long term. They hinder or destroy people who might resist them in the future. And they actively exploit people whom they believe are too weak to resist. In other words, they disregard the goals and desires of others, and force or coerce them into doing things they would otherwise not choose to do. I think that it is easy to condemn such beliefs as selfish, destructive, and evil.


@Tactless    No possible context can justify the things aur has done so far (drugging, hypnosis, etc.)  As merc says, these are cartoonish tactics worthy of any mustache-twirling villain.  And I hardly need to point out that the united nations recognizes rape as a violation of universally agreed upon human rights (and if you've gone out of your way to concoct a fantasy world where these things are commonplace, I think it says more about you than your characters). What possible justification can the author pull out of his rectum to make aur anything other than evil at this point? This is an adolescent's vengeful wish-fullfillment scenario rather than an actual story.

You're completely and utterly ignored the context.


He's a ruthless pragmatist that's neither good nor evil. He just makes the optimal choices for his own situation

I was buffing that line by expounding on your hypothetical.


Aur could roast all the villages straightaway, and not deal with dissenters.

Yet said villages can provide him labor + reputation against other factions.

Said factions could disrupt his dungeon work after hearing of his existence.

Which weakens their focus on other areas.

Which allows Aur to sneak some effort through said cracks.

Which does this.

Which does that.


A zigzag of supposedly good and supposedly evil checkpoints, all for an unknown goal.

You say that the thought of the protagonist being anything but evil is idiotic?

I counter with this: how many steps ahead is Aur thinking?

At the moment, neither of us know.

Sociology, History, Psychology, I have taken such classes before.


In one such History class, the professor and I started a discussion on hunting and gathering groups in ancient Sumer. I distinctly pointed out a scenario in which an elder, a former hunter in his prime, could have taken an injury that prevents him from physically aiding his group's current generation of hunters. He still had "use" as a repository of knowledge.


I know neither of us are ignorant, and you are correct that there exists a sentiment that the elderly should be discarded wholesale.


But those who carry that line of thinking may not be as pragmatic as they appear if they lack the foresight to extract any other kinds of worth from the people they so readily want to dispose of.


You're completely and utterly ignored the context.



Ok this MC is a lot better then I thought. At first I believed it was going down hill with cheap hentai "training" but the MC actually put a lot of thought into his methods. A believable brainwashing scenarios was concocted. Not only that, the MC isn't a brainless villain either. He's a ruthless pragmatist that's neither good nor evil. He just makes the optimal choices for his own situation, if it means helping the villagers in the processes then all the better for him. I'm looking forward to how this turns out.

I just saw the image read the description and just press follow, after that i read it i knew it was the rigth choice...
The credit page is funnier than the whole chapter (4) The story is a bit too shallow. I think :-\

Okay why is there a discussion on NTR here? I have absolutely no idea how the hell the discussion could've gotten to NTR. There's not even the slightest bit of NTR to be seen anywhere in this manga, unless you guys have read the novel raws and know something I don't?

NTR stands for netorare. Netorare is basically the japanese version of cuckolding. Netorare means: (taken from urban dictionary)

"NTR is a hentai genre where in a heroine will be introduced as having a significant other, which may be a husband, a boyfriend, or even a partner in a BST affair. The story will then show the aforementioned heroine being intimate with another man thus provoking jealousy in the audience by proxy."


NTR is chucked around a lot and most of the time the term isn't used correctly. But hey, even if the term is used incorrectly, people generally get the idea of kind of content to expect when NTR is used.



Umm, I know what NTR is, I just mentioned that the first kanji of it ( from 寝取られ) is the kanji for sleep, meaning the term itself actually has meaning more of 'taken while (you) were asleep' (and for Netori which can also be abbreviated as NTR, 'taken while (he/she) was asleep'), i.e. the 'victim' is not aware of what's going on until it's too late.


I know this topic is not that important for most people (I mean how many people even know kanji, let alone Japanese) but I've always find these sort of expressions where few characters/words express statement of a full sentence quite fascinating (even if some/most of them fall into meme category, i.e. YOLO)

Ch 2 page 4-5 have him explicitly call it a trade, and then explains that in return for tributes, he offers 'blessing's (which we now know what kind it is)


Although he also proceeds to show off the zombies...



As for whether he's acting, I'd say no, this page more or less capture his stance on things.





Isn't the N in NTR the kanji for 'sleep' implies that the whole thing is done without the other party realizing (at least until a good chunk through, usually shown by the taker)?


The new guy in company example would applies if he setup those favor behind the scene, but if he simply shows his worth in the company then it's just plain old competition and he won fair n square in that case.

NTR stands for netorare. Netorare is basically the japanese version of cuckolding. Netorare means: (taken from urban dictionary)

"NTR is a hentai genre where in a heroine will be introduced as having a significant other, which may be a husband, a boyfriend, or even a partner in a BST affair. The story will then show the aforementioned heroine being intimate with another man thus provoking jealousy in the audience by proxy."


NTR is chucked around a lot and most of the time the term isn't used correctly. But hey, even if the term is used incorrectly, people generally get the idea of kind of content to expect when NTR is used.

For the greater good.


You guys should take a philosophy or sociology class. You seem to think that I'm just trolling but this sort of mentality is common in the world.

Sociology, History, Psychology, I have taken such classes before.


In one such History class, the professor and I started a discussion on hunting and gathering groups in ancient Sumer. I distinctly pointed out a scenario in which an elder, a former hunter in his prime, could have taken an injury that prevents him from physically aiding his group's current generation of hunters. He still had "use" as a repository of knowledge.


I know neither of us are ignorant, and you are correct that there exists a sentiment that the elderly should be discarded wholesale.


But those who carry that line of thinking may not be as pragmatic as they appear if they lack the foresight to extract any other kinds of worth from the people they so readily want to dispose of.

I don't care... I will follow this! Also the art is good~

Interesting. I wonder how long it will last.............................. on Batoto that is.

And here I thought the heroines in hentai manga fell easily

Someone please add Rape, Hypnosis and Mind Break gen-


Oh wait. Wrong site.

snips snips


Well, at least that's what the proverbs stands for it as in today, these days, in hentai communities everywhere


yea , i think thats what its original meaning, but mainstream changes everything, 

mlp intended for children view, now as for today, ... . you know what i mean, i dont want to insult or offend other mlp lovers

Retirement homes exist to give comfort to those who have paid their dues during their prime years. Take that away, and the current and future primes have less of a reason to support you. What's the point of working if there's no security at the end?


For the greater good.


You guys should take a philosophy or sociology class. You seem to think that I'm just trolling but this sort of mentality is common in the world.

So is he acting the "misunderstood good guy" just to get the girl or not? Cos I think earlier he demanded tribute from a village before even giving them anything...


On a side note though, I'm starting to look forward to the credits page :D


Ch 2 page 4-5 have him explicitly call it a trade, and then explains that in return for tributes, he offers 'blessing's (which we now know what kind it is)


Although he also proceeds to show off the zombies...



As for whether he's acting, I'd say no, this page more or less capture his stance on things.






Isn't the N in NTR the kanji for 'sleep' implies that the whole thing is done without the other party realizing (at least until a good chunk through, usually shown by the taker)?


The new guy in company example would applies if he setup those favor behind the scene, but if he simply shows his worth in the company then it's just plain old competition and he won fair n square in that case.

For those that don't have a clue what went on, here's a brief summary from the light novel
While she was in a state of excitement (twice, first time she was being touched by the demon, second time after she lost her first time) , she was more prone to hypnotism due to not thinking clear. At that moment he used hypnotism to make her believe he was a kind person by making her link people who treat her well = good person, and people who sin = deserves to be punished. Thus when he made her pain go away during rape, she linked him with good person, when he protected her with from the stone, once again it reinforced him as a good person.
Next the part about sin/guilt and bad person deserving to be punished, he linked her actions of attacking him as a sin, thus the punishment was being raped by him. He linked the villagers sin of making him out to be evil as something worth punishing for. At that point she almost killed the villains, but he killed them instead as a punishment, not as a evil act in her mind. And at the same time he protected her hands from being stained by killing defenseless villagers, thus once again enforcing him as a good person.
At the very end where you see them on the bed again, it was after the second hypnotism where he was explaining to the demon how it all worked.

If "pragmatic" exempts you from being judged as good or evil, you should go down to the nearby retirement home, throw everyone into a meat grinder and use them as fertilizer. Its more "pragmatic" to stop wasting resources on keeping those people alive AND to develop a long term strategy to produce more resources.

All these attempts to justify that the protagonist isn't "evil" is idiotic.


Retirement homes exist to give comfort to those who have paid their dues during their prime years. Take that away, and the current and future primes have less of a reason to support you. What's the point of working if there's no security at the end?


Plus, even those who are past their physical prime can have intangible value. Maybe their strategic minds are still sharp. Maybe they are famed among the populace. Maybe they are the sole inheritor of a vast fortune. What better way to corral a person than to provide them benefits?


Blindly discarding the past will not ensure a future.

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