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* * * * - (4.05 - 488votes)

Maou no Hajimekata - The Comic

Alt Names: alt Cara Mengawali Karir Sebagai Raja Iblis - Komikalt 魔王の始め方 THE COMICalt How to Book on the Devil - The Comicalt How to Build a Dungeon: Book of the Demon Kingalt How to Get Started as the Demon King - The Comicalt 成为魔王的方法
Author: Warau Yakan
Artist: Komiya Toshimasa
Genres: Action ActionEcchi EcchiFantasy FantasyHarem HaremSeinen SeinenSmut SmutTragedy Tragedy[no chapters] [no chapters]
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: "I do not trust humans. They’ll betray you without fail.” Aur, the man who had obtained the ability and right to become the Maou at the end of his life of research. Summoning the succubus Lilu, he then sets out on creating his own domain, a gigantic labyrinthine dungeon… The misanthropic Maou taking on the world, the curtain rises on a dark harem fantasy!


adapted from web novel series of the same name

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Chapters removed due to content
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Inappropriate Content.
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The following content is intended for mature audiences and may contain sexual themes, gore, violence and/or strong language. Discretion is advised.

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  • 4 Replies


Are you kidding me!?  I touch myself EVERY time a new ecchi/smut manga comes out!!!
I remember once last year when A WHOLE WEEK went by without any new ecchi/smut chapters being released to Batoto...
I thought that the masturbatory withdrawal symptoms were going to KILL ME!!!

Cheers Chuck! You made my day!

"Humans will betray you without fail." But let's decide to "train" the first girl we see.....even though "humans will betray you without fail.". Oh and let's ask for a maiden girl every year even though "humans will betray you without fail.". Apparently our villain is not as smart as he seems, or instead of being mad about being betrayed he was just upset about not getting laid, and decided that the whole world should feel his virgin vengeance.

He trained Yunis because she would have been a real pain in the ass in the future and because she's a hero, he probably would have failed to kill her, no matter what.

The village girls, on the other hand probably (can't tell yet, since only Mary and Sofi have been given), will never be his confidants and will be mere sex toys, with the occasional talent getting some special tratment.

(Then again, Sofi is an exception, because she's almost inhuman in her nature)

I'm not sure who to feel worse for.. Aur or Lilu....

This chapters shows why you should never leave a succubus to babysit children.

While she's certainly a child, 4-5 years old is really pushing it. She's probably near 10.

"Do you know a girl called Marybelle? A blonde girl of four or five years,"

i dont know if you guys do this intentionally or not, but try to keep it to the minimum with targeted audience, for all you know, half of you readers to might be muslim , and im sure they gonna feel bad when their prophet got mentioned as pedo,

Whoever reads this has already damned himself. The title helpfully states it's about a "demon king", which is not exactly conducive to kosher thoughts. Enjoy going to hell.

I've had credits pages mocking everyone from merchants to Basketball Americans to SJWs to Muslims, I'm not going to start self-censoring now just because some precious snowflakes get feelshurt or something. Though it is somewhat interesting that none of those other groups really complained about my previous credits pages, guess Muslims are just the specialest of snowflakes judging from the amount of tears I'm getting on my blog and seeing posted elsewhere other than batoto.

No censorship dude, let them be butthurt

Well i know before in credit page you guys were just making fun of the terrorist and the ISIS, y'know , the bad guys

but somehow in this one you manage to insult the islam's most famous prophet, that was just straight insulting the religion and all to those who followed it,


I've had credits pages mocking everyone from merchants to Basketball Americans to SJWs to Muslims, I'm not going to start self-censoring now just because some precious snowflakes get feelshurt or something. Though it is somewhat interesting that none of those other groups really complained about my previous credits pages, guess Muslims are just the specialest of snowflakes judging from the amount of tears I'm getting on my blog and seeing posted elsewhere other than batoto.

Well i know before in credit page you guys were just making fun of the terrorist and the ISIS, y'know , the bad guys

but somehow in this one you manage to insult the islam's most famous prophet, that was just straight insulting the religion and all to those who followed it,


i know im being party pooper here, but ill be damn if this place starting become serious and every religious person comes here and have internet religious war, they gonna start up to sign petition to ban here, ban there, remove this, remove that, and make you apologize here, and apologize that



i dont know if you guys do this intentionally or not, but try to keep it to the minimum with targeted audience, for all you know, half of you readers to might be muslim , and im sure they gonna feel bad when their prophet got mentioned as pedo,


they are abit sensitive after all...  them muslims,  in any case, i dont want any Rapeman Scans team got blowed up or executed like Charlie's incident


Im not forcing you guys or anything , or being an asshole here, take it (my message that is) to what it is, or just ignore it, after all, there's no true obligation or objectives here

Rapeman, it's always a pleasure, keep it up.


tl;dr : If it hurts your sensibilities you have my regards, now please help yourself to a cookie and just walk away.



The problem is this.




Of course, this is just my two cents.

"Humans will betray you without fail." But let's decide to "train" the first girl we see.....even though "humans will betray you without fail.". Oh and let's ask for a maiden girl every year even though "humans will betray you without fail.". Apparently our villain is not as smart as he seems, or instead of being mad about being betrayed he was just upset about not getting laid, and decided that the whole world should feel his virgin vengeance.

hahahaha that succubus is hilarious teaching that to a 4-5 year old girl is maou a lolicon???? LOL


While she's certainly a child, 4-5 years old is really pushing it. She's probably near 10.

hahahaha that succubus is hilarious teaching that to a 4-5 year old girl is maou a lolicon???? LOL

Rapeman, it's always a pleasure, keep it up.


tl;dr : If it hurts your sensibilities you have my regards, now please help yourself to a cookie and just walk away.

Here's a pretty good ("dark") fantasy. It's silly that I've avoided this for a few day because I thought the cover seemed cliche and that this would be stupid, and it's silly that what pulled me in was seeing a page where the characters are just 'casually' having sex.


also ch4. lol at that Mary and Lilu scene. What's that anyway, an eggplant? 

I really do not know why a lot of people are complaining about this manga. I think there are a lot of silent readers out there who are like me who only read and never comment BUT who are now "worshipping" rapeman.scan for bringing this AWESOME , AMAZING manga!


Those who want to debate about philosophy or justice or about the plight of society can do it somewhere else.


This is a rare 10/10 manga. Please don't make the author/artist/scanlator unhappy by giving "too much" negative comment. I do not know about the rest of the reader but I will be EXTREMELY sad if this manga gets dropped or axed like 

Abnormal-kei Joshi.  :(


Finally, THANK YOU to the author/artist/rapeman.scan for this INCREDIBLY ENTERTAINING manga!


Best wishes to all.

OR ya know. Go to fakku ._.

I really do not know why a lot of people are complaining about this manga. I think there are a lot of silent readers out there who are like me who only read and never comment BUT who are now "worshipping" rapeman.scan for bringing this AWESOME , AMAZING manga!


Those who want to debate about philosophy or justice or about the plight of society can do it somewhere else.


This is a rare 10/10 manga. Please don't make the author/artist/scanlator unhappy by giving "too much" negative comment. I do not know about the rest of the reader but I will be EXTREMELY sad if this manga gets dropped or axed like 

Abnormal-kei Joshi.  :(


Finally, THANK YOU to the author/artist/rapeman.scan for this INCREDIBLY ENTERTAINING manga!


Best wishes to all.

This has got to be the wordiest ecchi series I've every seen.

There sure is a lot of denial and wishful thinking in this comment section.

Also "NTR" has long passed the point where the first people to use the term do not know what it ever meant. Correcting them is hopeless, the term means something else now, just like "doujin", "neko", and the like before it.

Nonetheless, A question just struck me... Pervy, is there any ecchi/smut manga that you haven't at least touched (and has been out for over a week, just to make any noteable time-lag irrelevant)?


Are you kidding me!?  I touch myself EVERY time a new ecchi/smut manga comes out!!!


I remember once last year when A WHOLE WEEK went by without any new ecchi/smut chapters being released to Batoto...


I thought that the masturbatory withdrawal symptoms were going to KILL ME!!!

Not sure if this is good, or really sick and twisted...


Umm...  "All of the above"...?


This series definitely appeals to my sick and twisted sense of the absurd!!!


Think of it this way...



wait, i thought he had more than one village holding the contract, so why only one village send a girl?

I'd say it's because he didn't make the contracts with them on the same day and they probably had a week or so to chose the "sacrifice" each. Don't forget, that he did say this was the first one.





After this page, I just HAD to add a "comedy" tag to this series!!!



What about


And mind you, the first two are straight out of the first chapter... It seemed clear as day that it was a comedy, at least for me...


Nonetheless, A question just struck me... Pervy, is there any ecchi/smut manga that you haven't at least touched (and has been out for over a week, just to make any noteable time-lag irrelevant)?


EDIT - Also, just to find the imaged for this comment, I read through the whole manga... for the third time today... And today's only been going for 3 hours...

After this page, I just HAD to add a "comedy" tag to this series!!!


I wonder what he was expecting to happen when he left them together?

Not sure if this is good, or really sick and twisted...



After this page, I just HAD to add a "comedy" tag to this series!!!


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