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Maou no Hajimekata - The Comic

Alt Names: alt Cara Mengawali Karir Sebagai Raja Iblis - Komikalt 魔王の始め方 THE COMICalt How to Book on the Devil - The Comicalt How to Build a Dungeon: Book of the Demon Kingalt How to Get Started as the Demon King - The Comicalt 成为魔王的方法
Author: Warau Yakan
Artist: Komiya Toshimasa
Genres: Action ActionEcchi EcchiFantasy FantasyHarem HaremSeinen SeinenSmut SmutTragedy Tragedy[no chapters] [no chapters]
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: "I do not trust humans. They’ll betray you without fail.” Aur, the man who had obtained the ability and right to become the Maou at the end of his life of research. Summoning the succubus Lilu, he then sets out on creating his own domain, a gigantic labyrinthine dungeon… The misanthropic Maou taking on the world, the curtain rises on a dark harem fantasy!


adapted from web novel series of the same name

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  • 4 Replies


But why some people say Aur is a Lich? I'm not really a D&D expert but wasn't the Lich an Undead? Aur Bleeds and he was an old man before using all that mana to rejuvenate... and seems pretty alive to me. I thought when he was beheaded he used some powerful magic or whatnot to prevent him from dying...

or a Lich doesn't necessarily need to be an undead? *-*

Oh and a question... it doesn't seem to clear, but did he have sex with Sofia after/during the oath?

Ah well... about that




That's....quite a lot...

5-7 girls, if memory of the novel's intro-page serves...


Ah well... about that




Long story short, he was a magnificent bastard.


The only notable ladies in the series he didn't bang were the Figurian strategist, Eunice brother's wife, and one heroic spirit.



So, Aur bangs a new girl every chapter? Let's see how far this can go... <_<

5-7 girls, if memory of the novel's intro-page serves...

So, Aur bangs a new girl every chapter? Let's see how far this can go... <_<

My apologies then, your wording comes across as brash and drives the impression of a very single-minded perspective.  Of course, cold text can do just that.



Also, I won't tell you what to write or not to so please refrain from telling me what to.  I would kindly appreciate it.

And if you are to advocate discussion, I would kindly appreciate you to accept criticism.


To conclude, I would say that while this story does not hook you, and that it is definitely flawed in many ways (pacing damnit!) it has what it takes to hook others, and we go back to matters of personal preference. Also, I think you're a bit quick when stating that his journey is about collecting women for his harem. While the MC has a definite taste for the flesh, we don't know what the sacrificial maidens were originally for, and I think his harem-gathering ways are a bit exaggerated in the comments.

 I'll admit I was skimming at that point because I knew exactly where this was going since this is really just porn, and decided yep going with the dumbass premise "rape her, and it'll make her feel good and love you" just like how it works in real life, right? right? I mean that's how we all got women by our sides, am I right people? Oh...wait..

Reads smut, complains about sex scenes... And you weren't as much skimming as "looking at the pretty pictures".

Also, mixing real life standards with those of a fantasy world with magic in it is even less sensible than it sounds.

 I'll admit I was skimming at that point because I knew exactly where this was going since this is really just porn, and decided yep going with the dumbass premise "rape her, and it'll make her feel good and love you" just like how it works in real life, right? right? I mean that's how we all got women by our sides, am I right people? Oh...wait..

Skimmed through.


Awkward real life parallel.


No, this is not what I'm saying. There is a very slight difference, but let's be clearer here.


So, what I am basically saying is "The points you are bringing up are merely a question of like/dislike and one's inner sensibilities and as such, do not lend themselves to discussion. You like it, or you don't. You find it too extreme, or you don't ; But there is no room for imput from someone else."


I am all for discussing what can be discussed about. Your points? They're not. Also, please refrain from writing something like "instead of inquiring about the hows and whys of my stance". You either write it and I can respond to it, or you don't and I don't care. I am not contractually obligated to ask you to clarify your stance so you may sound less wrong.


My apologies then, your wording comes across as brash and drives the impression of a very single-minded perspective.  Of course, cold text can do just that.



Also, I won't tell you what to write or not to so please refrain from telling me what to.  I would kindly appreciate it.

This may come out wrong but... Do you read the dialogues? The bit about the hero star? About how, were he to try and kill her, she would probably break the sleep spell, manage an impossible escape and come back stronger? Manga101 : Killing the hero does not work.


Also you, among others, keep using "wish fulfillment manga". Please do note that for a pretty huge number of people, the unwarranted slaughter of an entire village, women and children included is not a wish, much less one that we would like to see fulfilled. You may be (slightly) projecting your bad past experiences on this work. Which is not about a cool hero that we would enjoy projecting ourselves into, but an asshole MC that is supposed to evoke way more complicated feelings.


In short, your points are wrong, I am sorry to learn that you dislike this premise, and my advice would be for you to help yourself to a cookie and just walk away.

Wow isn't that whole star thing some convenient plot BS but I'll admit, like I said before I was skimming because our main character is kind of a wordy mother fucker. Which is never a good sign in a visual medium, even if it's coming from a written medium.
As for her falling for him from the rape, I really recommend some people here need to read some actual rape victim's stories. And yes stockholm syndrome but I pretty much stopped reading after our second porn scene.

Also what do we know of this guy? Maybe he was a psychopathic, murdering rapist before and got caught so he feels "betrayed". tell me why I should give two shits about this character!
Lastly I love how I'm just out right wrong. I never said the bombs would kill him, did I? I just said they could have bombs, and fuck up all his work.

Oh and I think I'm done here, I need to mind bleach this poorly done story and you people from my memory.

Did you miss the fact that if he outright killed her, it would have been very likely for him to get cursed to some extent. I'm pretty sure he stated that killing her directly like that would have had some severe negative repercussions. Heroes are special existences.

 I'll admit I was skimming at that point because I knew exactly where this was going since this is really just porn, and decided yep going with the dumbass premise "rape her, and it'll make her feel good and love you" just like how it works in real life, right? right? I mean that's how we all got women by our sides, am I right people? Oh...wait..

yeah cause putting a knife into her heart while she was asleep would have been so hard, keep in mind that he dragged her to a bed, and put her in chains all the while she never woke up. Also so she's going to be more powerful later? So doesn't that mean keeping her alive and near you is still the dumbest move around, et tu Brute? Just kill her and be done with the problem, this just proves our main character is a moron, and really again his only real motivation is to get his willy wet.
As for the maiden's offered, what if someone decided to put a magical bomb on them in some way, because the girls agreed to death rather than slavery. And before you mention well no one could have that power or that wouldn't work in this setting. From what I gather mana, in this world, is basically energy, so what if some other kingdom put forth effort to find another ley line(also fuck this horribly written, pandering, wish fulfillment, for having anything close to  Outlaw Star), took energy from that and put it in an object to explode on a certain time limit, or when the girl touches it in a certain way, or takes it off.
All I can see here is another poorly written wish fulfillment manga, based off some light novel, that the fans will eat up and disavow anyone that may say otherwise. If you're wondering yes I am getting sick of seeing this premise already.

I'm not going to deny, that the manga reeks to high heaven of wish fulfillment and the MC is as Stu as if gets, however, no manner of bomb would work on him, since he, as stated before, is a lich, and was smart enough to plan 50-60 years ahead, so his soul is probably not somewhere it can easily be tempered with (And it makes no difference what happens to his body)



Which spells that heroes are not "fated" to die easily, and stabbing her when she is asleep would probably fail. Along with poison, magic, mindfucking... Basically, she has plot-armor (Funny how not the MC has it this time around, now isn't it?). And since you seem to argue, that there is no explanation for it at all, this much should be more than enough for that.


Of course, if you don't think that "Meh plot-armor" is enough for you, then there is little point in continuing, since we'll just end up disagreeing. You see this manga as wishfulfillment ecchi BS, while I see it as a potentially great and light-hearted (yet dark) story. Is there a chance that it will go to shit? Naturally, but so far I like it enough to take the "risk" with it.

yeah cause putting a knife into her heart while she was asleep would have been so hard, keep in mind that he dragged her to a bed, and put her in chains all the while she never woke up. Also so she's going to be more powerful later? So doesn't that mean keeping her alive and near you is still the dumbest move around, et tu Brute? Just kill her and be done with the problem, this just proves our main character is a moron, and really again his only real motivation is to get his willy wet.
As for the maiden's offered, what if someone decided to put a magical bomb on them in some way, because the girls agreed to death rather than slavery. And before you mention well no one could have that power or that wouldn't work in this setting. From what I gather mana, in this world, is basically energy, so what if some other kingdom put forth effort to find another ley line(also fuck this horribly written, pandering, wish fulfillment, for having anything close to  Outlaw Star), took energy from that and put it in an object to explode on a certain time limit, or when the girl touches it in a certain way, or takes it off.
All I can see here is another poorly written wish fulfillment manga, based off some light novel, that the fans will eat up and disavow anyone that may say otherwise. If you're wondering yes I am getting sick of seeing this premise already.

This may come out wrong but... Do you read the dialogues? The bit about the hero star? About how, were he to try and kill her, she would probably break the sleep spell, manage an impossible escape and come back stronger? Manga101 : Killing the hero does not work.


Also you, among others, keep using "wish fulfillment manga". Please do note that for a pretty huge number of people, the unwarranted slaughter of an entire village, women and children included is not a wish, much less one that we would like to see fulfilled. You may be (slightly) projecting your bad past experiences on this work. Which is not about a cool hero that we would enjoy projecting ourselves into, but an asshole MC that is supposed to evoke way more complicated feelings.


In short, your points are wrong, I am sorry to learn that you dislike this premise, and my advice would be for you to help yourself to a cookie and just walk away.

yeah cause putting a knife into her heart while she was asleep would have been so hard, keep in mind that he dragged her to a bed, and put her in chains all the while she never woke up. Also so she's going to be more powerful later? So doesn't that mean keeping her alive and near you is still the dumbest move around, et tu Brute? Just kill her and be done with the problem, this just proves our main character is a moron, and really again his only real motivation is to get his willy wet.

Did you miss the fact that if he outright killed her, it would have been very likely for him to get cursed to some extent. I'm pretty sure he stated that killing her directly like that would have had some severe negative repercussions. Heroes are special existences.

So what your basically saying is that "If you don't like it, that's your problem". 


I was actually kind of hoping to discuss, but sadly it seems impossible based upon your approach towards mutually discussing.  Which is there isn't one.  Since I never remotely stated  A. For you to change your opinion or B. Express that no one else should like this.  I was simply approaching your discussion as to why it didn't work.

I'd be more than happy to respond, but the fact that you dismiss my opinion as bullshit (as oppose to actually inquiring further upon why my stance is as such) leaves no room for counter opinions or secondary thought since you've clearly stated that you have no desire except to continue to express your own opinion, so I'll just leave it as thank you for the discussion and be off.

No, this is not what I'm saying. There is a very slight difference, but let's be clearer here.


So, what I am basically saying is "The points you are bringing up are merely a question of like/dislike and one's inner sensibilities and as such, do not lend themselves to discussion. You like it, or you don't. You find it too extreme, or you don't ; But there is no room for imput from someone else."


I am all for discussing what can be discussed about. Your points? They're not. Also, please refrain from writing something like "instead of inquiring about the hows and whys of my stance". You either write it and I can respond to it, or you don't and I don't care. I am not contractually obligated to ask you to clarify your stance so you may sound less wrong.

I've had credits pages mocking everyone from merchants to Basketball Americans to SJWs to Muslims, I'm not going to start self-censoring now just because some precious snowflakes get feelshurt or something. Though it is somewhat interesting that none of those other groups really complained about my previous credits pages, guess Muslims are just the specialest of snowflakes judging from the amount of tears I'm getting on my blog and seeing posted elsewhere other than batoto.

marry me

    • You likes this

He trained Yunis because she would have been a real pain in the ass in the future and because she's a hero, he probably would have failed to kill her, no matter what.

The village girls, on the other hand probably (can't tell yet, since only Mary and Sofi have been given), will never be his confidants and will be mere sex toys, with the occasional talent getting some special tratment.

(Then again, Sofi is an exception, because she's almost inhuman in her nature)

yeah cause putting a knife into her heart while she was asleep would have been so hard, keep in mind that he dragged her to a bed, and put her in chains all the while she never woke up. Also so she's going to be more powerful later? So doesn't that mean keeping her alive and near you is still the dumbest move around, et tu Brute? Just kill her and be done with the problem, this just proves our main character is a moron, and really again his only real motivation is to get his willy wet.
As for the maiden's offered, what if someone decided to put a magical bomb on them in some way, because the girls agreed to death rather than slavery. And before you mention well no one could have that power or that wouldn't work in this setting. From what I gather mana, in this world, is basically energy, so what if some other kingdom put forth effort to find another ley line(also fuck this horribly written, pandering, wish fulfillment, for having anything close to  Outlaw Star), took energy from that and put it in an object to explode on a certain time limit, or when the girl touches it in a certain way, or takes it off.
All I can see here is another poorly written wish fulfillment manga, based off some light novel, that the fans will eat up and disavow anyone that may say otherwise. If you're wondering yes I am getting sick of seeing this premise already.

And it's your right to have those thoughts, and to express them, and I can respect that, but G*D...


tl;dr : 1)"Can't use rape for a subversive story" = Bullshit 2) "Loses all hope of capturing the audience" = Your tastes are not the audience's.


Sidenote : I (or anyone really) can mock any and everything I want. You can be put-off by that. You can, of course, express your dissatisfaction. Just don't expect me to change anything because you found it offensive.

So what your basically saying is that "If you don't like it, that's your problem". 


I was actually kind of hoping to discuss, but sadly it seems impossible based upon your approach towards mutually discussing.  Which is there isn't one.  Since I never remotely stated  A. For you to change your opinion or B. Express that no one else should like this.  I was simply approaching your discussion as to why it didn't work.

I'd be more than happy to respond, but the fact that you dismiss my opinion as bullshit (as oppose to actually inquiring further upon why my stance is as such) leaves no room for counter opinions or secondary thought since you've clearly stated that you have no desire except to continue to express your own opinion, so I'll just leave it as thank you for the discussion and be off.

OR ya know. Go to fakku ._.

Thanks demulate, sadly FOR ME,  99% of fakku mangas are boring, uninteresting and not entertaining.


Yes Maou no hajimekata is morally wrong but the author/artist made it a really interesting. 

I've mentioned this elsewhere, but I am firmly against any type of censorship in any form.  So I applaud Rapeman Scans for NOT giving in to those who might be offended by their credit page jokes.


When it comes to one group of people being offended by something, all I can think about is a quote from Bette Midler, "Fuck 'em if they can't take a joke!"


Censorship has ALWAYS been used as a tool for one group of people to control how other groups of people think and they always use excuses like "It's for the good of the children, people, etc." or "We shouldn't offend such and such group of people."  Both of which are bullshit reasons to hide their true agenda of subjugating others to their way of thinking.


So beware of censorship!  History proves that it is ALWAYS an evil tool.

You hit right on the mark though I can't say that it IS ALWAYS an evil tool but it IS an evil tool

People have the freedom to make jokes & express their opinions others should keep an open mind to accept things as they are. Just cuz someone made a joke about something doesn't mean their specifically targeting it.

Like that guy said "Fuck 'em if they can't take a joke!" ;) 

I've mentioned this elsewhere, but I am firmly against any type of censorship in any form.  So I applaud Rapeman Scans for NOT giving in to those who might be offended by their credit page jokes.


When it comes to one group of people being offended by something, all I can think about is a quote from Bette Midler, "Fuck 'em if they can't take a joke!"


Censorship has ALWAYS been used as a tool for one group of people to control how other groups of people think and they always use excuses like "It's for the good of the children, people, etc." or "We shouldn't offend such and such group of people."  Both of which are bullshit reasons to hide their true agenda of subjugating others to their way of thinking.


So beware of censorship!  History proves that it is ALWAYS an evil tool.

"Do you know a girl called Marybelle? A blonde girl of four or five years,"


I give. I totally missed that part (not that I re-read the chapter just to be sure if her age was mentioned).

The problem is this.




Of course, this is just my two cents.

And it's your right to have those thoughts, and to express them, and I can respect that, but G*D...


tl;dr : 1)"Can't use rape for a subversive story" = Bullshit 2) "Loses all hope of capturing the audience" = Your tastes are not the audience's.


Sidenote : I (or anyone really) can mock any and everything I want. You can be put-off by that. You can, of course, express your dissatisfaction. Just don't expect me to change anything because you found it offensive.

I've had credits pages mocking everyone from merchants to Basketball Americans to SJWs to Muslims, I'm not going to start self-censoring now just because some precious snowflakes get feelshurt or something. Though it is somewhat interesting that none of those other groups really complained about my previous credits pages, guess Muslims are just the specialest of snowflakes judging from the amount of tears I'm getting on my blog and seeing posted elsewhere other than batoto.

You are awesome and I'd buy you a drink if you were ever in town.

This manga is a good rpg eroge material!! Eushully should definitely develop this!!
Eushully should definitely develop this!!

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