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* * * * - (4.05 - 488votes)

Maou no Hajimekata - The Comic

Alt Names: alt Cara Mengawali Karir Sebagai Raja Iblis - Komikalt 魔王の始め方 THE COMICalt How to Book on the Devil - The Comicalt How to Build a Dungeon: Book of the Demon Kingalt How to Get Started as the Demon King - The Comicalt 成为魔王的方法
Author: Warau Yakan
Artist: Komiya Toshimasa
Genres: Action ActionEcchi EcchiFantasy FantasyHarem HaremSeinen SeinenSmut SmutTragedy Tragedy[no chapters] [no chapters]
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: "I do not trust humans. They’ll betray you without fail.” Aur, the man who had obtained the ability and right to become the Maou at the end of his life of research. Summoning the succubus Lilu, he then sets out on creating his own domain, a gigantic labyrinthine dungeon… The misanthropic Maou taking on the world, the curtain rises on a dark harem fantasy!


adapted from web novel series of the same name

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  • 4 Replies


He could have always done her in the ass.


Mate, the guy who translates this has a 4chaner. He has stated, personally, that he considers Islam to be missed up and hates all Muslims. So stop reading the manga and stop complaining about being oppressed and misrepresented. You are stimulating his drive with your comment.

Look, all muslims aren't like that. Most of us are peace loving and very liberal. Plus the jihadis nowadays are even blowing muslims up during prayers and infiltrating muslim schools killing children and women (even burning women alive and the people that were killed were are muslims). We do not consider them muslims because Islam does not teach us to kill other people if their beliefs don't match yours. Those are purely terrorists and extremists who kidnap young children and the like and brainwash them by promising them heaven and the like and make them commit atrocities. They are just there to spread hatred and turn people against each other and they exist in every race, religion, ethnicity. You can't label everyone the same way if only a select few from a community are doing misdeeds. Plus, your comment about our Prophet is really offensive. Even Joseph was believed to have married Mary when she was supposedly around ten (don't remeber the actual age) and he was 80. Those times were different and women matured earlier as compared to nowadays. Plus Islam forbids marrying a girl before she reaches maturity (gets her period) which is not stated in any other religion. I respect other religions and I hope mine gets the same respect and please get your facts straight before writing offensive comments about muslims and Islam. Plus, do not go into the territory of religion. You should respect other people and their beliefs which Islam also teaches us to do by the way.

Ibrahim Sulaiman: "Jihad is not inhumane, despite its necessary violence and bloodshed, its ultimate desire is peace which is protected and enhanced by the rule of law."

009.029  SHAKIR: Fight those who do not believe in Allah, nor in the latter day, nor do they prohibit what Allah and His Messenger have prohibited, nor follow the religion of truth, out of those who have been given the Book, until they pay the tax in acknowledgment of superiority and they are in a state of subjection.


I'll just leave this here.



All accordin to keikaku*



Keikaku means plan



Get your memes straight son!





Translation may varies.

I feel like Maou really needs a strong rival/adventurer party to show up soon and keep things interesting.



That's very offensive to us muslim compare to the previous joke, please stop doing it or make a better one without associate with pigs. 


Your call for censorship offends me. Your pedophile prophet isn't above mockery, neither is your sexist, homophobic, kuffar hating ideology.

That's very offensive to us muslim compare to the previous joke, please stop doing it or make a better one without associate with pigs. 


Is this manga something that is acceptable for a devout muslim to read? I dare say any Imam would have words with you about that.

Next time on the Bible of the Demon Lord:




Just guessing! (0w<)


P.S. that's the allure of jihad nowadays, be a motherfucking demon (lord) here on earth, blowing people up. And have a 70-women harem in the afterlife. Doing evil as God's work, and be rewarded for it, just like the Crusades and the Inquistition of times past.

Just as keikaku


Keikaku means plan

All accordin to keikaku*



Keikaku means plan



Get your memes straight son!

thankfully we don`t have people on the internet running around with knifes trying to behead the guy who made the picture

but still he is provoking people, it may look funny but trust me not for long


Idk, the thing I find the funniest about all this is all the people getting butthurt over jokes on some credits pages by some random guy on the internet.

That's very offensive to us muslim compare to the previous joke, please stop doing it or make a better one without associate with pigs. 

I laughed way too hard because of that credit-page~ Haha. Hah. I'm a bad person.

lol Spina that slime worked perfectly. GJ



Just as keikaku


Keikaku means plan

I don't know, I found it funny.... but I have a feeling they'll keep going and going... until it seriously stops being funny and becomes purely offensive.

I talk from experience.(<- person who keeps dumb jokes going and going until people get pissed off and/or someone gets hurt)

thankfully we don`t have people on the internet running around with knifes trying to behead the guy who made the picture

but still he is provoking people, it may look funny but trust me not for long

not cool insulting Islam with that picture

I don't know, I found it funny.... but I have a feeling they'll keep going and going... until it seriously stops being funny and becomes purely offensive.

I talk from experience.(<- person who keeps dumb jokes going and going until people get pissed off and/or someone gets hurt)


Oh you

I'm pretty sure the pig will to a better job

not cool insulting Islam with that picture

Spinel probably programmed the slime to seek out Yunis.

revenge while she receives pleasure

not counting the chapter 3 i find this funny :D

lol Spina that slime worked perfectly. GJ

Never mind.  Apparently discussion of the topic is verboten.  I pay too much attention to people being wrong on the internet anyway. 

Spinel probably programmed the slime to seek out Yunis.




Oh you

I'm pretty sure the pig will to a better job

Harem no Hajimekata

Chapter 5 done, enjoy.

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